Howard government had no intention to save the life of hapless Australian held in Singapore Nguyen Van for stupidly acting as drug mule. It appears the situation caused a public relations problem for Howard and his cabinet and behind the scene string pullers, it shifted out of control with increasing public interest in commendable moral basis to save this man. It is very clear the Australian government does not value life. Anyone that was taken in by public relations attempts by Howard and Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Downer was duped.
The legislation past few years of Howard and so called main opposition party both push anti liberty pathway - shows their real character is abuse of Australians, evidence the in your face detention camps, ignoring voice of protests for military in Iraq, affairs of refugee vessels the Tampa affair show us the value for life is minimal. The present course is to remove your rights with Hitler like power of anti-terrorism laws that trample civil rights should be sufficient to show you Howard’s and complicit Beazley’s hand in the dangerous direction Australia is going. The Howard government attacks ordinary Australian in the workplace with IR laws aimed to destroy your wages and conditions.
The disclosure of Singapore lawyer M. Ravi, a brave lawyer leads a campaign in ordered Singapore against the death penalty. A country that it seems almost leads the world in the per capita executions - heard on ABC radio Late Night Live. Ravi voiced amazement at the Australian government seeking legal opinion of Cambridge lawyer that any appeal by Australia with the International Criminal Court of Justice is pointless to attempt to help to save the life of Nguyen Van. Ravi’s disclosure confirms Australian government deliberately had worked with the Singapore government to frame a lost position so interpretion such path would be fruitless effort to save Nguyen Van’s life.
The sorry evidence is Howard government and the similar Labor party shares an agenda of wrongdoing. If death sentence seen weakened by public opinion to overturn or prevent the death mandated by government would set back the radical plan of both compromised political parties to change this country. Howard wants to be seen as caring leader whilst compromising life of his own people. Make no mistake the Australian government seeks to ignore the voice of the electorate whilst appearing to do its best for you.
This action equates to the worst of crime where representative government misleads what harm it actually lies about to wound and risk the life of its own citizens. David Hicks languishing under US control for unproven crimes is another fearful example of the real offensive face of Australian politics. The deliberate compromise to reveal the Bali drug nine to the brunt of unjust Indonesian justice system shows you malice and contempt the Australian government has toward the population. Being aware of campaign and insanity in Canberra allows you to interpret assertions by Howard et al for what lies and danger they are to this nation.
Canberra - Labour and Liberal A crooked axis of bankers, oil merchants, tainted media and puerile think tanks. Today its Madam Gillard undermining sovereignty, destructive "free-trade" the bogus War on Terror and fraudulent climate change.
1 Dec 2005
20 Nov 2005
Canberra Fuck Wits & Workplace Legislation.
Canberra fuck wits ram through workplace legislation in a humiliating sell-out of ordinary working people by WorkChoices legislation… This nasty bitch of sleight of hand confirms parliamentary government in Australia is a illusion and a bigger prank than it is already seen to be nowadays. To say nothing of the flawed science of Canberra’s numbskulls politicians who have authored a sick child. To satisfy a diseased globalisation agenda that is a cancer wasting our nation by outsourcing, outplacing, outlieing and out transferring manufacturing to China or India. Shoving Australian business ownership to offshore control and stripping decent jobs from the hands of this generation and the next generation. Don't be fooled by the massive rise in casual, casual permanent, and casual almost permanent employment that passes for a job nowadays - that is not full employment.
What we have here is more like a crooked pack of fascist stinking pigs running a corporate buddy boy coterie. The Liberal-National & tricky dicky Labor reasoning Coalition presents an industrial nirvana to the public, when all that is in store are crappier working conditions just in time for the downturn in the economy.
Get sacked for virtually any reason under the sun and a blueprint to bring to heel minimum pay that “competes” with virtual zero pay China. What kind of fuck wit thinks worse working conditions for the employees will lead to a better economy in Australia?
The Howard Government defies rationale explanation why it should wish to commute active industrial relations legislation for a raft of reforms that attack employee rights, put at risk from unfair dismissal ordinary people, and subject to penny pinching earnings of those at the bottom rungs. Australia is doing ok on the employer / employee scene, we don’t have much trouble of a magnitude to need to remedy in the IR system. The fact is workplace security in the current system contributes to employees working in harmony with employers, and that is good for Australia.
Some interesting results of a USA study by the Political Economy Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts/Amherst titled “Decent Work in America” which compares the treatment of workers with the business climate in each state. Revealing data shows states in the South where workers are divided and have little history of workers organising behind unions for better pay and working conditions are the States with the worst economic climate for business. Conversely State’s that have good work environments, higher wages; more job equality and more rights for workers have better than average job growth, higher business start-up rates and better economic growth. The correlation is plain for anyone with a brain in their head that good working conditions make for a better business climate.
Given the obvious correlation of good worker conditions improved business operating conditions and good economic growth being hand in hand. Do the Howard fuck wits believe they have a monopoly on this issue, that they can rough up the lot of the employee, but the Howard government will be able to magically whip up a better outcome for employees and employer? Who does Howard think he is trying to fool?
The reality is today in Australia, the VERY leaders we elected into office at the highest levels our undermining our way of life. There are horrifying signs around our fiat cash, punch-drunk global economy as plain as the nose on your face signalling the global economy is headed for a severe depression.
Howard’s fuck wit government is sticking it to the 90% of the electorate just in time for Joe six pack to loose the lot. Forget safety nets, its every man for themselves under the new industrial relations floor plan. To be doubly sure you will not cost Howard's globalised corporate mates a cent, to raise your chance to hit the wall hard in the next economic depression, Canberra is dismantling as much of the social security backbone as it can get away with - you will be on your own this time around! Absolute pinning your sorry ass to the floor will be achieved by the so-called anti-terrorism legislation, cleverly designed as anti-electorate legislation to silence dissent when you go looking to settle the score with the fuck wits and their globalisation chums.
Although nobody can claim when the depression will strike fully - it is probable from rising financial imbalances that mid 06 through to early late 2007 is a window you could estimate. Judging by the urgency of Howard's fuck wits to pass IR legislation the earlier timetable of a downturn is a good estimate.
What we have here is more like a crooked pack of fascist stinking pigs running a corporate buddy boy coterie. The Liberal-National & tricky dicky Labor reasoning Coalition presents an industrial nirvana to the public, when all that is in store are crappier working conditions just in time for the downturn in the economy.
Get sacked for virtually any reason under the sun and a blueprint to bring to heel minimum pay that “competes” with virtual zero pay China. What kind of fuck wit thinks worse working conditions for the employees will lead to a better economy in Australia?
The Howard Government defies rationale explanation why it should wish to commute active industrial relations legislation for a raft of reforms that attack employee rights, put at risk from unfair dismissal ordinary people, and subject to penny pinching earnings of those at the bottom rungs. Australia is doing ok on the employer / employee scene, we don’t have much trouble of a magnitude to need to remedy in the IR system. The fact is workplace security in the current system contributes to employees working in harmony with employers, and that is good for Australia.
Some interesting results of a USA study by the Political Economy Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts/Amherst titled “Decent Work in America” which compares the treatment of workers with the business climate in each state. Revealing data shows states in the South where workers are divided and have little history of workers organising behind unions for better pay and working conditions are the States with the worst economic climate for business. Conversely State’s that have good work environments, higher wages; more job equality and more rights for workers have better than average job growth, higher business start-up rates and better economic growth. The correlation is plain for anyone with a brain in their head that good working conditions make for a better business climate.
Given the obvious correlation of good worker conditions improved business operating conditions and good economic growth being hand in hand. Do the Howard fuck wits believe they have a monopoly on this issue, that they can rough up the lot of the employee, but the Howard government will be able to magically whip up a better outcome for employees and employer? Who does Howard think he is trying to fool?
The reality is today in Australia, the VERY leaders we elected into office at the highest levels our undermining our way of life. There are horrifying signs around our fiat cash, punch-drunk global economy as plain as the nose on your face signalling the global economy is headed for a severe depression.
Howard’s fuck wit government is sticking it to the 90% of the electorate just in time for Joe six pack to loose the lot. Forget safety nets, its every man for themselves under the new industrial relations floor plan. To be doubly sure you will not cost Howard's globalised corporate mates a cent, to raise your chance to hit the wall hard in the next economic depression, Canberra is dismantling as much of the social security backbone as it can get away with - you will be on your own this time around! Absolute pinning your sorry ass to the floor will be achieved by the so-called anti-terrorism legislation, cleverly designed as anti-electorate legislation to silence dissent when you go looking to settle the score with the fuck wits and their globalisation chums.
Although nobody can claim when the depression will strike fully - it is probable from rising financial imbalances that mid 06 through to early late 2007 is a window you could estimate. Judging by the urgency of Howard's fuck wits to pass IR legislation the earlier timetable of a downturn is a good estimate.
17 Oct 2005
Australia can redeem itself help Venezuela repel Rogue State
A fantastic opportunity for Australia to redeem itself and help defend Venezuela from “attack” by Rogue State - USA private military contractors active in Columbia. Intelligence report reveals US military contractors already in country to “deal with” Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez Frias.
Forget remaining an accomplice to adopted killers of Rogue State USA. Instead of deploying Australia’s military alongside the world’s only abusive superpower military machine to commit more atrocities in two of the most defencless nations, Iraq and Afghanistan. Maybe Syria and Iran next on the Rogue State's Hit List.
Australia can now leap and take advantage of its remarkable luck to dump the ANZUS Treaty for the ball and chain it really is to this nation, evidenced Australia's military dead and wounded for USA’s worldwide brutality. Instead Australia can despatch SAS troops, a couple warships and fighter aircraft to assist and back Venezuela for its possible defence, whilst it gears up to repel invading US military mercenery killers. As the USA builds towards yet another attempted coup d’etat against Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez.
What a global admiration sweep for Australia! The huge human rights stand and moral ground Canberra will regain as we defend Venezuela from pre-emptive attack from the Rogue State USA. Australia will recover its forfeited respect from all sane nations, except from the Rogue State and maybe puppet Tony Blair.
Consider the vast oil supplies President Hugo Chavez could reward Australian with for helping his country in its moment of need? Maybe we could slice 50 cents off each litre of speculated petrol if we play our cards right. Just send a few more Aussie troops in exchange for a few barrels of oil – it is what we are doing in Iraq? Venezuela has a budget surplus, cash in the bank, the USA is dead broke, huge deficits, its currency heads towards the bottom of the heap. Canberra could make a smart investment decision for our trade balance assisting Venezuela. Heck maybe we can do some international arms trade? Sell President Hugo Chavez a couple of Australian made warships, some high-speed well-armed catamarans we’ve been developing will be useful to Chavez to keep his coast free of invaders.
In fact we can fly our military directly into their new theatre of operations in Venezuela tomorrow. Pull them out of the imperial devastation we perpetrate under the bullshit of the USA manufactured war on terrorism, or is it the war on extremism now? Our boys and gals in the armed services would like Venezuela’s climate, less sand and dust than the Middle East. Considerably much less depleted uranium to screw up their lungs and avoid cancers would be cheery.
Australia can help President Chavez hold his defences in his democratically elected office against the terrorists sent by the Bush & Cheney White House. Whereas the USA has a shady dictator in President Bush, he did steal office by a little help from his Diebold pals and previously the US Supreme Court rather than inconvenience American voters. So the USA isn’t a real democracy like Venezuela is anyway... Why would Canberra choose to back a democracy that isn’t one as it plans military incursions on a democracy that is legitimate?
Forget remaining an accomplice to adopted killers of Rogue State USA. Instead of deploying Australia’s military alongside the world’s only abusive superpower military machine to commit more atrocities in two of the most defencless nations, Iraq and Afghanistan. Maybe Syria and Iran next on the Rogue State's Hit List.
Australia can now leap and take advantage of its remarkable luck to dump the ANZUS Treaty for the ball and chain it really is to this nation, evidenced Australia's military dead and wounded for USA’s worldwide brutality. Instead Australia can despatch SAS troops, a couple warships and fighter aircraft to assist and back Venezuela for its possible defence, whilst it gears up to repel invading US military mercenery killers. As the USA builds towards yet another attempted coup d’etat against Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez.
What a global admiration sweep for Australia! The huge human rights stand and moral ground Canberra will regain as we defend Venezuela from pre-emptive attack from the Rogue State USA. Australia will recover its forfeited respect from all sane nations, except from the Rogue State and maybe puppet Tony Blair.
Consider the vast oil supplies President Hugo Chavez could reward Australian with for helping his country in its moment of need? Maybe we could slice 50 cents off each litre of speculated petrol if we play our cards right. Just send a few more Aussie troops in exchange for a few barrels of oil – it is what we are doing in Iraq? Venezuela has a budget surplus, cash in the bank, the USA is dead broke, huge deficits, its currency heads towards the bottom of the heap. Canberra could make a smart investment decision for our trade balance assisting Venezuela. Heck maybe we can do some international arms trade? Sell President Hugo Chavez a couple of Australian made warships, some high-speed well-armed catamarans we’ve been developing will be useful to Chavez to keep his coast free of invaders.
In fact we can fly our military directly into their new theatre of operations in Venezuela tomorrow. Pull them out of the imperial devastation we perpetrate under the bullshit of the USA manufactured war on terrorism, or is it the war on extremism now? Our boys and gals in the armed services would like Venezuela’s climate, less sand and dust than the Middle East. Considerably much less depleted uranium to screw up their lungs and avoid cancers would be cheery.
Australia can help President Chavez hold his defences in his democratically elected office against the terrorists sent by the Bush & Cheney White House. Whereas the USA has a shady dictator in President Bush, he did steal office by a little help from his Diebold pals and previously the US Supreme Court rather than inconvenience American voters. So the USA isn’t a real democracy like Venezuela is anyway... Why would Canberra choose to back a democracy that isn’t one as it plans military incursions on a democracy that is legitimate?
1 Oct 2005
Melbourne's air; its weather & sickness
There is something crucial and potentially dangerous going on with Melbourne’s air; its weather and concurring widely reported sickness.
I’ll start with a puzzling observation that a number of individuals I've talked with about this have corroborated. That there is a somewhat bitter, salty type of taste noticed during moderate to heavy rainfall conditions around Melbourne - it is also noticed less often under certain non-rainfall conditions - a topic for a separate check-out? The strange substance with its unusual taste is experienced from many locations, its across the board, not a single part of Melbourne, nor do I think it restricted to a specific demographic such as age or gender. It is equally experienced in the open and inside buildings.
Whatever the substance causing this unusual taste sensation it is existent and a reality to Melbourne's air. It cannot be recalled as having existed in past years by anyone I’ve talked of this experience. The peculiar taste of this salty substance is a recent state of affairs, certainly present the past year I've been watching for certain and has become noticable to more people. The taste is not the kind of salty taste experienced near the ocean when large waves disperse spray into the local air.
Monitoring of rainfall periods when the substance can be tasted shows it coincidentally appears related to curious medical symptoms - that have their onset each time rain and taste substance come together. These symptoms occur in some who just brushed it off as something strange, without thinking what it could be? It exists with easy detection by anyone who's noticed the stuff; it is tasted on the lips and inside the mouth for about 12 hours. It produces an uncomfortable bitter taste that makes you want to wash the odd taste from their mouth, or at least run the tongue over the lips to reduce its discomfort. It also has a “stinging” sensation on sore lips or a cut inside the mouth. I'm guessing this substance making the taste is airborne during the entire window it is noticed, that the substance is not enduring by physical settlement and contact with the mouth and lips alone.
What is apparent from monitoring these goings on for almost a year is symptoms do happen when it rains and immediately after rainfall - especially heavy downpours. Whatever the stuff causing this problem, the material or chemical is likely subsequently breathed into the lungs, and we lack information of its potential harm to our respiratory system. I wonder if the feeling of “thin air” also felt in breathing means a restriction that is cumulative is taking place from this stuff?.
The physical reactions I sincerely hope are a temporary strike - it seems to effect the nervous system, would hate to think there's any permanent acruing impairment. Some say what I've found that it seems toeffect mental alertness. Producing feelings from a "woody" head to solid headaches, even mental incapacitation in few instances. By its ferocity able to lay you out for a while so you cannot function and must lay down. I've noticed in myself and watching others that short-term memory deficiency and minor disorientation is more than anecdotal - I can connect these periods with the taste of the bitter substance and an effect on recall, mental acuity and spatial capacity impairment during the rainstorms. It makes sense that physiological manifestations of compromised memory will be more intense if exposure to this strange substance is behind the problems.
An additional complaint is body aches and pains, general fatigue and muscle tiredness – a run down effect that has kept a few at home sick for several days. These are individuals, usually healthy - I cannot claim these people suspect any association to the stuff tasted in the air, as I haven't asked them to comment. But there seems to be a hell of a coincidence of corroboration with what I've been talking about with Melbourne's weather, the air and increased sickness?
