26 June 2005

Will Victorian Taxi Assoc Receive Award from George Orwell?

The Victorian Taxi Association intends to give taxi drivers the royal heave-ho from their driving jobs under a proposed code of conduct change. The Association wants to shut drivers up from talking with passengers about events of 911 and related terrorism subjects. Perhaps later whatever else the Victorian Taxi Association finds out of character or potentially offensive subject matter in violation with their code of conduct will be included on the list also?

This is the nothing less than a big brother attitude forced down employee throats, its a step removed fron censorship of any discussion against the government of the day or events of a contemporary nature. A revealing piece of the news report refers to anti-American slogans on taxi cabs, that this would be offensive. Frankly if I saw such a slogan, it would invigorate me to select that cab to ride in as a passenger.

After taxi drivers we'll shut the mouths of waiters and bar tenders, maybe even silence all chatty employees from talking with customers about anything. Maybe the weather and their employers product or service will be permitted. Better still enforce taxi drivers, bar tenders and every goddamn worker to only discuss matters of a complimentary nature in any conversation whilst on the job. Who the hell do these employees think they are having a thought of their own anyway?

I am all for any employee having his point of view, especially when it involves the mass murder of 3000 people from 911. Since that event thousands have lost their lives from government deceit and war in Afghanistan and Iraq - regrettably anti-American sentiments are valid and appropriate to be aired against a back drop of such criminal mayhem.

The disgusting element is that the Vic Taxi Assoc would even consider a sweeping imposition of draconian workplace code of conduct interfering with free speech. If you've got over zealous taxi drivers engaged in going too heavy with their passengers, then surely go talk with those specific drivers.

If the Vic. Taxi Assoc go ahead with this social behaviour training they should be presented a George Orwell award for top notch people programming and control.

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