I’ll start with a puzzling observation that a number of individuals I've talked with about this have corroborated. That there is a somewhat bitter, salty type of taste noticed during moderate to heavy rainfall conditions around Melbourne - it is also noticed less often under certain non-rainfall conditions - a topic for a separate check-out? The strange substance with its unusual taste is experienced from many locations, its across the board, not a single part of Melbourne, nor do I think it restricted to a specific demographic such as age or gender. It is equally experienced in the open and inside buildings.
Whatever the substance causing this unusual taste sensation it is existent and a reality to Melbourne's air. It cannot be recalled as having existed in past years by anyone I’ve talked of this experience. The peculiar taste of this salty substance is a recent state of affairs, certainly present the past year I've been watching for certain and has become noticable to more people. The taste is not the kind of salty taste experienced near the ocean when large waves disperse spray into the local air.
Monitoring of rainfall periods when the substance can be tasted shows it coincidentally appears related to curious medical symptoms - that have their onset each time rain and taste substance come together. These symptoms occur in some who just brushed it off as something strange, without thinking what it could be? It exists with easy detection by anyone who's noticed the stuff; it is tasted on the lips and inside the mouth for about 12 hours. It produces an uncomfortable bitter taste that makes you want to wash the odd taste from their mouth, or at least run the tongue over the lips to reduce its discomfort. It also has a “stinging” sensation on sore lips or a cut inside the mouth. I'm guessing this substance making the taste is airborne during the entire window it is noticed, that the substance is not enduring by physical settlement and contact with the mouth and lips alone.
What is apparent from monitoring these goings on for almost a year is symptoms do happen when it rains and immediately after rainfall - especially heavy downpours. Whatever the stuff causing this problem, the material or chemical is likely subsequently breathed into the lungs, and we lack information of its potential harm to our respiratory system. I wonder if the feeling of “thin air” also felt in breathing means a restriction that is cumulative is taking place from this stuff?.
The physical reactions I sincerely hope are a temporary strike - it seems to effect the nervous system, would hate to think there's any permanent acruing impairment. Some say what I've found that it seems toeffect mental alertness. Producing feelings from a "woody" head to solid headaches, even mental incapacitation in few instances. By its ferocity able to lay you out for a while so you cannot function and must lay down. I've noticed in myself and watching others that short-term memory deficiency and minor disorientation is more than anecdotal - I can connect these periods with the taste of the bitter substance and an effect on recall, mental acuity and spatial capacity impairment during the rainstorms. It makes sense that physiological manifestations of compromised memory will be more intense if exposure to this strange substance is behind the problems.
An additional complaint is body aches and pains, general fatigue and muscle tiredness – a run down effect that has kept a few at home sick for several days. These are individuals, usually healthy - I cannot claim these people suspect any association to the stuff tasted in the air, as I haven't asked them to comment. But there seems to be a hell of a coincidence of corroboration with what I've been talking about with Melbourne's weather, the air and increased sickness?
26 Sept 2005
Anti-Terror Laws - protest letter to local MP
Hon Greg Hunt MP
Federal Member for Flinders
P.O. Box 274
Hastings 3915
September 19, 2005
Dear Greg,
Proposed legislation package anti-terror laws.
I am writing to make clear my objection to the policies of the Howard government in legislation purportedly aimed at terrorism. I say purportedly aimed, because the specific measures proposed make substantive inroads against fundamental democratic rights and do nothing to combat terrorism.
The provisions being drafted go much further than simply raising the bar to counter potential terrorism. The rights that are directly affected include freedoms of speech, association and movement, and the right not to be detained without trial. In my estimation the proposed changes further propel Australia towards a police state. To wit the recent expulsion of American antiwar activist Scott Parkin, an individual that could hardly be described as radical given his commitment to non-violent action.
The specific provisions that I consider absolutely objectionable and potentially totalitarian measures are:
Control orders: Granting the Australian Federal Police 12 month control orders to impose tracking devices, travel bans and other restrictions because a security agency accuses someone of being a “terrorist risks.”
These conditions are nothing short of draconian impositions - proposed through secret court hearings, a provision reminiscent of an eastern bloc police state.
Preventative Detention: This grants ASIO the power to secretly lock people away for 48 hours. Essentially this is nothing less that detention without trial.
The particular detestable nature of this legislation is that it goes beyond ASIO’s already unprecedented detention powers and extends detention because of what a suspect may intend to do in the future. An offense need not be committed, nor need a “suspect” even be alleged to have “information” relevant to terrorism to be detained under this power.
In addition, I understand Prime Minister Howard will ask premiers at the September 27th “counter-terrorism summit” to introduce state laws providing for even longer periods of detention, similar to the 14 days recently introduced by the Labour government in Britain. A danger of further increase to the preventative detention period later is manifestly possible. In the U.K. changes to the detention period are already proposed to 3 months from 14 days. A future push to match Australia’s detention period with Britain seems a justified suspicion if such laws were passed in this country.
Advocating terrorism - proposal to grant unilateral powers to ban organisations without a court hearing to include groups that “advocate” terrorism.
The Criminal Code definition of terrorism is sweeping enough to include traditional forms of political dissent and demonstrations where property damage or injury might occur; this law could be misused in circumstances where fundamental democratic rights could be seen as targeted.
“Notice to Produce” powers - proposal to give power to Australian Federal Police to stop, question and search people on the street, seize documents and obtain airline passenger information.
This is an obvious quasi police state power. These powers could severely affect free speech, be used to compel journalists to hand over notes and influence media scrutiny.
Sedition offences: Extending existing sedition offences to make it a crime to write or speak in a way that supports Australia’s “enemies,” or promotes ill-will or hostility toward any group in the community.
The danger in extending the sedition laws is possible misapplication against individuals whose views might be construed as encouraging attacks on Australian troops. Such a potential is highlighted when Prime Minister Howard refused to rule out the possibility that journalists could be prosecuted for exposing Australian conduct abroad, if their reporting caused reprisals against Australians.
It is inaccurate for Prime Minister Howard to say these additional powers are needed to fight terrorism – as every conceivable terrorist offence, from murder to kidnapping, from arson to supporting, financing or planning such conduct is already a serious crime.
I am opposed to this vast expansion of the government’s powers as no evidence to justify the latest measures exists. Rather than protecting Australian society these laws are a potential nightmare.
Yours sincerely,
John Stoker
Federal Member for Flinders
P.O. Box 274
Hastings 3915
September 19, 2005
Dear Greg,
Proposed legislation package anti-terror laws.
I am writing to make clear my objection to the policies of the Howard government in legislation purportedly aimed at terrorism. I say purportedly aimed, because the specific measures proposed make substantive inroads against fundamental democratic rights and do nothing to combat terrorism.
The provisions being drafted go much further than simply raising the bar to counter potential terrorism. The rights that are directly affected include freedoms of speech, association and movement, and the right not to be detained without trial. In my estimation the proposed changes further propel Australia towards a police state. To wit the recent expulsion of American antiwar activist Scott Parkin, an individual that could hardly be described as radical given his commitment to non-violent action.
The specific provisions that I consider absolutely objectionable and potentially totalitarian measures are:
Control orders: Granting the Australian Federal Police 12 month control orders to impose tracking devices, travel bans and other restrictions because a security agency accuses someone of being a “terrorist risks.”
These conditions are nothing short of draconian impositions - proposed through secret court hearings, a provision reminiscent of an eastern bloc police state.
Preventative Detention: This grants ASIO the power to secretly lock people away for 48 hours. Essentially this is nothing less that detention without trial.
The particular detestable nature of this legislation is that it goes beyond ASIO’s already unprecedented detention powers and extends detention because of what a suspect may intend to do in the future. An offense need not be committed, nor need a “suspect” even be alleged to have “information” relevant to terrorism to be detained under this power.
In addition, I understand Prime Minister Howard will ask premiers at the September 27th “counter-terrorism summit” to introduce state laws providing for even longer periods of detention, similar to the 14 days recently introduced by the Labour government in Britain. A danger of further increase to the preventative detention period later is manifestly possible. In the U.K. changes to the detention period are already proposed to 3 months from 14 days. A future push to match Australia’s detention period with Britain seems a justified suspicion if such laws were passed in this country.
Advocating terrorism - proposal to grant unilateral powers to ban organisations without a court hearing to include groups that “advocate” terrorism.
The Criminal Code definition of terrorism is sweeping enough to include traditional forms of political dissent and demonstrations where property damage or injury might occur; this law could be misused in circumstances where fundamental democratic rights could be seen as targeted.
“Notice to Produce” powers - proposal to give power to Australian Federal Police to stop, question and search people on the street, seize documents and obtain airline passenger information.
This is an obvious quasi police state power. These powers could severely affect free speech, be used to compel journalists to hand over notes and influence media scrutiny.
Sedition offences: Extending existing sedition offences to make it a crime to write or speak in a way that supports Australia’s “enemies,” or promotes ill-will or hostility toward any group in the community.
The danger in extending the sedition laws is possible misapplication against individuals whose views might be construed as encouraging attacks on Australian troops. Such a potential is highlighted when Prime Minister Howard refused to rule out the possibility that journalists could be prosecuted for exposing Australian conduct abroad, if their reporting caused reprisals against Australians.
It is inaccurate for Prime Minister Howard to say these additional powers are needed to fight terrorism – as every conceivable terrorist offence, from murder to kidnapping, from arson to supporting, financing or planning such conduct is already a serious crime.
I am opposed to this vast expansion of the government’s powers as no evidence to justify the latest measures exists. Rather than protecting Australian society these laws are a potential nightmare.
Yours sincerely,
John Stoker
16 Sept 2005
Scott Parkin - Prime Victim of Haddock & Miss Piggy
The feeble-mindedness of the Australian Government is handsomely shown in their pig headed deportation of PEACE ACTIVIST, American Scott Parkin. The guy is a freaking PEACE ACTIVIST… can you believe it… pissed off out of the country by the ASIO string pullers cuz he likes peace. I know, go figure that one?
Our hopeless apology for national protector of justice, Mr smelly joke for an Attorney-General Philip Ruddock, rhymes with haddock, which is about right when you review the depths of fishy crapola he swims around in. Anyway Philip Ruddock… and chubby cheeks Miss Piggy Immigration Minister Amanda Vanstone can’t keep her ass out of the shit, is the public face behind the deportation of PEACE ACTIVIST Parkin.
When you see this country’s defenders of Australia's most of us are friendly crowd - deport a peace activist, its time to ask a very cogent query of yourself, “What in hell has happened to our cosy corner of planet Earth when this Orwellian boner rotates front page?”
Has some mental retardent pathogen infiltrated the reptilean brain of our government to make them behave in this assinine way? Why would you want to shove off someone like this peace guy - with nothing but preservation of life and limb, and doing things with lucidity in the name of representative government? Like highlighting the profiteering of American corporate war junkie HALIBURTON… who just by accident happens to be one of the biggest direct beneficiaries from the invasion and plunder of Iraq. And pretty close personal pals of US Vice-President war monger Dick Cheney.
Not to mention Halliburton’s Australian subsidiaries winning more than 150 military contracts from the stinking “Howard we’re shady but won’t answer no one government.” In one stinking single year Halliburton made out like bandits from Australian taxpayers trough. In addition it milked, oops… secured a very tidy $58 million worth of projects from the oversea’s aid program Aus AID. What is that thick cloud in the air, a touch of nepotism, cronyism, or old-fashioned plundering of the public purse strings maybe?
Either way you cut and dice this forming scab on the Australian psyche… Something stinks with this crowd in Canberra when a peace activist, who happens to finger point out a bit of dirty laundry with Halliburton is shuffled across the departure tarmac - just as soon as the ASIO’s centipede could scribble “adverse assessment”on Parkins.
I think this little watershed will accelerate a growing clash with this not worth a crap Howard government. Australia isn’t duped by Parkin’s deportation. A lowly grade six education will get you through to see that dirty laundry has a lid on it. The lids coming off though and I’ll be a happy chappy when the whole damned crapola blows Howard right out of Canberra. Together with Philip Haddock and Miss Piggy Vanstone.
Our hopeless apology for national protector of justice, Mr smelly joke for an Attorney-General Philip Ruddock, rhymes with haddock, which is about right when you review the depths of fishy crapola he swims around in. Anyway Philip Ruddock… and chubby cheeks Miss Piggy Immigration Minister Amanda Vanstone can’t keep her ass out of the shit, is the public face behind the deportation of PEACE ACTIVIST Parkin.
When you see this country’s defenders of Australia's most of us are friendly crowd - deport a peace activist, its time to ask a very cogent query of yourself, “What in hell has happened to our cosy corner of planet Earth when this Orwellian boner rotates front page?”
Has some mental retardent pathogen infiltrated the reptilean brain of our government to make them behave in this assinine way? Why would you want to shove off someone like this peace guy - with nothing but preservation of life and limb, and doing things with lucidity in the name of representative government? Like highlighting the profiteering of American corporate war junkie HALIBURTON… who just by accident happens to be one of the biggest direct beneficiaries from the invasion and plunder of Iraq. And pretty close personal pals of US Vice-President war monger Dick Cheney.
Not to mention Halliburton’s Australian subsidiaries winning more than 150 military contracts from the stinking “Howard we’re shady but won’t answer no one government.” In one stinking single year Halliburton made out like bandits from Australian taxpayers trough. In addition it milked, oops… secured a very tidy $58 million worth of projects from the oversea’s aid program Aus AID. What is that thick cloud in the air, a touch of nepotism, cronyism, or old-fashioned plundering of the public purse strings maybe?
Either way you cut and dice this forming scab on the Australian psyche… Something stinks with this crowd in Canberra when a peace activist, who happens to finger point out a bit of dirty laundry with Halliburton is shuffled across the departure tarmac - just as soon as the ASIO’s centipede could scribble “adverse assessment”on Parkins.
I think this little watershed will accelerate a growing clash with this not worth a crap Howard government. Australia isn’t duped by Parkin’s deportation. A lowly grade six education will get you through to see that dirty laundry has a lid on it. The lids coming off though and I’ll be a happy chappy when the whole damned crapola blows Howard right out of Canberra. Together with Philip Haddock and Miss Piggy Vanstone.
2 Sept 2005
Australian Gift to USA for New Orleans - This Is What I Think!
Of all the miscalculated deeds Australia’s officials have rendered – our nation’s open-handedness through the Red Cross of US$10 million for the New Orleans hurricane disaster will rate materially as nepotism. The people in New Orleans need vital and immediate help – certainly that is apparent.
There exists an immense aberration that the American government which expends billions of dollars bombing the living hell out of Afghanis, Iraqis and numerous conflagerations since the Korean War - to many to specify. In bombing and killing thousands, maiming tens of thousands of innocent people as “collatoral damage” in its prevailing War on Terrorism, since renamed War on Extremism. That The US should earn the apperception of Canberra to gain compensation for distress within its shores, whilst it enforces international insecurity and domestic distress at the expense of the American taxpayers and citizen.
The USA is the biggest weapons tribe, the biggest exporter of weapons, the largest biological weapons developer, the biggest domestic spender in regulating and discipline its populace. Behind the Orwellian Homeland Defence Department an even more draconian security and surveilance network evolves targeted against ordinary citizens – all at a price of billions.
The Bush administration does not acknowledge its tragedy in slashing funding for disaster relief. Since 2001 the White House has shown to foment nothing less than total unpreparedness of national disasters at home. Whilst the theft of America’s treasury squandered on weaponry and sustaining its global military presence endure. It’s a betrayal of the responsibility for the nation at home replaced by preemptive warfare in Afghanistan and Iraq and whatever ‘threat’ is next in the White House cross hair?
Nothing short of capricious delinquency by the American Government led to the catastrophic outcome of human loss and physical destruction in New Orleans. Not Hurricane Katrina itself clearly - but ignorance away from disaster preparation and virtual neglicence of physical assets and human resources to mitigate disaster. All sacrificed by the Bush White House who turned its back on America in assiduity of pretense to uphold a failing international paper eagle. A deriliction of duty of the ultimate order has occured - commensurate to High Crime committed by George W. Bush as President of the United States of America. Today the Bush administration is defined as a stark profile against the white backdrop of the catastrophe of New Orleans. What superficial dysfunctional pretext of an executive branch the Bush administration sorrowfully represents. The President and Congess is appointed to maintain, uphold and protect the nations stock of infrastructure and capabilities, which includes its human beings, American citizens. As superintendant of the nation the Bush administration has failed in its responsibilities. It has instead plundered the treasury at home to perpetrate warfare and military operations abroad, on a scale not seen since possibly the Vietnam War.
I am appalled at the gross judgment of the Australian Government to support however discursively the effort of the current USA administration in a gift of US $10 million of Australian Taxpayer money to the Red Cross. The United States government in the absence of reform of its own house fails to merit Australian gifts.
There exists an immense aberration that the American government which expends billions of dollars bombing the living hell out of Afghanis, Iraqis and numerous conflagerations since the Korean War - to many to specify. In bombing and killing thousands, maiming tens of thousands of innocent people as “collatoral damage” in its prevailing War on Terrorism, since renamed War on Extremism. That The US should earn the apperception of Canberra to gain compensation for distress within its shores, whilst it enforces international insecurity and domestic distress at the expense of the American taxpayers and citizen.
The USA is the biggest weapons tribe, the biggest exporter of weapons, the largest biological weapons developer, the biggest domestic spender in regulating and discipline its populace. Behind the Orwellian Homeland Defence Department an even more draconian security and surveilance network evolves targeted against ordinary citizens – all at a price of billions.
The Bush administration does not acknowledge its tragedy in slashing funding for disaster relief. Since 2001 the White House has shown to foment nothing less than total unpreparedness of national disasters at home. Whilst the theft of America’s treasury squandered on weaponry and sustaining its global military presence endure. It’s a betrayal of the responsibility for the nation at home replaced by preemptive warfare in Afghanistan and Iraq and whatever ‘threat’ is next in the White House cross hair?
Nothing short of capricious delinquency by the American Government led to the catastrophic outcome of human loss and physical destruction in New Orleans. Not Hurricane Katrina itself clearly - but ignorance away from disaster preparation and virtual neglicence of physical assets and human resources to mitigate disaster. All sacrificed by the Bush White House who turned its back on America in assiduity of pretense to uphold a failing international paper eagle. A deriliction of duty of the ultimate order has occured - commensurate to High Crime committed by George W. Bush as President of the United States of America. Today the Bush administration is defined as a stark profile against the white backdrop of the catastrophe of New Orleans. What superficial dysfunctional pretext of an executive branch the Bush administration sorrowfully represents. The President and Congess is appointed to maintain, uphold and protect the nations stock of infrastructure and capabilities, which includes its human beings, American citizens. As superintendant of the nation the Bush administration has failed in its responsibilities. It has instead plundered the treasury at home to perpetrate warfare and military operations abroad, on a scale not seen since possibly the Vietnam War.
I am appalled at the gross judgment of the Australian Government to support however discursively the effort of the current USA administration in a gift of US $10 million of Australian Taxpayer money to the Red Cross. The United States government in the absence of reform of its own house fails to merit Australian gifts.
1 Aug 2005
Veiled Threat - Internet "The Target"
According to Israeli intelligence... High-rise buildings on Queensland Gold Coast are terrorist targets. Somehow this discovery, this incredible digging up of a secret plot going on virtually in "plain site" - of all places can you believe but in Internet chat-rooms? Thanks to brilliant defences dependable once more Israeli intelligence makes us aware of a potential terrorist target threat in Australia?
The go-between passing on this intelligence collecting gem, alerting the nation by describing Australia... "definitely a potential target" is Dr Mark Craig of Queensland University of Technology. This fellow a security specialist, teaches law/policing studies domestically and internationally. Dr Craig's credentials read pretty fine, it surprises me an accomplished lecturer attaches his name to a fundamental segment of inconsistency of Israeli intelligence - given its history of manipulation and self interest. In this instance I suspect identity of the true target in its sights, is namely the Internet. To profile Dr Craig's head alongside circumstantial, most likely manufactured evidence of a terrorist menace means Dr Craig's credentials provide some level of authenticity to make it appear... more credible?
Supposedly plain vanilla stare me in my face Arabic-language chat rooms are utilised to discuss sensitive possible terrorist targets? Terrorism in cyberspace? Of course, an obvious place to talk about blowing something up, in the privacy of public chat rooms? The inference of this report is in the absence of the medium of Internet chat-rooms, potential terrorist target discussion will be removed, incapacitated likely! For expression elsewhere presumably - but cyberspace terrorists would be powerless in the chat-room though!
Close to the truth is Australia probably has morphed into a terrorist target. The reason is freaking gutless wonders in Canberra, unable to keep their insane global fun and games hat locked in the bottom drawer. Even a bigger joke is Dr Craig talking about his Israeli intelligence source as, "It's a good source I have got it from. Australia is definitely, regularly mentioned by the chat rooms..." Jesus Christ imagine this pathetic claim? Heavens! I chat about possible terrorist targets with my 78 year old Mother, who talks terrorist targets with my 83 year old Dad. Most of our terrorist targets chats start with the White House, move to Canberra. Anyway then to other potential tricky targets, you get my point. We feel we can discuss terrorist targets, we think it gives certain interests in our consideration of global events.
Will this make Mom a confessed credible potential terrorist from our chat by this evidence of discussion? The fact potential targets are considered simply means, well, its being talked about. Its not as though the topic of terrorism and terrorist targets isn't pushed enough by government and self interested bogeys. That terrorism and terrorist targetting is heard in Arabic chat-rooms means its discussed in a public forum by Arabs along with everyone else. A lot of Arabs watch the world and chat about it, so what? If in Internet chat rooms it lends NO CREDENCE TO CONSIDER THE CHAT AS A THREAT TO ANYBODY. Arabic, Chinese or Icelandic chat-rooms constitutes no grave menace to the security. A conspiracy of silence on the other hand would defeat the overpaid, childish fantasy world of the strange ideas of Dr Craig and his Israeli intelligence boys. Silence would be dynamite to confuse all so termed intelligence.
When the source of the identified terrorism threat is uncovered by Israeli intelligence, of all those unable to restrain from fabrication of a false picture Israel is number one. Unchecked Israeli intelligence writes messages and eliminate much, carefully cleansed to protect and further perverted version of a security threat.
The intelligence Dr Craig speaks implicates Arabs. The Arab thorn is in Israel's side, Israel attempts to cripple on a permanent "understanding" everything Arabic. To turn into mockery Israeli intelligence as believable information - with the Jewish Arab struggle pervasive? A secondary objective by subtle construction is the mandate of the people's safety! That is protection of people from terrorist chatter [picked up in chat-rooms]. Convenient to shift Internet surveillance into Internet control, not openly spoken at this time by Western government as it drives into fascism.
To assure a fight to destroy terrorism through adopting of national action to disarm Internet treachery. The systems freedom, permitted by the net that supposedly will be claimed by the authorities to give power to unrestrained terrorism. An undeclared war will result to shut down by regulation the broad channel that hidden powers will use to incite more penetration and control over mankind's freedom of movement and expression.
It will be claimed the Internet freedom of access is a prominent terrorist threat. The current frame-up is of Arabs and open Internet. It means your future through disregard of the facts by implication... defects in Internet life will be disclosed as necessary to be acted on. A seeding of public opinion to a specific culprit, not a novel approach to plans laid to make objections powerless.
What is it, the reason, the driver that distinguishes Dr Craig to point out lawless, threatening terrorism? Is Dr Craig issuing warnings as a well-informed functionary? Is he serving the interests of Australians? Is his notice of evidence of potential terrorist target threats to arouse emotions only cirumstantial? Dr Craig and his intelligence source will require further assesment.
The go-between passing on this intelligence collecting gem, alerting the nation by describing Australia... "definitely a potential target" is Dr Mark Craig of Queensland University of Technology. This fellow a security specialist, teaches law/policing studies domestically and internationally. Dr Craig's credentials read pretty fine, it surprises me an accomplished lecturer attaches his name to a fundamental segment of inconsistency of Israeli intelligence - given its history of manipulation and self interest. In this instance I suspect identity of the true target in its sights, is namely the Internet. To profile Dr Craig's head alongside circumstantial, most likely manufactured evidence of a terrorist menace means Dr Craig's credentials provide some level of authenticity to make it appear... more credible?
Supposedly plain vanilla stare me in my face Arabic-language chat rooms are utilised to discuss sensitive possible terrorist targets? Terrorism in cyberspace? Of course, an obvious place to talk about blowing something up, in the privacy of public chat rooms? The inference of this report is in the absence of the medium of Internet chat-rooms, potential terrorist target discussion will be removed, incapacitated likely! For expression elsewhere presumably - but cyberspace terrorists would be powerless in the chat-room though!
Close to the truth is Australia probably has morphed into a terrorist target. The reason is freaking gutless wonders in Canberra, unable to keep their insane global fun and games hat locked in the bottom drawer. Even a bigger joke is Dr Craig talking about his Israeli intelligence source as, "It's a good source I have got it from. Australia is definitely, regularly mentioned by the chat rooms..." Jesus Christ imagine this pathetic claim? Heavens! I chat about possible terrorist targets with my 78 year old Mother, who talks terrorist targets with my 83 year old Dad. Most of our terrorist targets chats start with the White House, move to Canberra. Anyway then to other potential tricky targets, you get my point. We feel we can discuss terrorist targets, we think it gives certain interests in our consideration of global events.
Will this make Mom a confessed credible potential terrorist from our chat by this evidence of discussion? The fact potential targets are considered simply means, well, its being talked about. Its not as though the topic of terrorism and terrorist targets isn't pushed enough by government and self interested bogeys. That terrorism and terrorist targetting is heard in Arabic chat-rooms means its discussed in a public forum by Arabs along with everyone else. A lot of Arabs watch the world and chat about it, so what? If in Internet chat rooms it lends NO CREDENCE TO CONSIDER THE CHAT AS A THREAT TO ANYBODY. Arabic, Chinese or Icelandic chat-rooms constitutes no grave menace to the security. A conspiracy of silence on the other hand would defeat the overpaid, childish fantasy world of the strange ideas of Dr Craig and his Israeli intelligence boys. Silence would be dynamite to confuse all so termed intelligence.
When the source of the identified terrorism threat is uncovered by Israeli intelligence, of all those unable to restrain from fabrication of a false picture Israel is number one. Unchecked Israeli intelligence writes messages and eliminate much, carefully cleansed to protect and further perverted version of a security threat.
The intelligence Dr Craig speaks implicates Arabs. The Arab thorn is in Israel's side, Israel attempts to cripple on a permanent "understanding" everything Arabic. To turn into mockery Israeli intelligence as believable information - with the Jewish Arab struggle pervasive? A secondary objective by subtle construction is the mandate of the people's safety! That is protection of people from terrorist chatter [picked up in chat-rooms]. Convenient to shift Internet surveillance into Internet control, not openly spoken at this time by Western government as it drives into fascism.
To assure a fight to destroy terrorism through adopting of national action to disarm Internet treachery. The systems freedom, permitted by the net that supposedly will be claimed by the authorities to give power to unrestrained terrorism. An undeclared war will result to shut down by regulation the broad channel that hidden powers will use to incite more penetration and control over mankind's freedom of movement and expression.
It will be claimed the Internet freedom of access is a prominent terrorist threat. The current frame-up is of Arabs and open Internet. It means your future through disregard of the facts by implication... defects in Internet life will be disclosed as necessary to be acted on. A seeding of public opinion to a specific culprit, not a novel approach to plans laid to make objections powerless.
What is it, the reason, the driver that distinguishes Dr Craig to point out lawless, threatening terrorism? Is Dr Craig issuing warnings as a well-informed functionary? Is he serving the interests of Australians? Is his notice of evidence of potential terrorist target threats to arouse emotions only cirumstantial? Dr Craig and his intelligence source will require further assesment.
18 July 2005
Didn't Take Very Long!
Surprise, surprise... The Queensland Premier shows his filthy New World Order hand to suggest we will likely need identification cards soon. As I thought would happen the traitors Australia has in govt waste no time to capitalise on the govt-sponsored terrorist act in London, to further tighten the noose around the neck of dying liberty in Australia. Pretty clever move to drop the old id card plan through a State govt lackey rather than by Howard and has cabal of Bush ass licking cronies.
The national id card will have to be tackled head on and not be permitted to see the light of day. It will be wheeled out as the cure to head off terrorism, bullshit! Any politician supporting an id card plan must be targeted to publicise their duplicity of signing on with more and more controls. To run directly in the face of the freedoms this country means to its citizens is justification for removal from public office. It is a travesty of justice to dog tag citizens with identification, which as sure as god made little apples will have to be carried at all times. Probably linked to banking and the holding of a job and drivers licence.
The national id card will have to be tackled head on and not be permitted to see the light of day. It will be wheeled out as the cure to head off terrorism, bullshit! Any politician supporting an id card plan must be targeted to publicise their duplicity of signing on with more and more controls. To run directly in the face of the freedoms this country means to its citizens is justification for removal from public office. It is a travesty of justice to dog tag citizens with identification, which as sure as god made little apples will have to be carried at all times. Probably linked to banking and the holding of a job and drivers licence.
12 July 2005
Ready for Australian Govt to forward Citizen ID?
Have you sussed out the modus operandi of our obsequious little toady Howard yet and his cabal of dead as wood traitors? Now that the London bombings have splattered innocent victims at the hand of Zionist influenced murderer Blair... Expect a national citizen identity card to appear back on the screw freedom agenda for Australians.
The push for a national id card will of course be justified by the standard platitudes of security, protecting us from terrorism, better control of intelligence by running govt controlled data base on everything about you! The truth is the threat of terrorism are govt-sponsored. If a threat from Islamic nations and groups exist it is only a result of the idiots in the USA, U.K. & Australian govt's dropping bombs on Iraq and Afghanistan and permitting Israel to murder Palestinians and get away with this crime.
How many days or weeks will we have to wait for Canberra to drop hints of the coming "Citizen, let me see your papers?"
The push for a national id card will of course be justified by the standard platitudes of security, protecting us from terrorism, better control of intelligence by running govt controlled data base on everything about you! The truth is the threat of terrorism are govt-sponsored. If a threat from Islamic nations and groups exist it is only a result of the idiots in the USA, U.K. & Australian govt's dropping bombs on Iraq and Afghanistan and permitting Israel to murder Palestinians and get away with this crime.
How many days or weeks will we have to wait for Canberra to drop hints of the coming "Citizen, let me see your papers?"
28 June 2005
Australia in the Role of the 'Coalition of the Willing' in the Violation of International Law and Universal Human Rights.
Specific charges against the 'Coalition of the Willing' including Australia's participation.
(Speech delivered at the World Tribunal on Iraq, Final Session, Istanbul, June 24, 2005)
For support of the United States in its aggression in Iraq.
For fundamental violation of international law: the invasion of a sovereign country. All governments participating in the attack must be held accountable and arraigned before the appropriate legal bodies for preosecution, conviction, sentencing, and assessment of reparations to the Iraqi people.
Two principle individuals guilty of Australia's participation. Prime Minister John Howard and Foreign Affairs Minister Downer Both these men are guilty of war crimes and should be sentenced and serve time in prison with the key thrown away.
(Speech delivered at the World Tribunal on Iraq, Final Session, Istanbul, June 24, 2005)
For support of the United States in its aggression in Iraq.
For fundamental violation of international law: the invasion of a sovereign country. All governments participating in the attack must be held accountable and arraigned before the appropriate legal bodies for preosecution, conviction, sentencing, and assessment of reparations to the Iraqi people.
Two principle individuals guilty of Australia's participation. Prime Minister John Howard and Foreign Affairs Minister Downer Both these men are guilty of war crimes and should be sentenced and serve time in prison with the key thrown away.
26 June 2005
Will Victorian Taxi Assoc Receive Award from George Orwell?
The Victorian Taxi Association intends to give taxi drivers the royal heave-ho from their driving jobs under a proposed code of conduct change. The Association wants to shut drivers up from talking with passengers about events of 911 and related terrorism subjects. Perhaps later whatever else the Victorian Taxi Association finds out of character or potentially offensive subject matter in violation with their code of conduct will be included on the list also?
This is the nothing less than a big brother attitude forced down employee throats, its a step removed fron censorship of any discussion against the government of the day or events of a contemporary nature. A revealing piece of the news report refers to anti-American slogans on taxi cabs, that this would be offensive. Frankly if I saw such a slogan, it would invigorate me to select that cab to ride in as a passenger.
After taxi drivers we'll shut the mouths of waiters and bar tenders, maybe even silence all chatty employees from talking with customers about anything. Maybe the weather and their employers product or service will be permitted. Better still enforce taxi drivers, bar tenders and every goddamn worker to only discuss matters of a complimentary nature in any conversation whilst on the job. Who the hell do these employees think they are having a thought of their own anyway?
I am all for any employee having his point of view, especially when it involves the mass murder of 3000 people from 911. Since that event thousands have lost their lives from government deceit and war in Afghanistan and Iraq - regrettably anti-American sentiments are valid and appropriate to be aired against a back drop of such criminal mayhem.
The disgusting element is that the Vic Taxi Assoc would even consider a sweeping imposition of draconian workplace code of conduct interfering with free speech. If you've got over zealous taxi drivers engaged in going too heavy with their passengers, then surely go talk with those specific drivers.
If the Vic. Taxi Assoc go ahead with this social behaviour training they should be presented a George Orwell award for top notch people programming and control.
This is the nothing less than a big brother attitude forced down employee throats, its a step removed fron censorship of any discussion against the government of the day or events of a contemporary nature. A revealing piece of the news report refers to anti-American slogans on taxi cabs, that this would be offensive. Frankly if I saw such a slogan, it would invigorate me to select that cab to ride in as a passenger.
After taxi drivers we'll shut the mouths of waiters and bar tenders, maybe even silence all chatty employees from talking with customers about anything. Maybe the weather and their employers product or service will be permitted. Better still enforce taxi drivers, bar tenders and every goddamn worker to only discuss matters of a complimentary nature in any conversation whilst on the job. Who the hell do these employees think they are having a thought of their own anyway?
I am all for any employee having his point of view, especially when it involves the mass murder of 3000 people from 911. Since that event thousands have lost their lives from government deceit and war in Afghanistan and Iraq - regrettably anti-American sentiments are valid and appropriate to be aired against a back drop of such criminal mayhem.
The disgusting element is that the Vic Taxi Assoc would even consider a sweeping imposition of draconian workplace code of conduct interfering with free speech. If you've got over zealous taxi drivers engaged in going too heavy with their passengers, then surely go talk with those specific drivers.
If the Vic. Taxi Assoc go ahead with this social behaviour training they should be presented a George Orwell award for top notch people programming and control.
25 June 2005
Obsequious Little Toady to visit Chairman Slimy Green Frog
Australia's obsequious Little Toady is going to sit down for a pow wow about the escalating cost of oil with the infamous Chairman Slimy Green Frog. Apparently the Toady PM John Howard in a previous fireplace chat with USA Federal Reverse, oops meant to say Federal Reserve not "Reverse". Can't beat this obviously foolish idea out of my skull, you know the idea that a policy of infinite liquidity flooding the globe has created a reversal in humankinds progress. Such as houses no poor bastard can afford unless he has title to one of those gushers now earning US$60 a barrel. As the USA Federal Reserve is a private bank akin to a country club that benefit its members [at the expense of the rest of the globe].
Obsequious Little Toady Howard and Chairman Alan Greenspan when they last discussed the burden of rising oil, Toady thought the Slimy Green Frog was sanguine over the prospect of rising oil prices. Is that sanguine as in the colour of blood... Which is probably what Chairman Frog saw... As the last pint of blood is drawn from our veins to pay for the freaking pricey stuff. Or did he mean sanguine as in vigor and confidence? Confidence we'd all be screwed probably?
Which brings us to the point of sorts... What the hell is the actual sneaky driver of Toady Howards planned visit with Chairman Frog? Are the animals working on the next economic lockdown, the next phase to screw Down Under into a cash cow for privileged regal emperors? As we witness upside down, inside out horror train rides descending over this flat lands diminishing democracy. Maybe the persuit in the transfer of Australia's family farms to monopolistic cartels, or the intended sell off of Telstra, perhaps a little manipulation of the commodity currency as transient storehouse for the next US dollar slippage is on the horizon? Who knows, other than its more Australian government crookedness making past CIA engagement back in the front page Whitlam days seem childs play.
Obsequious Little Toady Howard and Chairman Alan Greenspan when they last discussed the burden of rising oil, Toady thought the Slimy Green Frog was sanguine over the prospect of rising oil prices. Is that sanguine as in the colour of blood... Which is probably what Chairman Frog saw... As the last pint of blood is drawn from our veins to pay for the freaking pricey stuff. Or did he mean sanguine as in vigor and confidence? Confidence we'd all be screwed probably?
Which brings us to the point of sorts... What the hell is the actual sneaky driver of Toady Howards planned visit with Chairman Frog? Are the animals working on the next economic lockdown, the next phase to screw Down Under into a cash cow for privileged regal emperors? As we witness upside down, inside out horror train rides descending over this flat lands diminishing democracy. Maybe the persuit in the transfer of Australia's family farms to monopolistic cartels, or the intended sell off of Telstra, perhaps a little manipulation of the commodity currency as transient storehouse for the next US dollar slippage is on the horizon? Who knows, other than its more Australian government crookedness making past CIA engagement back in the front page Whitlam days seem childs play.
13 June 2005
The Nation's Welfare
Howard’s crazies spit out propaganda pretty much as they want. We could tolerate it if the blueprint were not disassembowling our nation state.
Australia’s Federal government is chapter to an off the page architectural cenotaph in making - voters recognise distressingly a fraction of what Canberra's fools bring down on this country. If I were to jostle in front of voters what this bastard government is driving towards most would not accept the maturing travesty.
On the horizon are increasing lay-offs as halting global demand punishes Australia's commodity economy, resulting in accelerating softening in real estate values. Besieged mortgage holders will loose their grip for loan repayments - in a collision of asset values depreciating deeper than loan balances. If the last Great Depression is our judge 30 – 40% fall in home values is easily broached over the next three years in my assessment.
Staggering social friction will accelerate between haves and have-nots as the economic gulf widens from a hard hit global slowdown. Many families will feel the pain trying to feed their children and keep the home lights burning. Those with a job versus the rest with no paycheck will both be thankful for State food relief and emergency housing as greater numbers have no choice - than to sacrifice their plummeting asset the family home to the bank. Furious discord between punishing Federal programs and State government taking citizens for granted for to many years. Failure to warn of the economic storm and likely military tempest will drive many to criminal behaviour in revenge and basic survival for many. We move incrementally toward a no-win military showdown against China - lock step with the criminally insane Bush administration in its spin for armed confrontation with that nation. North Korea or Iran could be the fuse. Australia sacrifices autonomy for obsequious toad like subservience along the road to wasting this nation's best.
Canberra’s crazies’ attain the guise of elected representatives presumably to serve electors? Instead deceitfully persists at a crooked agenda nothing short of economic terrorism under the banner of ‘free markets’. Perversion of a secure future of voter’s abandoned to a "no-hope" future of wholesale destruction of the middle class - in a race to the bottom for wage levels. The whole way this government operates is crooked; I’ve yet to cross anyone who supports Howard’s cabinet and its prevarication to force-feed lying at unbelievable volume on the people who put them in office.
Wounds have already been inflicted on Australia’s international standing - errected by Howard’s reprehensible puppet alliance with President G. W. Bush's criminally insane administration and UK’s rubbery poodle Prime Minister Blair. A smoke and mirrors scaffold obfuscates the sum and substance of rotten guts in the feral government… conceived as the Liberal party. A party once seen and understood as non-dustructive to the nation’s future and culture in office. Today the Liberal party is fascist internationalist in its rank, it smells bad. Howard’s policies are analogous in vandalism against the middle class to the Jacob’s coat Hawke & Keating brandished in office. An epic of Labour Party voter crucifixion substituted perceptible choice in the political landscape for today’s indistinguishable two Liberal party’s. Side by side the ALP and Liberal look cut from the same filthy cloth. Corporate governance and globalisation is the driver, a fascist objective they stand apart only for show, barely cutting the mustard both parties represent twins of political and economic hegemony.
Hawke & Keating kicked off compromising long-term economic stability. Financial sector deregulation, currency speculation and debasement ahead of manufacturing and real productivity gains. These destructive policies chaperone workplace assault, defraud unions of influence and limit a compliant union leadership servile to the staus quo. This sets the stage for today’s industrial relations offensive by Howard to subjugate employee safeguards in a race to pay the least - behind the stroking global competition mantra. Loss of 80% of voters from the working man’s septic ALP is a posture prevailing in obscene ALP conivance with Howard’s crazies, currently in a mamoth political disconnect with this nation today.
Political disconnect with the electorate and unseen realities, infers Australia’s sovereign autonomy and its people’s voice is displaced by an abstract fraud - whilst government imitates to represent its citizens. Madness is sold unchallenged in an assurance of an inescapable road to globalisation as something, “Good for Australians.” A torrent of money from the treasury greases the wheels of the machinery of a governmment at war on two fronts. The first front against the electorate, the second fight with the White House opponents deemed terrorist supporters identified in axis of evil, which by now has grown by several more threatened states.
Examined… this ends up as economic scraps for the majority, ruination of freedom, civil and financial, indebted subservience to global corporations with immunity from accountability. Citizens are forced year after year into a stealth feudal relationship under government operating to the chant of outside big money power. The Australian government is beholden to influence and direct control from international banking, hydrocarbon and energy corporations and the power of Anglo/American defence industry monoliths. Extremely profitable hegemony of its supreme globalisation members as government issue contracts to enrich corporations in security and privatisation of public assets. Essential utilities transmutate as cash cows under ultra wealthy ownership, the path continues with Telstra now targeted for run-down and sell-off. A fresh imported CEO will undoubtedly share crop Telstra’s values to basement level for buttoning up by the globalisation club members?
Self-enriching indulgence obscured by government propaganda justified by hack mantras of past inefficiencies, drummed-up security threats from terrorism supplant social welfare and general good to the back burner for corporate everything! The public well being is forfeitured for hegemony to a select few crooks. Public medical services are cut; infrastructure handed over by the swollen mastication trough of incestuous membership living hansomely off the fake war on terrorism. Millions of dollars enrich defence corporations, international financiers and earlier identified industry in perpetuatuation of the crooked status quo, to hold fascist incumbency in political office.
Power over the people by the nation destroyers of the New World order punishes Australia’s citizens to consign us towards a menacing third world standing – only we don’t see it just yet!
Australia’s Federal government is chapter to an off the page architectural cenotaph in making - voters recognise distressingly a fraction of what Canberra's fools bring down on this country. If I were to jostle in front of voters what this bastard government is driving towards most would not accept the maturing travesty.
On the horizon are increasing lay-offs as halting global demand punishes Australia's commodity economy, resulting in accelerating softening in real estate values. Besieged mortgage holders will loose their grip for loan repayments - in a collision of asset values depreciating deeper than loan balances. If the last Great Depression is our judge 30 – 40% fall in home values is easily broached over the next three years in my assessment.
Staggering social friction will accelerate between haves and have-nots as the economic gulf widens from a hard hit global slowdown. Many families will feel the pain trying to feed their children and keep the home lights burning. Those with a job versus the rest with no paycheck will both be thankful for State food relief and emergency housing as greater numbers have no choice - than to sacrifice their plummeting asset the family home to the bank. Furious discord between punishing Federal programs and State government taking citizens for granted for to many years. Failure to warn of the economic storm and likely military tempest will drive many to criminal behaviour in revenge and basic survival for many. We move incrementally toward a no-win military showdown against China - lock step with the criminally insane Bush administration in its spin for armed confrontation with that nation. North Korea or Iran could be the fuse. Australia sacrifices autonomy for obsequious toad like subservience along the road to wasting this nation's best.
Canberra’s crazies’ attain the guise of elected representatives presumably to serve electors? Instead deceitfully persists at a crooked agenda nothing short of economic terrorism under the banner of ‘free markets’. Perversion of a secure future of voter’s abandoned to a "no-hope" future of wholesale destruction of the middle class - in a race to the bottom for wage levels. The whole way this government operates is crooked; I’ve yet to cross anyone who supports Howard’s cabinet and its prevarication to force-feed lying at unbelievable volume on the people who put them in office.
Wounds have already been inflicted on Australia’s international standing - errected by Howard’s reprehensible puppet alliance with President G. W. Bush's criminally insane administration and UK’s rubbery poodle Prime Minister Blair. A smoke and mirrors scaffold obfuscates the sum and substance of rotten guts in the feral government… conceived as the Liberal party. A party once seen and understood as non-dustructive to the nation’s future and culture in office. Today the Liberal party is fascist internationalist in its rank, it smells bad. Howard’s policies are analogous in vandalism against the middle class to the Jacob’s coat Hawke & Keating brandished in office. An epic of Labour Party voter crucifixion substituted perceptible choice in the political landscape for today’s indistinguishable two Liberal party’s. Side by side the ALP and Liberal look cut from the same filthy cloth. Corporate governance and globalisation is the driver, a fascist objective they stand apart only for show, barely cutting the mustard both parties represent twins of political and economic hegemony.
Hawke & Keating kicked off compromising long-term economic stability. Financial sector deregulation, currency speculation and debasement ahead of manufacturing and real productivity gains. These destructive policies chaperone workplace assault, defraud unions of influence and limit a compliant union leadership servile to the staus quo. This sets the stage for today’s industrial relations offensive by Howard to subjugate employee safeguards in a race to pay the least - behind the stroking global competition mantra. Loss of 80% of voters from the working man’s septic ALP is a posture prevailing in obscene ALP conivance with Howard’s crazies, currently in a mamoth political disconnect with this nation today.
Political disconnect with the electorate and unseen realities, infers Australia’s sovereign autonomy and its people’s voice is displaced by an abstract fraud - whilst government imitates to represent its citizens. Madness is sold unchallenged in an assurance of an inescapable road to globalisation as something, “Good for Australians.” A torrent of money from the treasury greases the wheels of the machinery of a governmment at war on two fronts. The first front against the electorate, the second fight with the White House opponents deemed terrorist supporters identified in axis of evil, which by now has grown by several more threatened states.
Examined… this ends up as economic scraps for the majority, ruination of freedom, civil and financial, indebted subservience to global corporations with immunity from accountability. Citizens are forced year after year into a stealth feudal relationship under government operating to the chant of outside big money power. The Australian government is beholden to influence and direct control from international banking, hydrocarbon and energy corporations and the power of Anglo/American defence industry monoliths. Extremely profitable hegemony of its supreme globalisation members as government issue contracts to enrich corporations in security and privatisation of public assets. Essential utilities transmutate as cash cows under ultra wealthy ownership, the path continues with Telstra now targeted for run-down and sell-off. A fresh imported CEO will undoubtedly share crop Telstra’s values to basement level for buttoning up by the globalisation club members?
Self-enriching indulgence obscured by government propaganda justified by hack mantras of past inefficiencies, drummed-up security threats from terrorism supplant social welfare and general good to the back burner for corporate everything! The public well being is forfeitured for hegemony to a select few crooks. Public medical services are cut; infrastructure handed over by the swollen mastication trough of incestuous membership living hansomely off the fake war on terrorism. Millions of dollars enrich defence corporations, international financiers and earlier identified industry in perpetuatuation of the crooked status quo, to hold fascist incumbency in political office.
Power over the people by the nation destroyers of the New World order punishes Australia’s citizens to consign us towards a menacing third world standing – only we don’t see it just yet!
31 May 2005
Mayhem in Iraq continues
** Dahr Jamail's Iraq Dispatches **
** **
May 30, 2005
“Things are getting worse by the day.”
The mayhem continues in Iraq, with today at least 40 people dead, including five US soldiers in Diyala province as the meltdown of the failed US-led occupation continues.
Two suicide bombers detonated themselves after walking into a crowd of police officers in Hilla, south of Baghdad. The policemen were demonstrating outside the mayor’s office to protest a government decision to disband their Special Forces unit.
In yet another horrible PR move (or attempt to raise sectarian tensions?) by the US military the head of Iraq’s largest Sunni political party, Mohsen Abdul Hamid was detained from his home early this morning in western Baghdad. Of course his head was promptly bagged and his hands tied before he was taken away to be interrogated. His three sons were also detained with him. Stun bombs and bullets were said to be used during the raid, according to his wife.
It just so happens that his party, the Islamic Party, opposes the new US-backed security operation now engulfing Baghdad because they believe the security forces will disregard the rights of innocent Iraqis.
Later today he was released and the military admitted it made a mistake.
The military statement concerning the matter said, “Coalition forces regret any inconvenience and acknowledge (Abdul-Hamid’s) cooperation in resolving this matter.”
Abdul Hamid refused their apology in the Arab media, and stated that he was humiliated when US soldiers held their boots on his head for 20 minutes. It was also stated that he accused American soldiers of removing items from his home, including a computer. This is standard operating procedure with home raids-I can’t tell you how many Iraqis I’ve interviewed after their homes were raided who complained of money, jewelry and other belongings being looted by American soldiers.
The Islamic Party released a statement after the release of Abdul Hamid which said, “The U.S. administration claims it is interested in drawing Sunnis into the political process but it seems that their way of doing so is by raids, arrests and violating human rights.”
At least 740 Iraqis have been killed since the new “government” took power in late April, and with the ongoing operations sparking more attacks each day, it doesn’t look like there is an end in sight. Keep in mind, the vast majority of the Iraqi security forces are either Shia or Kurdish battling against a primarily Sunni resistance (for now). It can easily be argued that we are witnessing a US-backed Iraqi government who is deliberating using its power to wage a civil war.
On that note, today Major General Ahmed al-Barazanchi, a Kurdish man who was the director of internal affairs of Kirkuk province died this morning after being shot yesterday.
My sources in Baghdad also said there have been fierce clashes today in the al-Amiriya district of Baghdad between resistance fighters and Iraqi and US soldiers. “Open gun battles in the streets,” as one friend told me, “And as soon as the Iraqi and US soldiers leave the area, the resistance takes it back over.”
Keep in mind that all of this is against the backdrop of well over 50% unemployment, horrendous traffic jams, and an infrastructure in shambles that continues to degrade with next to no reconstruction occurring in Baghdad.
“Electricity shut offs drive us crazy in this hot summer,” one of my friends wrote me recently, “Even we can’t read at night because of long hours of electricity cuts and because the outside generators can’t withstand running these long hours and we have to turn these generators off for some time to cool them!”
He continues, “Two years of occupation…for God sake where is the rebuilding, where the hell are these billions donated to Iraq? Even not 1% improvement in services and electricity! They say again and again the terrorists are to blame and I would accept this, but why they do not protect these facilities?
Do the American camps have cuts of electricity? No, no, and nobody will allow this to happen...but poor Iraqis, nobody would be sorry for them if they burn with the hell of summer, small kids and old men they get dehydrated because no electricity, no cold water, etc.
Have you heard about the tea that is mixed with iron particles? It is real in our life. People have to make sure their tea is not mixed with iron by use of magnets.”
He concluded his email with, “Things are getting worse day by day. Iraq has become a country not for its people, every day thoughts jump into the mind that sooner or later we have to leave this country, searching for another. And there is a saying, “your home is where you sleep safe,” but this is not true in Iraq anymore.”
He sent me that email three days ago.
Yesterday the Iraqi government announced that it may decrease subsidies for fuel and electricity, despite a severe shortage of both in the country, according to the electricity minister who warned Iraqis to prepare for more blackouts this summer. Ongoing fuel, electricity and drinking water shortages persist, and only 37% of Iraqis have a working sewage system.
As so many of my Iraqi friends continue to say, “This is the freedom and democracy that America has brought us.”
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(c)2004, 2005 Dahr Jamail.
All images and text are protected by United States and international copyright law. If you would like to reprint Dahr's Dispatches on the web, you need to include this copyright notice and a prominent link to the website. Any other use of images and text including, but not limited to, reproduction, use on another website, copying and printing requires the permission of Dahr Jamail. Of course, feel free to forward Dahr's dispatches via email.
26 May 2005
Australia[n] judged one of the Bad Guys!
The Canberra Crazies have flushed Australia's standing down the toilet. Deep around the bend where our global standing now pathetic, translates into ex foreign minister Gareth Evans, getting a cold shoulder instead of an appointment with the United Nations.
Evans looked good for appointment as UN High Commissioner for Refugees but was denied his chance for the job. His application shunted off not by his credentials which are commendable. Evans was bushwhacked by Canberra's blood on its hands as puppet government that echoes Washington's explosive foreign policy. The rejection starts with linguistic showman Prime Minister John Howard, it includes his mentally challenged crazies in the cabinet. A joke to expect these officials to be responsible - how can we trust these whackos with this nation's best interest? What's behind the curtain sure isn't what is expected for our nation by the majority - The government's policies strike severely at this nation's core principles.
Canberra's crazies masquarade with the pretence of sound governance, but send our standing in the eyes of other nations down a foul smelling creek. How was this shameful loss of nation status achieved? By Australia siding up with war mongering, democracy choking Nazi's in Bush's White House and with the psychotic Butcher of Israel, Prime Minister Sharon. Our nation has become a sorry spectacle. Australia was one of five nations which voted against an International Court of Justice decision calling for the dismantling of the wall separating Israel from the Occupied Territories. Canberra sided with the US, Israel and two tiny Pacific Island states [whose votes were purchased]. In addition our deplorable record in poor treatment, abuse and disrespect of refugees and asylum seekers was a stumbling block to the UN body.
Our fascist inhumane policies earned Australia the undesirable tag for disqualification from an Australian being appointed to a UN pivotal role. Can you believe Australia has slid so far in morality, plummeted so badly to fail to act as an independent honorable nation? The High Commissioner job went to Portugal's Antonio Guterres.
How ashamed Australians must be over downgrading this country to virtual unworthy nation status. The Howard government must be shown the door from its abuse of political power - it really is time to kick the bastards out. Neither can the ALP be seen an alternative government, its complicity runs too deep, its hands bloody and dirty. Vote to get the Greens in office, a semblance of rationale policy to restore our nation from crucifixion from tyrants. Support independents, study the strategic analysis and objectives of the Citizens Electoral Council of Australia.
The Federal government's tyrants debauch Australia's international reputation, act cavalier with the electorate's general welfare, substitute future infrastructure with radioactive globalisation, a real weapon of mass destruction. Howard's crazies act as ignominious fugitives dispensing propaganda, fudging conventional wisdom for a neo-conservative doctrine that makes no sense to anyone but themselves.
Evans looked good for appointment as UN High Commissioner for Refugees but was denied his chance for the job. His application shunted off not by his credentials which are commendable. Evans was bushwhacked by Canberra's blood on its hands as puppet government that echoes Washington's explosive foreign policy. The rejection starts with linguistic showman Prime Minister John Howard, it includes his mentally challenged crazies in the cabinet. A joke to expect these officials to be responsible - how can we trust these whackos with this nation's best interest? What's behind the curtain sure isn't what is expected for our nation by the majority - The government's policies strike severely at this nation's core principles.
Canberra's crazies masquarade with the pretence of sound governance, but send our standing in the eyes of other nations down a foul smelling creek. How was this shameful loss of nation status achieved? By Australia siding up with war mongering, democracy choking Nazi's in Bush's White House and with the psychotic Butcher of Israel, Prime Minister Sharon. Our nation has become a sorry spectacle. Australia was one of five nations which voted against an International Court of Justice decision calling for the dismantling of the wall separating Israel from the Occupied Territories. Canberra sided with the US, Israel and two tiny Pacific Island states [whose votes were purchased]. In addition our deplorable record in poor treatment, abuse and disrespect of refugees and asylum seekers was a stumbling block to the UN body.
Our fascist inhumane policies earned Australia the undesirable tag for disqualification from an Australian being appointed to a UN pivotal role. Can you believe Australia has slid so far in morality, plummeted so badly to fail to act as an independent honorable nation? The High Commissioner job went to Portugal's Antonio Guterres.
How ashamed Australians must be over downgrading this country to virtual unworthy nation status. The Howard government must be shown the door from its abuse of political power - it really is time to kick the bastards out. Neither can the ALP be seen an alternative government, its complicity runs too deep, its hands bloody and dirty. Vote to get the Greens in office, a semblance of rationale policy to restore our nation from crucifixion from tyrants. Support independents, study the strategic analysis and objectives of the Citizens Electoral Council of Australia.
The Federal government's tyrants debauch Australia's international reputation, act cavalier with the electorate's general welfare, substitute future infrastructure with radioactive globalisation, a real weapon of mass destruction. Howard's crazies act as ignominious fugitives dispensing propaganda, fudging conventional wisdom for a neo-conservative doctrine that makes no sense to anyone but themselves.
19 May 2005
Beefing up security at Hastings - booga! booga!
The Brack's Government is to spend $16 million on a counter-terrorism package towards fighting terrorism threats in and around Victorian ports, shipping lanes and coastal waters. (Frankston/Hastings Leader newspaper -reporter Donna Kelly). Five x 7.3 metre rapid response coastguard vessels are coming on stream to fight the claimed terrorism scourge. A single vessel will deploy out of Western Port, personnel including frogmen with night vision goggles and other equipment is included in the package.
The justification for the counter-terrorism package is an assessment by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation [ASIO] of Victorian ports being at risk from terrorist attacks. The State government's Police and Emergency Services Minister Tim Holding agrees with ASIO's assessment and supports heightened national security to protect our waterways. Minister Holding has decided to sign-on with the latest phase of government-sponsored terrorism booga! booga! Maybe Holding identifies a package for adulation and promotion, and how cool it will be to ride around on the rapid response ocean-going coastguard vessels? The counter-terrorism package appears to align with the ministers penchant for military history, as he is busy pushing a slice of para military history.
It would be useful to review where ASIO sits in their attitude toward terrorism threats. The prevailing perspective of ASIO's Director General underpins the view that he finds terrorism a real and actual threat. It's not a big leap to conclude a threat assessment written by an ASIO officer will harbour elements of their chief's overriding attitude. Its fair to conclude rank and file job security will mirror the culture inside senior ranks of ASIO. The conclusion that a terrorism threat exists along Victoria's coast, ports and harbours is likely formulated with the organisation's cultural perspective integral in their assessment.
The Director-General of ASIO Dennis Richardson was recently named Australia's new ambassador to Washington. For Richardson to be offered the plum of ambassador infers a healthy dose of falling in step with the crazies in the White House - its critical towards acceptance. Richardson could not demonstrate opposition to Washington's preemptive warfare policy or intelligence collection methods - at any costs including torture as expediency - and expect his Washington appointment. The job of ambassador entails serious vetting behind the scenes. The post will be offered only with Davidson on board with the USA/Australian pre-emptive attack doctrine against all nations, he has to agree with the US strategic advantage policy and Anglo/American hegemony over global oil resources. To say nothing of an expectation of Davidson to progess the policy of the incumbent Howard government.
The Howard government has infamously distinguished itself by its subservient posture to insane White House demands. The occupants of the White House that Canberra supports act under a dangerous policy of foreign militarism and adventurism. A policy that has murdered tens of thousands of innocent victims in Afghanistan, Iraq and its own troops. This puppet like behaviour of Canberra drives this country's [mis]alignment with pre-emptive warfare. Australia has signed on to a ficticious war on terrorism, passed draconian anti-terrorism legislation that tramples civil rights, and abuses the Australian military as corporate mercenaries. The record of deceit to justify the Iraq invasion, the preselection of intelligence to encourage illegal participation with the Anglo American instigated warfare, that now threatens to grow other other hemispheres.
The insanity of the war on terrorism ruse at work is seen undercutting the psychology pushing militarism, this driver pushes justification for the counter-terrorism package for Western Port. Spin doctoring by the Howard government, a complicit Opposition and a compromised intelligence community steered in alignment with the warfare agenda. Propaganda misleads the electorate to fear the possibility of terrorism at home. How much of this deceit furthers political careers, how much is creeping fascism or misplaced lust for power over others - I don't know?
What is real is the classic use of problem-reaction-solution psychology of government-sponsored terrorism. Create a crisis, get the reaction of fear from the population and offer the solution. Behind the threat of terrorism government declares power unto itself. Beefing up of security at Hastings to fight terrorism is blinded by irrational craze.
Pushed by the perfect economic storm on the horizon, the booga! booga! of spin doctors is not appreciated by most of what is happening. The time to fight the official version by the psychopaths driving the train is at Code Red!
The evidence of failing corporations, bankrupt treasuries, asset bubbles about to pop - statistics point to a global economic depression soon to strike. Its under way - a depression has started potentially more harmful than the Great Depression of 1929. This brewing perfect economic storm is receiving a under the radar profile by officials and bankers from mainstream news cover.
Beefed up security at Hastings against terrorism threats is government-sponsored booga! booga!
That is how I see it!
The justification for the counter-terrorism package is an assessment by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation [ASIO] of Victorian ports being at risk from terrorist attacks. The State government's Police and Emergency Services Minister Tim Holding agrees with ASIO's assessment and supports heightened national security to protect our waterways. Minister Holding has decided to sign-on with the latest phase of government-sponsored terrorism booga! booga! Maybe Holding identifies a package for adulation and promotion, and how cool it will be to ride around on the rapid response ocean-going coastguard vessels? The counter-terrorism package appears to align with the ministers penchant for military history, as he is busy pushing a slice of para military history.
It would be useful to review where ASIO sits in their attitude toward terrorism threats. The prevailing perspective of ASIO's Director General underpins the view that he finds terrorism a real and actual threat. It's not a big leap to conclude a threat assessment written by an ASIO officer will harbour elements of their chief's overriding attitude. Its fair to conclude rank and file job security will mirror the culture inside senior ranks of ASIO. The conclusion that a terrorism threat exists along Victoria's coast, ports and harbours is likely formulated with the organisation's cultural perspective integral in their assessment.
The Director-General of ASIO Dennis Richardson was recently named Australia's new ambassador to Washington. For Richardson to be offered the plum of ambassador infers a healthy dose of falling in step with the crazies in the White House - its critical towards acceptance. Richardson could not demonstrate opposition to Washington's preemptive warfare policy or intelligence collection methods - at any costs including torture as expediency - and expect his Washington appointment. The job of ambassador entails serious vetting behind the scenes. The post will be offered only with Davidson on board with the USA/Australian pre-emptive attack doctrine against all nations, he has to agree with the US strategic advantage policy and Anglo/American hegemony over global oil resources. To say nothing of an expectation of Davidson to progess the policy of the incumbent Howard government.
The Howard government has infamously distinguished itself by its subservient posture to insane White House demands. The occupants of the White House that Canberra supports act under a dangerous policy of foreign militarism and adventurism. A policy that has murdered tens of thousands of innocent victims in Afghanistan, Iraq and its own troops. This puppet like behaviour of Canberra drives this country's [mis]alignment with pre-emptive warfare. Australia has signed on to a ficticious war on terrorism, passed draconian anti-terrorism legislation that tramples civil rights, and abuses the Australian military as corporate mercenaries. The record of deceit to justify the Iraq invasion, the preselection of intelligence to encourage illegal participation with the Anglo American instigated warfare, that now threatens to grow other other hemispheres.
The insanity of the war on terrorism ruse at work is seen undercutting the psychology pushing militarism, this driver pushes justification for the counter-terrorism package for Western Port. Spin doctoring by the Howard government, a complicit Opposition and a compromised intelligence community steered in alignment with the warfare agenda. Propaganda misleads the electorate to fear the possibility of terrorism at home. How much of this deceit furthers political careers, how much is creeping fascism or misplaced lust for power over others - I don't know?
What is real is the classic use of problem-reaction-solution psychology of government-sponsored terrorism. Create a crisis, get the reaction of fear from the population and offer the solution. Behind the threat of terrorism government declares power unto itself. Beefing up of security at Hastings to fight terrorism is blinded by irrational craze.
Pushed by the perfect economic storm on the horizon, the booga! booga! of spin doctors is not appreciated by most of what is happening. The time to fight the official version by the psychopaths driving the train is at Code Red!
The evidence of failing corporations, bankrupt treasuries, asset bubbles about to pop - statistics point to a global economic depression soon to strike. Its under way - a depression has started potentially more harmful than the Great Depression of 1929. This brewing perfect economic storm is receiving a under the radar profile by officials and bankers from mainstream news cover.
Beefed up security at Hastings against terrorism threats is government-sponsored booga! booga!
That is how I see it!
25 Apr 2005
Better 500 troops to Iraq stay in Australia!
A deployment of 500 Australian troops to protect the backsides of Land of the Rising Sun engineers in their imperial oil stakeout in Iraq. Darn shame our military corporate protectors don't see the economic and geopolitical storm stewing at home. If our troops did their job to protect against this nation enemies, deployment at home in a rescue operation from the political prostitutes that have sold the people short would be their finest moment.
Regrettably military grunts aren't trained to silence political hubris from Canberra's cuckoo land and pals in cahoots in some impressive boardrooms. The internationalism vogue of Howard's globalisation should be shot to pieces. Our mercenary military would be highly admired in a redeployment to save the asses of Australians. Ignore the Iraqi deployment we don't need to be part of the illegal triage occupying Iraq as the Imperial collective Axis with the USA and UK.
Spare this nation's from the worst of the emergency about to spin out of control. Releasing the safety catch's to play colonial resource thief in Iraq is absurd. Skip our military as sacrificial lambs. No need for a bloody stimulant to stoke revenge from a disinterested electorate. Its propaganda propeling Australia' climbing on aboard the intelligence and special ops war on terrorism.
A clear thinking individual cannot back the cancer mutating Down Under. Consider the manipulation of John Howard's cabal, the so called Opposition Leader Beazley, and big money power of international banking. You find engineered cancer by State control pushing us into financial no mans land and social monitoring and over regulation. This nation is a seeding ground of New World Order crazies working to dump the treasured freedoms we grew up with. A joint mega corporate governance kills nation building and eats at independance of thinking. Instead we are indoctrinated to wave the good fight. A sort of sick patriotism western jihad. Our civilised struggle for freedom from terrorism, a terrible joke being played on us! Once more Australia is a pathetic colonial dog, a repeat of the Vietnam War of wasted lives as mute testimony to mirror con jobs 30 years back.
The Useless Eaters are in Canberra, then there are brain-washed despots in State government, these cheats should brace themselves, as their shame will not be enough to save them from a push from their ivory towers. Australia is on a soul destroying path of an Orwellian nightmare of fascism.
Petty laws regulate segments of our past freedom loving living. Clever Dick Free Trade agreements undermine industrial strength for criminal third world idiocy of perpetual debt and clouded future, unless you rub shoulders with the ruling elite. With little more than phantom job choices, serve hamburgers, retail Chinese made goods to the indebted middle class. Signing on for military adventure of preemptive war alongside US hegemony! Membership in the Imperial Axis of evil - USA, UK & Australia - in a theft of resources. We are part of the New World Order policeman. thats no choice for decent Australians!
Federal government, State and local offialdom burns and slashes individual rights, dismantles property rights and trunkates personal liberty for the rubbish heap. All supposedly justified by security and social adhesion by a government arrogance of self importance. Economic strength is a joke for the masses under a monetary system designed to strangle possibility. Corporate chiefs in banking, energy, pharmaceuticals and health, and armaments in the cartel hydrocarbon based economy enrich themselves poaching deeper into your pocket as we pay more for all through a debased currency.
A mountain of politically correct idiocy regulates diminishing choice, a social wave we ride but most can't spot it as contemporary slavery. Unless you think what DVD or rented movie to view this week, or which over publicized sports team to be distracted by, this is not living it up, its isolation of your mind. Forget the sold out shadow called the Opposition as it goose steps behind Beazley in his alternate Liberal Party. The reach and wasteful costs of government is horrendous, its encroachment suffocating this nation with bypassed potential under a mass of .
At a municipal level over regulation, such as trivial laws of restricting pet cats from roaming, or State governments turning roads into a frustrating task with faceless justice. Speed camera's, insane low speed limits, and a police force at odds with mainstream society dish out intolerable penalties for minor infractions. Penalties and demerit points unfairly target over 50% of law abiding motorists in a great social engineering project of citizen obedience. All camouflaged with dubious road safety programs turning deceit of officials into nothing less than a sell out of the people. Elected representatives mostly are unworthy to stand in public office, weak minded duplicity fails the citizen they swore to represent. Big money backed committees, flawed studies and fraudulent think tanks rachet up the intolerable shift of burden on the elector's back as the globalisation one world noose is tightened.
The new penal colony is rebuilding Down Under.
Regrettably military grunts aren't trained to silence political hubris from Canberra's cuckoo land and pals in cahoots in some impressive boardrooms. The internationalism vogue of Howard's globalisation should be shot to pieces. Our mercenary military would be highly admired in a redeployment to save the asses of Australians. Ignore the Iraqi deployment we don't need to be part of the illegal triage occupying Iraq as the Imperial collective Axis with the USA and UK.
Spare this nation's from the worst of the emergency about to spin out of control. Releasing the safety catch's to play colonial resource thief in Iraq is absurd. Skip our military as sacrificial lambs. No need for a bloody stimulant to stoke revenge from a disinterested electorate. Its propaganda propeling Australia' climbing on aboard the intelligence and special ops war on terrorism.
A clear thinking individual cannot back the cancer mutating Down Under. Consider the manipulation of John Howard's cabal, the so called Opposition Leader Beazley, and big money power of international banking. You find engineered cancer by State control pushing us into financial no mans land and social monitoring and over regulation. This nation is a seeding ground of New World Order crazies working to dump the treasured freedoms we grew up with. A joint mega corporate governance kills nation building and eats at independance of thinking. Instead we are indoctrinated to wave the good fight. A sort of sick patriotism western jihad. Our civilised struggle for freedom from terrorism, a terrible joke being played on us! Once more Australia is a pathetic colonial dog, a repeat of the Vietnam War of wasted lives as mute testimony to mirror con jobs 30 years back.
The Useless Eaters are in Canberra, then there are brain-washed despots in State government, these cheats should brace themselves, as their shame will not be enough to save them from a push from their ivory towers. Australia is on a soul destroying path of an Orwellian nightmare of fascism.
Petty laws regulate segments of our past freedom loving living. Clever Dick Free Trade agreements undermine industrial strength for criminal third world idiocy of perpetual debt and clouded future, unless you rub shoulders with the ruling elite. With little more than phantom job choices, serve hamburgers, retail Chinese made goods to the indebted middle class. Signing on for military adventure of preemptive war alongside US hegemony! Membership in the Imperial Axis of evil - USA, UK & Australia - in a theft of resources. We are part of the New World Order policeman. thats no choice for decent Australians!
Federal government, State and local offialdom burns and slashes individual rights, dismantles property rights and trunkates personal liberty for the rubbish heap. All supposedly justified by security and social adhesion by a government arrogance of self importance. Economic strength is a joke for the masses under a monetary system designed to strangle possibility. Corporate chiefs in banking, energy, pharmaceuticals and health, and armaments in the cartel hydrocarbon based economy enrich themselves poaching deeper into your pocket as we pay more for all through a debased currency.
A mountain of politically correct idiocy regulates diminishing choice, a social wave we ride but most can't spot it as contemporary slavery. Unless you think what DVD or rented movie to view this week, or which over publicized sports team to be distracted by, this is not living it up, its isolation of your mind. Forget the sold out shadow called the Opposition as it goose steps behind Beazley in his alternate Liberal Party. The reach and wasteful costs of government is horrendous, its encroachment suffocating this nation with bypassed potential under a mass of .
At a municipal level over regulation, such as trivial laws of restricting pet cats from roaming, or State governments turning roads into a frustrating task with faceless justice. Speed camera's, insane low speed limits, and a police force at odds with mainstream society dish out intolerable penalties for minor infractions. Penalties and demerit points unfairly target over 50% of law abiding motorists in a great social engineering project of citizen obedience. All camouflaged with dubious road safety programs turning deceit of officials into nothing less than a sell out of the people. Elected representatives mostly are unworthy to stand in public office, weak minded duplicity fails the citizen they swore to represent. Big money backed committees, flawed studies and fraudulent think tanks rachet up the intolerable shift of burden on the elector's back as the globalisation one world noose is tightened.
The new penal colony is rebuilding Down Under.
16 Apr 2005
Chipped Citizen With That?
Good sense should alert caution of the media assailment aimed at the public of child abuse and identity fraud crime. So many stories of real and imagined physical threat to children, sexual abuse, and loss of children. The social disruption and economic costs of identity theft, identity fraud issues and for good measure the bogey man of "You just don't know who's a terrorist suspect nowadays?" These stories get a ton of exposure across major media. To a level where psychological abuse of a weary public from relentless bombardment of these issues is probably the real abuse issue? All are subjugated to a flood of stories on these issues and associated threats, so much that many tune out.
Considering these issues no one argues there exists abuse, monsters who commit heinous crimes against youngsters. But a thread links these issues is a theme of manipulation of public opinion. Canberra is Big Brother - it builds groundwork of a perception to justify raising security to track everyone for a safer society. Necessary and justified for our own security, the security of our vulnerable, our children portrayed "at risk". Its a suspicious agenda by Canberra to implement massive enforced micro-chipping of Australians.
The media cover is overwhelming to the point it can be perceived that threat levels are excess to the actual threat. Media reporting and the political debate of an imperative to protect our children, potential killer viruses could wipe us out, and identity fraud issues all point to the direction measures are heading to supposedly mitigate the threats. These threats induce communities to think safety. Lets harness identity recognition measures and accept social controls if that is what government says is the solution. The propaganda leads to control by authority and loss of freedom - a solution behind the security and control issue is recognition of anyone, anywhere at anytime.
Canberra will present a security solution to warm up the public by suggestions from a policy think tank. Thus more easily justifying implementing recommendations. A need to implement security and tracking measures of the populace is manufactured, its a hoax. We hear how bad, how costly, how traumatic, whatever crushing malady for the month, make your pick to paint the seriousness and social burden - the threat is rising. Intolerable financial costs on society are a winner, likewise the threat of pedophiles, circulated like so much free beer at a ripper barbecue to substantiate the solution to micro-chip the populace.
You will be perceived a blight on society if you object to micro-chipping. There will be assurances of, "Nothing to fear if you've nothing to hide." Great line! Sacrifice liberty, your privacy and right of freedom of movement in exhange for total government intrusion and control - Are you crazy?
Micro-chipping technology to track and identify, give your history, legal run-ins and probably overdue credit card balances will be visible on a mobile reader or satellite when your chip is scanned. This will be sold as the solution to protect children, thawt sexual abuse of children, to control sex slavery, regulate identity issues and stop terrorism threats. All managed by Big Brother monitoring your embedded chip. So simple!
A classic trap by a bunch of political crazies with alternate harmful agendas. A bunch of New World Order politicos has fortress Canberra in their dirty hands, created a security threat and over blown the consequence. They will present their conjured a solution for all to be grateful? Tossing us the solution as electronic numbered citizens is on its way.
Reject George Orwell's Canberra of a fully regulated society. Your whereabouts is nobodys business than your own. The walking threats that should be micro-chipped are mostly major party politicians. Track the two faced monkeys to identify them when we beat the crap out them, eventually the populace will awaken to deception by elected representatives.
Considering these issues no one argues there exists abuse, monsters who commit heinous crimes against youngsters. But a thread links these issues is a theme of manipulation of public opinion. Canberra is Big Brother - it builds groundwork of a perception to justify raising security to track everyone for a safer society. Necessary and justified for our own security, the security of our vulnerable, our children portrayed "at risk". Its a suspicious agenda by Canberra to implement massive enforced micro-chipping of Australians.
The media cover is overwhelming to the point it can be perceived that threat levels are excess to the actual threat. Media reporting and the political debate of an imperative to protect our children, potential killer viruses could wipe us out, and identity fraud issues all point to the direction measures are heading to supposedly mitigate the threats. These threats induce communities to think safety. Lets harness identity recognition measures and accept social controls if that is what government says is the solution. The propaganda leads to control by authority and loss of freedom - a solution behind the security and control issue is recognition of anyone, anywhere at anytime.
Canberra will present a security solution to warm up the public by suggestions from a policy think tank. Thus more easily justifying implementing recommendations. A need to implement security and tracking measures of the populace is manufactured, its a hoax. We hear how bad, how costly, how traumatic, whatever crushing malady for the month, make your pick to paint the seriousness and social burden - the threat is rising. Intolerable financial costs on society are a winner, likewise the threat of pedophiles, circulated like so much free beer at a ripper barbecue to substantiate the solution to micro-chip the populace.
You will be perceived a blight on society if you object to micro-chipping. There will be assurances of, "Nothing to fear if you've nothing to hide." Great line! Sacrifice liberty, your privacy and right of freedom of movement in exhange for total government intrusion and control - Are you crazy?
Micro-chipping technology to track and identify, give your history, legal run-ins and probably overdue credit card balances will be visible on a mobile reader or satellite when your chip is scanned. This will be sold as the solution to protect children, thawt sexual abuse of children, to control sex slavery, regulate identity issues and stop terrorism threats. All managed by Big Brother monitoring your embedded chip. So simple!
A classic trap by a bunch of political crazies with alternate harmful agendas. A bunch of New World Order politicos has fortress Canberra in their dirty hands, created a security threat and over blown the consequence. They will present their conjured a solution for all to be grateful? Tossing us the solution as electronic numbered citizens is on its way.
Reject George Orwell's Canberra of a fully regulated society. Your whereabouts is nobodys business than your own. The walking threats that should be micro-chipped are mostly major party politicians. Track the two faced monkeys to identify them when we beat the crap out them, eventually the populace will awaken to deception by elected representatives.
25 Mar 2005
Canberra - Bunch of Bastards are War Criminals.
The Australian Government is a bunch of traitorous and murderous bastards. Why? The war mongering fools in Canberra have supported the leading war crazies in Washington in an invasion of two Middle Eastern Nations, Afghanistan and Iraq. The Howard cabal has given military support directly to aid these illegal invasions and occupation of two sovereign states. Neither of these nations had any linkage to the 9/11 World Trade Centre attacks. Today Canberra's war mongering fools are traitors against the people of Australia as John Howard's cabal, clearly identifying themeselves as war crimininals dispatch additional troops to Iraq.
The people of Australia visibly and loudly demonstrated against Howard's cabal in public protests and marches. All segments of society numbering in the thousands of protestors, the largest public protests ever seen in this country. Clearly the Australian government does NOT have the support of the electors to involve us in the killing deserts of innocent civilians in Iraq. By being a puppet supporter of Washington's crazies in its illegal military conquest. Canberra eagerly signed on to the war crazies deceit, and manipulation behind President George Bush and the United kingdom's Tony Blair going it with Washington. None of which means Australia is compelled to join the barbarous illegal acts of murder in illegal preemptive attacks and invasion.
Every individual in this country needs to be reminded of the Geneva Protocols. The International Law that relates to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts.
1. The civilian population and individual civilians shall enjoy general protection against dangers arising from military operations. To give effect to this protection, the following rules, which are additional to other applicable rules of international law, shall be observed in all circumstances.
2. The civilian population as such, as well as individual civilians, shall not be the object of attack. Acts or threats of violence the primary purpose of which is to spread terror among the civilian population are prohibited.
3. Civilians shall enjoy the protection afforded by this Section, unless and for such time as they take a direct part in hostilities.
4. Indiscriminate attacks are prohibited. Indiscriminate attacks are:
a) Those which are not directed at a specific military objective;
b) Those which employ a method or means of combat which cannot be directed at a specific military objective;
c) Those which employ a method or means of combat the effects of which cannot be limited as required by this Protocol; and consequently, in each case, are of a nature to strike military objectives and civilians or civilian objects without distinction.
5. Among others, the following types of attack are to be considered as indiscriminate:
d) An attack by bombardment by any methods or means which treats as a single military objective a number of clearly separated and distinct military objectives located in a city, town, village or other area containing a similar concentration of civilians or civilian objects; and
e) An attack which may be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects, or a combination thereof, which would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated.
Substantial evidence exist that the invasion of Iraq and military action in Afghanistan by the United States with Australia's military participation, intelligence community involvement and government support contravened the Geneva Protocols. No reservation exist to state that responsible members of the cabinet of the Australian government, and senior officers of Australia's military establishment are complicit and knowing accomplices to violation of every single one of these protocols.
As a member and accomplice in the "coalition of the willing" the Australian Government has responsibility for torture, executions, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment and crimes committed in Iraq, Afghanistan and the prison of Guantanamo. The Australian government is complicit in the deaths of thousands of civilians.
The people of Australia visibly and loudly demonstrated against Howard's cabal in public protests and marches. All segments of society numbering in the thousands of protestors, the largest public protests ever seen in this country. Clearly the Australian government does NOT have the support of the electors to involve us in the killing deserts of innocent civilians in Iraq. By being a puppet supporter of Washington's crazies in its illegal military conquest. Canberra eagerly signed on to the war crazies deceit, and manipulation behind President George Bush and the United kingdom's Tony Blair going it with Washington. None of which means Australia is compelled to join the barbarous illegal acts of murder in illegal preemptive attacks and invasion.
Every individual in this country needs to be reminded of the Geneva Protocols. The International Law that relates to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts.
1. The civilian population and individual civilians shall enjoy general protection against dangers arising from military operations. To give effect to this protection, the following rules, which are additional to other applicable rules of international law, shall be observed in all circumstances.
2. The civilian population as such, as well as individual civilians, shall not be the object of attack. Acts or threats of violence the primary purpose of which is to spread terror among the civilian population are prohibited.
3. Civilians shall enjoy the protection afforded by this Section, unless and for such time as they take a direct part in hostilities.
4. Indiscriminate attacks are prohibited. Indiscriminate attacks are:
a) Those which are not directed at a specific military objective;
b) Those which employ a method or means of combat which cannot be directed at a specific military objective;
c) Those which employ a method or means of combat the effects of which cannot be limited as required by this Protocol; and consequently, in each case, are of a nature to strike military objectives and civilians or civilian objects without distinction.
5. Among others, the following types of attack are to be considered as indiscriminate:
d) An attack by bombardment by any methods or means which treats as a single military objective a number of clearly separated and distinct military objectives located in a city, town, village or other area containing a similar concentration of civilians or civilian objects; and
e) An attack which may be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects, or a combination thereof, which would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated.
Substantial evidence exist that the invasion of Iraq and military action in Afghanistan by the United States with Australia's military participation, intelligence community involvement and government support contravened the Geneva Protocols. No reservation exist to state that responsible members of the cabinet of the Australian government, and senior officers of Australia's military establishment are complicit and knowing accomplices to violation of every single one of these protocols.
As a member and accomplice in the "coalition of the willing" the Australian Government has responsibility for torture, executions, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment and crimes committed in Iraq, Afghanistan and the prison of Guantanamo. The Australian government is complicit in the deaths of thousands of civilians.
5 Mar 2005
Behind plan to import skills.
Why does Canberra want an additional 20,000 skilled workers to Australia next year? Are they needed? Why can't we train our local workforce to higher skills? Is a forecast fall in real estate values resusitated in part with importing skilled workers dollars in the home market?
Australia would benefit from more skilled workers - if our economy was likely to continue growing. We have the option to consider training local workers or import lock stock and barrel? An ACTU Background Paper in July 04 predicted a skilled workers shortage of 130,000 in the next five years. The number of skilled worker shortage was predicated on an expanding economic model. Today the economy reveals itself under stress, a faltering global economic landscape has been kept under wraps by Canberra, a complicit ALP and major media so the election could be gotten out of the way.
China currently invigorates demand for Australian raw resources. China's demand will not sustain as its growth is reliant on exporting container after container of goods to USA. China is experiencing domestic problems of insufficient energy to drive their development, growing environmental pollution and emerging currency inflation will hamper growth.
The American economy is in decline, although most are hazy over this unfolding time bomb. A weakening US dollar and resultant loss in purchasing power for US consumers, a falling residential property market looms at the corner. The USA has been devastated in shedding decent manufacturing jobs, replaced with minimum wage jobs without health insurance benefits. Economic stalling numbers, horrendous current account and trade debt has eroded the standard of living for Americans, with the worst yet to hit. The consequences will be negative for Australia's economy. Our standard of living will be reduced as the world's number one consumer market, USA turns fallow.
Unprecedented unpayable national debt in USA & Australia, unpayable global debt levels now relegate the greenback and eventually the Aussie dollar as basket cases. Couple these global stressors to the predicted shortfall of Australia's sufficiency in oil reserves, merging with high costs of importing oil. The factors as drivers behind increasing skilled worker immigrant numbers into Australia is the strategic shift to hold real estate values intact a while longer as the bubble leaks.
As interest rates climb mortgage payments will be under pressure. Additional skilled workers trained from within Australia will not save the real estate market. Canberra sees it will get a reprieve importing skilled workers. Resumption of immigration is 20,000 home buyers and their need to equip the home wouldn't go astray? Personal assets moved to Australia by a skilled worker increase and invested into homes will defer the sound of air hissing from the real estate market?
Australia would benefit from more skilled workers - if our economy was likely to continue growing. We have the option to consider training local workers or import lock stock and barrel? An ACTU Background Paper in July 04 predicted a skilled workers shortage of 130,000 in the next five years. The number of skilled worker shortage was predicated on an expanding economic model. Today the economy reveals itself under stress, a faltering global economic landscape has been kept under wraps by Canberra, a complicit ALP and major media so the election could be gotten out of the way.
China currently invigorates demand for Australian raw resources. China's demand will not sustain as its growth is reliant on exporting container after container of goods to USA. China is experiencing domestic problems of insufficient energy to drive their development, growing environmental pollution and emerging currency inflation will hamper growth.
The American economy is in decline, although most are hazy over this unfolding time bomb. A weakening US dollar and resultant loss in purchasing power for US consumers, a falling residential property market looms at the corner. The USA has been devastated in shedding decent manufacturing jobs, replaced with minimum wage jobs without health insurance benefits. Economic stalling numbers, horrendous current account and trade debt has eroded the standard of living for Americans, with the worst yet to hit. The consequences will be negative for Australia's economy. Our standard of living will be reduced as the world's number one consumer market, USA turns fallow.
Unprecedented unpayable national debt in USA & Australia, unpayable global debt levels now relegate the greenback and eventually the Aussie dollar as basket cases. Couple these global stressors to the predicted shortfall of Australia's sufficiency in oil reserves, merging with high costs of importing oil. The factors as drivers behind increasing skilled worker immigrant numbers into Australia is the strategic shift to hold real estate values intact a while longer as the bubble leaks.
As interest rates climb mortgage payments will be under pressure. Additional skilled workers trained from within Australia will not save the real estate market. Canberra sees it will get a reprieve importing skilled workers. Resumption of immigration is 20,000 home buyers and their need to equip the home wouldn't go astray? Personal assets moved to Australia by a skilled worker increase and invested into homes will defer the sound of air hissing from the real estate market?
25 Feb 2005
Deception Down Under?
The Howard government's corrupt human rights record, from detention centre prisoner abuse at home, citizens held and abused by USA military of terrorism charges with zero evidence. Canberra's loathing to respond adequately to calls by detainees for consular assistance. It's an easy leap to depreciate Howard's reason of security for Japanese engineers, or anyone's safety for that matter as authentic to justify more troops in Iraq. That role paints an acceptable facade to the public.
Australia will boost its military force in Iraq by 450 troops to protect Japanese engineers in the south of Iraq. Contrary to the Howard government's public front for why these troops are necessary, a more sinister reason might drive this deployment?
A crumbling coalition of countries pulls forces out of Iraq. Country after country sees the writing on the wall of escalation into civil war. An attempt to forestall the departure of foreign forces to "get the hell out of Iraq" - is integral to the Australian deployment. Despite attempts to hold the "coalition" - the larger coincidence with Australian troop deployment is Japan's confirmation of acceptance to pay fist fulls more dollars to fuel hefty iron ore earnings increases and target prices for giant Rio Tinto. The mining cartel will haul in a 71.5% price increase for iron ore and 63% price rise of manganese ore to Japanese steel mills.
The effect from Japan's cooperation to escalate prices pushes Rio Tinto profit for fiscal 2005 to projected $4.2 billion - up 25%. An identical profit forecast of $4.2 billion in fiscal 2006 is also projected. Is this money trail the quid pro quo for sending troops?
According to a report in the Sydney Morning Herald Britains defence Minister, Geoff Hoon discussed in mid-January with Australia's defence minister, Robert Hill about the possible deployment of more Australian troops. The request from the Blair Government raises suspicion Canberra acts as paid mercenary? With payoffs through raw materials wealth sold to Japan. Rape the market place, and costs paid by a taxpayer funded military at A$350 million for one year's deployment.
The deployment is considered "all the more essential" in light of the "very successful" election held on January 30 in Iraq," says Howard. The standard platitudes of a "significant contribution to the coalition effort" and "contribution to the rebuilding of Iraq" were offered up for good measure to mollify the public.
Significantly the interests of Her Majesty the Queen of England will receive an incredible boost in prosperity from Rio Tinto's windfall price increases for iron ore. A private investment fund of Elizabeth II, the Queen's Trust as the major dominant political and financial power in Rio Tinto, is guaranteed a healthy percentage of Rio Tinto's boosted iron ore sales. The Queen of England has through the Australian Governor General political power, and via British banking and significant British ownership of Australian corporate power a capacity to wage advantageous moves of the economic tools over Australia.
Her Majesty's U.K. government and request by the Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, pushes Australian troops to an act of resource profiteering paid by taxpayers and potential military fatalities. Consider the above argument with announcements between Rio Tinto and Nippon Steel [the major Japanese corporation agreeing to higher iron ore prices] to work closely together to benefit each other?
If this isn't a hot bed of profitable collusion of incredible manipulation of controls over global hegemony? Of corporate interests motivations over resources, and government complicity of imperialist interests, then I don't what else will qualify?
Australia will boost its military force in Iraq by 450 troops to protect Japanese engineers in the south of Iraq. Contrary to the Howard government's public front for why these troops are necessary, a more sinister reason might drive this deployment?
A crumbling coalition of countries pulls forces out of Iraq. Country after country sees the writing on the wall of escalation into civil war. An attempt to forestall the departure of foreign forces to "get the hell out of Iraq" - is integral to the Australian deployment. Despite attempts to hold the "coalition" - the larger coincidence with Australian troop deployment is Japan's confirmation of acceptance to pay fist fulls more dollars to fuel hefty iron ore earnings increases and target prices for giant Rio Tinto. The mining cartel will haul in a 71.5% price increase for iron ore and 63% price rise of manganese ore to Japanese steel mills.
The effect from Japan's cooperation to escalate prices pushes Rio Tinto profit for fiscal 2005 to projected $4.2 billion - up 25%. An identical profit forecast of $4.2 billion in fiscal 2006 is also projected. Is this money trail the quid pro quo for sending troops?
According to a report in the Sydney Morning Herald Britains defence Minister, Geoff Hoon discussed in mid-January with Australia's defence minister, Robert Hill about the possible deployment of more Australian troops. The request from the Blair Government raises suspicion Canberra acts as paid mercenary? With payoffs through raw materials wealth sold to Japan. Rape the market place, and costs paid by a taxpayer funded military at A$350 million for one year's deployment.
The deployment is considered "all the more essential" in light of the "very successful" election held on January 30 in Iraq," says Howard. The standard platitudes of a "significant contribution to the coalition effort" and "contribution to the rebuilding of Iraq" were offered up for good measure to mollify the public.
Significantly the interests of Her Majesty the Queen of England will receive an incredible boost in prosperity from Rio Tinto's windfall price increases for iron ore. A private investment fund of Elizabeth II, the Queen's Trust as the major dominant political and financial power in Rio Tinto, is guaranteed a healthy percentage of Rio Tinto's boosted iron ore sales. The Queen of England has through the Australian Governor General political power, and via British banking and significant British ownership of Australian corporate power a capacity to wage advantageous moves of the economic tools over Australia.
Her Majesty's U.K. government and request by the Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, pushes Australian troops to an act of resource profiteering paid by taxpayers and potential military fatalities. Consider the above argument with announcements between Rio Tinto and Nippon Steel [the major Japanese corporation agreeing to higher iron ore prices] to work closely together to benefit each other?
If this isn't a hot bed of profitable collusion of incredible manipulation of controls over global hegemony? Of corporate interests motivations over resources, and government complicity of imperialist interests, then I don't what else will qualify?
24 Feb 2005
Who will contain Australia - China?
As Australia under Prime Minister John Howard expands its interventionist role, justified by the war on terrorism - to remedy issues in various parts of the globe. From failed nation states of the Solomons, Papua New Guinea and resource robbing of East Timor oil. Now we will protect Japanese engineers in Iraq with 450 Australian troops to replace a departing Dutch contingent.
Australian military personnel already stationed in Iraq were our total contingent, so it was rattled off the ice cool lips of John Howard. The Prime Minister tears up yet another electoral promise. The troops go to Iraq for a minimum of one year.
Has Howard's cabinet thought about other nation's response to our colonial extensions? Its possible we are seen negatively owing to our military enforcements, at the least with frustration and resentment for our intervention outside our border. Do we know if Australia is seen by Asian neighbours, Middle Eastern States and other nations as overstepping ourselves?
Canberra offers reasons of goodwill, humanitarian objectives, justifications real or contrived such as the rescue of failed states - in spite of Canberra's prior actions that contribute to failed nation status in the Pacific. Official explanations for our military engagement in some regions could not by any stretch hold water with the locals. Initial acceptance of Australian intervention in some regions will veer off course. A changed strategic blunder, economic disparity between the colonials and the locals drives locals to erect buffers that upset Canberra's imperialism at any opportunity.
Dispatching additional military units to extend Canberra's authority at gunpoint, disposes this nation to rising flashpoints outside our influence. Explosive events mostly in the Middle East will be powerful. The escalation will be to rapid to avoid, then we will be drawn into military engagements bigger than our miniscule military resources.
If the United States (or Israel) kicks off engagment in multiple warfare fronts, under the rubrick of perceived threats by Iran or Syria, or North Korea in the case of the USA. A possibility of escalation with China's interests [or Russia] in that region will engage all of America's military forces, there will be little protection either political or economic to protect Australia and its resources prize.
Canberra absent its American military shield would display Australian Imperialism as a pretty pathetic hand. Flashpoints for broad conflict exists across multiple fronts in multilpe hemispheres. Such an erruption would be this nation's Achilles heel as an aggrieved China settled scores for our antagonistic military side show adventures alongside the Anglo/American stooges. The risk of being the third stooge is comprehensible from what I can judge. We have nothing to gain by siding with the current crazies in the White House.
Australian military personnel already stationed in Iraq were our total contingent, so it was rattled off the ice cool lips of John Howard. The Prime Minister tears up yet another electoral promise. The troops go to Iraq for a minimum of one year.
Has Howard's cabinet thought about other nation's response to our colonial extensions? Its possible we are seen negatively owing to our military enforcements, at the least with frustration and resentment for our intervention outside our border. Do we know if Australia is seen by Asian neighbours, Middle Eastern States and other nations as overstepping ourselves?
Canberra offers reasons of goodwill, humanitarian objectives, justifications real or contrived such as the rescue of failed states - in spite of Canberra's prior actions that contribute to failed nation status in the Pacific. Official explanations for our military engagement in some regions could not by any stretch hold water with the locals. Initial acceptance of Australian intervention in some regions will veer off course. A changed strategic blunder, economic disparity between the colonials and the locals drives locals to erect buffers that upset Canberra's imperialism at any opportunity.
Dispatching additional military units to extend Canberra's authority at gunpoint, disposes this nation to rising flashpoints outside our influence. Explosive events mostly in the Middle East will be powerful. The escalation will be to rapid to avoid, then we will be drawn into military engagements bigger than our miniscule military resources.
If the United States (or Israel) kicks off engagment in multiple warfare fronts, under the rubrick of perceived threats by Iran or Syria, or North Korea in the case of the USA. A possibility of escalation with China's interests [or Russia] in that region will engage all of America's military forces, there will be little protection either political or economic to protect Australia and its resources prize.
Canberra absent its American military shield would display Australian Imperialism as a pretty pathetic hand. Flashpoints for broad conflict exists across multiple fronts in multilpe hemispheres. Such an erruption would be this nation's Achilles heel as an aggrieved China settled scores for our antagonistic military side show adventures alongside the Anglo/American stooges. The risk of being the third stooge is comprehensible from what I can judge. We have nothing to gain by siding with the current crazies in the White House.
22 Feb 2005
Melbourne Airport mystery leak?
The mystery chemical leak at Melbourne Airport, Virgin Blue domestic terminal might not be a mystery as claimed at all. The evidence of a gas leak with the force to overwhelm some 45 people, that necessitated evacuation of the terminal for a day points towards a significant toxic mixture.
Even though the fire brigade used specialist air monitoring equipment, this was no use in identifying the type of leak or its source. The fact that the gas was not located in their search on the ground, makes the source most probable to consider a gas leak was not ground based. My line of investigation would follow the relocatable equipment found at an airport. The source of the toxic leak may be tied to the malfunction of on-board covert aerosol chemical spray equipment, possibly in the Virgin fleet it is their terminal where the leak caused harm.
Observed and reported at this site in earlier posts is the aerosol spraying of harmful chemicals over Melbourne. This deliberate aerosol spraying has been reported from other cities in Australia, in fact almost worldwide. Such chemical spraying activity is ignored and given a cold shoulder response by government when information is sought. Spraying is unquestionably occurring, look up at the strange "painted" sky to identify various "clouds" that fail to conform to meteorological patterns and produce health problems to those under the flight paths. These highly dangerous toxic mixes are tabulated and monitored as the product of aerosols sprayed from aircraft. A virtual library of photographs documents these aircraft as both non-commercial [interpret as Federal Government authorised] and commercial aircraft.
The Melbourne Airport aircraft that was the culprit source for the chemical leak could have departed from the scene of the airport apron before the fire brigade arrived. Is it possible the delay before authorities searched for the leak was necessary for the culprit aircraft to clear for take off? Or to secure the leaking apparatus before an on-ground investigation started?
It will interesting to observe what gas and source the MFB, or air transport authority determines caused this massive toxic leak?
Even though the fire brigade used specialist air monitoring equipment, this was no use in identifying the type of leak or its source. The fact that the gas was not located in their search on the ground, makes the source most probable to consider a gas leak was not ground based. My line of investigation would follow the relocatable equipment found at an airport. The source of the toxic leak may be tied to the malfunction of on-board covert aerosol chemical spray equipment, possibly in the Virgin fleet it is their terminal where the leak caused harm.
Observed and reported at this site in earlier posts is the aerosol spraying of harmful chemicals over Melbourne. This deliberate aerosol spraying has been reported from other cities in Australia, in fact almost worldwide. Such chemical spraying activity is ignored and given a cold shoulder response by government when information is sought. Spraying is unquestionably occurring, look up at the strange "painted" sky to identify various "clouds" that fail to conform to meteorological patterns and produce health problems to those under the flight paths. These highly dangerous toxic mixes are tabulated and monitored as the product of aerosols sprayed from aircraft. A virtual library of photographs documents these aircraft as both non-commercial [interpret as Federal Government authorised] and commercial aircraft.
The Melbourne Airport aircraft that was the culprit source for the chemical leak could have departed from the scene of the airport apron before the fire brigade arrived. Is it possible the delay before authorities searched for the leak was necessary for the culprit aircraft to clear for take off? Or to secure the leaking apparatus before an on-ground investigation started?
It will interesting to observe what gas and source the MFB, or air transport authority determines caused this massive toxic leak?
1 Feb 2005
Australia's Future Not in USA alliance! [or with current Liberal & ALP Politicians]
Is Australia headed for the international scrap heap clinging to a puppet role beneath a bellicose bully in Washington?
This country's elected officials in a strange pig headed arrogance insist, "Whatever you do, the people musn't be heard, ignore their rejecting our seedy alliance with George W. Bush!" - Look ask yourself! Does our relationship with America help the lucky country any more? What do we gain with George? Maybe "In bed with America" now means it is the most stupid way to antagonise and jeopardize Australia's security?
Our export income isn't earned out of America, mostly its China - for stuff we dig out of the ground, and with Japan, includes agricultural products, its healthy. How much does America contribute to our broad economy? Aside from corporate buy-up of Australian assets its questionable. Today a risky high percentage of American overseas board rooms have cornered our resources, leading to shifting of income offshore with attendant tax avoidance.
Most segments of the economy we must ask, "Could we soon look at a decline in business activity, higher unemployment, in spite of current rosy statistics?" I think the answer is yes! Ultimately our standard of living will be hurt if Canberra's alliance with American hegemony is not slackened. Sold behind a tag of 'free trade', globalisation... a rush to force labour in competition against low wage countries, theft of public utilities by privatisation, and a strategic oil reach by preemptive imperial warfare out of Washington?
Australian travelers overseas today are as unpopular and vulnerable as USA passports. Might Australia regain international respect and desire for alliances and trade if we subscribed to independance from Washington's influence? Our bellicose 'friend' is seen across the globe as an ugly embarrassment, Washington struts the world as a threat by its bullying. The blinkered push for USA as Number One translates into every other nation scrambling and worried if they fall out of line.
The US has turned to become despicably inhuman by its stenchful targetted abuse against human rights. The abuse of the USA government against Australian citizens and foreign nationals, without evidence of wrong doing, is justified by Bush and Howard behind their mutually admired global "War on Terrorism". Inventing "non-combatants" detained like animals, incarcerated by a dictatorial military and insane White House, behave as the world's worse emerging dictatorship each year. Australia's complicit policy of a sub-servient relationship with Washington demonstrated in weakness that forces us to ignore support of our own citizens. The silence of Howard's cabinet must be invigorated, it thats possible, fom appeasement with Washington to asserting a right to our independence.
Bombs, killing, destruction and civilians murdered in preemptive attacks against Afghanistan and Iraq. Today Iran sits in the American cross hairs of preemptive warfare. Who draws Australia's military into acting alongside such a Nazi mirror? This is not the Australia which I stand, someone is taking this country into a frightening policy of arrogance and imperialism - behavior the White House is known for under the Bush administration.
Our economy to be shackled with a flawed USA-Aust Free Trade agreement. That benefits America and hurts Australia, ignored job opportunities and negative economic impact will strike our independence along social and cultural priorities. Its true the USA is struggling with economic and military overstretch. With an unpayable current account, rocketing trade deficits, a decimated manufacturing sector, failing employment and borrowed wealth. The public and corporate sectors of America have lost respect in accountability, a falling US dollar guarantees an economic implosion. We are seemingly stuck with the same USA/IMF whacky ideas in Canberra. The question is will the officials in office fend off the potential nation wrecking down the road - through distancing Canberra from Washington?
Could Australia gain a positive, inspired future from talking with new alliances instead of the USA model we've become so accustomed? An adjustment of our nation building focus, over empire, by a rewire to develop trade and cultural agreements with near, powerful and smaller Asian neighbours, as well as potential partners from the Eurozone - superior to our secondary alliance with the United States - it would do a great deal of good.
Australia can free itself from puppet like behaviour alongside a rogue USA administration. We inherited hanging onto this now uneasy alliance from Liberal and Labor politicians driven along party lines. It feels like time to quit the abuse of Australian voters as faithful old mutts in this outdated chirade?
The Australia/USA alliance over the long view will suffocate our growth, potential wealth and respect. Some useful thought outside of John Howards and Kim Beazley's "Old Australia ties with America" model wouldn't be a bad idea. If these leaders and their party's weren't stuck like honey to a pot, perhaps we would shake off the bad sticky feel from the past half a dozen years. Shaken up hard enough our sticky alliance with Washington could be repealed, rehashed and replaced to consider Australia's independance. Such a direction could go some way to build pride in what this country still stands for that counts!
This country's elected officials in a strange pig headed arrogance insist, "Whatever you do, the people musn't be heard, ignore their rejecting our seedy alliance with George W. Bush!" - Look ask yourself! Does our relationship with America help the lucky country any more? What do we gain with George? Maybe "In bed with America" now means it is the most stupid way to antagonise and jeopardize Australia's security?
Our export income isn't earned out of America, mostly its China - for stuff we dig out of the ground, and with Japan, includes agricultural products, its healthy. How much does America contribute to our broad economy? Aside from corporate buy-up of Australian assets its questionable. Today a risky high percentage of American overseas board rooms have cornered our resources, leading to shifting of income offshore with attendant tax avoidance.
Most segments of the economy we must ask, "Could we soon look at a decline in business activity, higher unemployment, in spite of current rosy statistics?" I think the answer is yes! Ultimately our standard of living will be hurt if Canberra's alliance with American hegemony is not slackened. Sold behind a tag of 'free trade', globalisation... a rush to force labour in competition against low wage countries, theft of public utilities by privatisation, and a strategic oil reach by preemptive imperial warfare out of Washington?
Australian travelers overseas today are as unpopular and vulnerable as USA passports. Might Australia regain international respect and desire for alliances and trade if we subscribed to independance from Washington's influence? Our bellicose 'friend' is seen across the globe as an ugly embarrassment, Washington struts the world as a threat by its bullying. The blinkered push for USA as Number One translates into every other nation scrambling and worried if they fall out of line.
The US has turned to become despicably inhuman by its stenchful targetted abuse against human rights. The abuse of the USA government against Australian citizens and foreign nationals, without evidence of wrong doing, is justified by Bush and Howard behind their mutually admired global "War on Terrorism". Inventing "non-combatants" detained like animals, incarcerated by a dictatorial military and insane White House, behave as the world's worse emerging dictatorship each year. Australia's complicit policy of a sub-servient relationship with Washington demonstrated in weakness that forces us to ignore support of our own citizens. The silence of Howard's cabinet must be invigorated, it thats possible, fom appeasement with Washington to asserting a right to our independence.
Bombs, killing, destruction and civilians murdered in preemptive attacks against Afghanistan and Iraq. Today Iran sits in the American cross hairs of preemptive warfare. Who draws Australia's military into acting alongside such a Nazi mirror? This is not the Australia which I stand, someone is taking this country into a frightening policy of arrogance and imperialism - behavior the White House is known for under the Bush administration.
Our economy to be shackled with a flawed USA-Aust Free Trade agreement. That benefits America and hurts Australia, ignored job opportunities and negative economic impact will strike our independence along social and cultural priorities. Its true the USA is struggling with economic and military overstretch. With an unpayable current account, rocketing trade deficits, a decimated manufacturing sector, failing employment and borrowed wealth. The public and corporate sectors of America have lost respect in accountability, a falling US dollar guarantees an economic implosion. We are seemingly stuck with the same USA/IMF whacky ideas in Canberra. The question is will the officials in office fend off the potential nation wrecking down the road - through distancing Canberra from Washington?
Could Australia gain a positive, inspired future from talking with new alliances instead of the USA model we've become so accustomed? An adjustment of our nation building focus, over empire, by a rewire to develop trade and cultural agreements with near, powerful and smaller Asian neighbours, as well as potential partners from the Eurozone - superior to our secondary alliance with the United States - it would do a great deal of good.
Australia can free itself from puppet like behaviour alongside a rogue USA administration. We inherited hanging onto this now uneasy alliance from Liberal and Labor politicians driven along party lines. It feels like time to quit the abuse of Australian voters as faithful old mutts in this outdated chirade?
The Australia/USA alliance over the long view will suffocate our growth, potential wealth and respect. Some useful thought outside of John Howards and Kim Beazley's "Old Australia ties with America" model wouldn't be a bad idea. If these leaders and their party's weren't stuck like honey to a pot, perhaps we would shake off the bad sticky feel from the past half a dozen years. Shaken up hard enough our sticky alliance with Washington could be repealed, rehashed and replaced to consider Australia's independance. Such a direction could go some way to build pride in what this country still stands for that counts!
27 Jan 2005
Kim Beazley as Leader is strange sense - Unless?
If you were a political party, would your bag of tricks include a leader with two lost elections behind him?
What the hell sense is there to make a big fat slob, a man who gives long winded answers, waffles on and has an uncanny inability to define what he really stands for as leader of the ALP? When Kim Beazley lost his last election race there was no one in the ALP Caucus trying to persuade Beazley to stay on as leader, so why the hell is there support today?
Backing a horse to win or loose you bet two bob each way, win or place you pocket something. In this race Beazley isn't running any different than Howard. The Howard Government is heading into a horrendous crash. Steering the ship of State during a global economic decline, an unpopular escalation of our military involvement, or climbing interest rates after Liberal finger pointing that pocket hitting mortgage rates are limited to Labor weakness only? A defining event that hurts voters pockets or erodes standards of Australian fair play will shift Howards popularist floor plan. "No reason to worry today" will quickly backfire to "Throw the bastards out!" Even a Beazley drovers dog could default to claim the top dog seat! Whatever harsh economic reality or brutal military absuridity emerges, the agenda behind political smoke and mirrors will expose more harsh herding of the sheeple to our economic and social slaughter.
An ALP government again in Canberra will relive their unprecedented social engineering, financial deregulation and union smashing days of Hawke and Keating, to salivate screwing of Australians harder next time. Like a pack of backroom conniving snakes, the Beazley's ALP hold a grand vision no less asinine than Howard's cabinet - as deputy hit men of the South Pacific... inside a doctrine of corporate primacy. Integrated alongside America's industrious wet dream of global overlords there's a vision for Australia that forgets the electorate. A vision that would be rejected out of hand by voters if only the men behind the curtain were recognised for what they are? Australia's political leaders and heavy duty corporate chieftains ride easily manipulating the electoral stage and it's agenda of who is voted for and what issues become public.
The new [old] Beazley Labor party will go-for-broke in nation destroying globalisation. Of equal concern should be what projected path a Beazley ALP will steer our military? Ankle deep engagement in military misadventure is probable, as social engineering predetermines this country into even more imperial warfare from our questionable uneven alliance benefiting the United States. A push for global hegemony by an Anglo-American command over worldwide resources, especially oil - whilst a global economy falters towards "Depression Two" will open stress cracks of explosive confrontation with other countries intentions.
The future probable enemy Australia will fight against is already spoken of amongst US administration circles, the growing power from a rising China is sleighted to be curtailed? Believe the Neo-cons of the Bush administration and in Australian politics. Before a China conflict this country will become embroiled in support of war against other rogue "terror" nations in the "axis of evil". Iran and Syria loom up close on their hit list. Leader Beazley will argue for "all the way with USA" in Australia's involvement in this threatening global overreach.
Beazley will slipstream the ALP deeper as a fascist Liberal Party clone, more than Howard's current Australia wrecking policies. The truth of the matter is Australia lacks a viable political opposition. The Punch & Judy puppet show of Beazley once more in leadership foretells further plundering of the electorate, no matter what you might want to believe or read - its all smoke and mirrors!
What the hell sense is there to make a big fat slob, a man who gives long winded answers, waffles on and has an uncanny inability to define what he really stands for as leader of the ALP? When Kim Beazley lost his last election race there was no one in the ALP Caucus trying to persuade Beazley to stay on as leader, so why the hell is there support today?
Backing a horse to win or loose you bet two bob each way, win or place you pocket something. In this race Beazley isn't running any different than Howard. The Howard Government is heading into a horrendous crash. Steering the ship of State during a global economic decline, an unpopular escalation of our military involvement, or climbing interest rates after Liberal finger pointing that pocket hitting mortgage rates are limited to Labor weakness only? A defining event that hurts voters pockets or erodes standards of Australian fair play will shift Howards popularist floor plan. "No reason to worry today" will quickly backfire to "Throw the bastards out!" Even a Beazley drovers dog could default to claim the top dog seat! Whatever harsh economic reality or brutal military absuridity emerges, the agenda behind political smoke and mirrors will expose more harsh herding of the sheeple to our economic and social slaughter.
An ALP government again in Canberra will relive their unprecedented social engineering, financial deregulation and union smashing days of Hawke and Keating, to salivate screwing of Australians harder next time. Like a pack of backroom conniving snakes, the Beazley's ALP hold a grand vision no less asinine than Howard's cabinet - as deputy hit men of the South Pacific... inside a doctrine of corporate primacy. Integrated alongside America's industrious wet dream of global overlords there's a vision for Australia that forgets the electorate. A vision that would be rejected out of hand by voters if only the men behind the curtain were recognised for what they are? Australia's political leaders and heavy duty corporate chieftains ride easily manipulating the electoral stage and it's agenda of who is voted for and what issues become public.
The new [old] Beazley Labor party will go-for-broke in nation destroying globalisation. Of equal concern should be what projected path a Beazley ALP will steer our military? Ankle deep engagement in military misadventure is probable, as social engineering predetermines this country into even more imperial warfare from our questionable uneven alliance benefiting the United States. A push for global hegemony by an Anglo-American command over worldwide resources, especially oil - whilst a global economy falters towards "Depression Two" will open stress cracks of explosive confrontation with other countries intentions.
The future probable enemy Australia will fight against is already spoken of amongst US administration circles, the growing power from a rising China is sleighted to be curtailed? Believe the Neo-cons of the Bush administration and in Australian politics. Before a China conflict this country will become embroiled in support of war against other rogue "terror" nations in the "axis of evil". Iran and Syria loom up close on their hit list. Leader Beazley will argue for "all the way with USA" in Australia's involvement in this threatening global overreach.
Beazley will slipstream the ALP deeper as a fascist Liberal Party clone, more than Howard's current Australia wrecking policies. The truth of the matter is Australia lacks a viable political opposition. The Punch & Judy puppet show of Beazley once more in leadership foretells further plundering of the electorate, no matter what you might want to believe or read - its all smoke and mirrors!
21 Jan 2005
Victoria's Speed Camera Scam - [2% safety & 98% tax ].
Speed cameras - Punishing safe motorists for Brack's Government cash grab
The Victorian government ducks honest appraisal of a flawed road safety practice. Deceit and abuse of motorists through misuse of speed camera's as a major revenue tool is a money grab that targets law abiding drivers. Most drivers are not guilty of dangerous driving at the insane low speed tolerance where hefty fines and demerit points kick in. The Victoria Police are also guilty of abuse of public respect through their complicity with the speed camera scam. A failure to hold ethical and fair practice in their job to protect the community, not harass law abiding motorists.
"Road regulations should not be enforced to ensure that every driver receives an infringement notice - but to protect the community against the actions of a minority of reckless drivers".
The Australian Motorists Association.
The State government's argument that most accidents are caused from excessive speed can be proven to be inaccurate. Evidence from the United States points to the proportion is likely as low as 2%. It is appropriate to note Victoria has become notorious worldwide for unbridled abuse of speed camera technology.
For years road speed limits were determined under the 85th percentile formula. Speed limits were calculated from monitoring average speeds on a road section. The speed limit would be set at 85% of the recorded average speed. A speed variance from the speed limit by 10 mph would find a majority of drivers observe these speed limits. It is proven that compliance with speed limits doubles with correctly posted speed limits, that safety does not benefit from punishing people going slightly over the current limits.
The Victorian Government cannot be believed in its messages about the dangers of "speeding", often followed by comments that government doesn't want the money they just want to promote safety. An absolute misrepresentation of the actual facts identifies a clear motive for not addressing the safety issue - whilst tens of millions of dollars flow into State coffers. Official propaganda is clearly wrong. Speed limits and their enforcement should be set in such a way that road crashes are minimised. Authorities know better that low speed limit posting with minimum over-limit speed infringement is not only unfair, but the truth of the matter is you are not a road safety hazard when you safely exceed incorrect speed limits. Driving with the traffic flow as road conditions permit is the safest way to avoid fatalities, instead of constant micro speedometer monitoring to unrealistic speed checks.
"Cameras encourage drivers to stick rigidly and unthinkingly to speed limits. In so doing we run the risk of creating a nation of speedometer watchers who drive according to the diktat of the camera rather than according to prevailing road conditions"
Alan Buckingham, Senior Lecturer Sociology, Bath Spa University College, England.
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