Howard’s crazies spit out propaganda pretty much as they want. We could tolerate it if the blueprint were not disassembowling our nation state.
Australia’s Federal government is chapter to an off the page architectural cenotaph in making - voters recognise distressingly a fraction of what Canberra's fools bring down on this country. If I were to jostle in front of voters what this bastard government is driving towards most would not accept the maturing travesty.
On the horizon are increasing lay-offs as halting global demand punishes Australia's commodity economy, resulting in accelerating softening in real estate values. Besieged mortgage holders will loose their grip for loan repayments - in a collision of asset values depreciating deeper than loan balances. If the last Great Depression is our judge 30 – 40% fall in home values is easily broached over the next three years in my assessment.
Staggering social friction will accelerate between haves and have-nots as the economic gulf widens from a hard hit global slowdown. Many families will feel the pain trying to feed their children and keep the home lights burning. Those with a job versus the rest with no paycheck will both be thankful for State food relief and emergency housing as greater numbers have no choice - than to sacrifice their plummeting asset the family home to the bank. Furious discord between punishing Federal programs and State government taking citizens for granted for to many years. Failure to warn of the economic storm and likely military tempest will drive many to criminal behaviour in revenge and basic survival for many. We move incrementally toward a no-win military showdown against China - lock step with the criminally insane Bush administration in its spin for armed confrontation with that nation. North Korea or Iran could be the fuse. Australia sacrifices autonomy for obsequious toad like subservience along the road to wasting this nation's best.
Canberra’s crazies’ attain the guise of elected representatives presumably to serve electors? Instead deceitfully persists at a crooked agenda nothing short of economic terrorism under the banner of ‘free markets’. Perversion of a secure future of voter’s abandoned to a "no-hope" future of wholesale destruction of the middle class - in a race to the bottom for wage levels. The whole way this government operates is crooked; I’ve yet to cross anyone who supports Howard’s cabinet and its prevarication to force-feed lying at unbelievable volume on the people who put them in office.
Wounds have already been inflicted on Australia’s international standing - errected by Howard’s reprehensible puppet alliance with President G. W. Bush's criminally insane administration and UK’s rubbery poodle Prime Minister Blair. A smoke and mirrors scaffold obfuscates the sum and substance of rotten guts in the feral government… conceived as the Liberal party. A party once seen and understood as non-dustructive to the nation’s future and culture in office. Today the Liberal party is fascist internationalist in its rank, it smells bad. Howard’s policies are analogous in vandalism against the middle class to the Jacob’s coat Hawke & Keating brandished in office. An epic of Labour Party voter crucifixion substituted perceptible choice in the political landscape for today’s indistinguishable two Liberal party’s. Side by side the ALP and Liberal look cut from the same filthy cloth. Corporate governance and globalisation is the driver, a fascist objective they stand apart only for show, barely cutting the mustard both parties represent twins of political and economic hegemony.
Hawke & Keating kicked off compromising long-term economic stability. Financial sector deregulation, currency speculation and debasement ahead of manufacturing and real productivity gains. These destructive policies chaperone workplace assault, defraud unions of influence and limit a compliant union leadership servile to the staus quo. This sets the stage for today’s industrial relations offensive by Howard to subjugate employee safeguards in a race to pay the least - behind the stroking global competition mantra. Loss of 80% of voters from the working man’s septic ALP is a posture prevailing in obscene ALP conivance with Howard’s crazies, currently in a mamoth political disconnect with this nation today.
Political disconnect with the electorate and unseen realities, infers Australia’s sovereign autonomy and its people’s voice is displaced by an abstract fraud - whilst government imitates to represent its citizens. Madness is sold unchallenged in an assurance of an inescapable road to globalisation as something, “Good for Australians.” A torrent of money from the treasury greases the wheels of the machinery of a governmment at war on two fronts. The first front against the electorate, the second fight with the White House opponents deemed terrorist supporters identified in axis of evil, which by now has grown by several more threatened states.
Examined… this ends up as economic scraps for the majority, ruination of freedom, civil and financial, indebted subservience to global corporations with immunity from accountability. Citizens are forced year after year into a stealth feudal relationship under government operating to the chant of outside big money power. The Australian government is beholden to influence and direct control from international banking, hydrocarbon and energy corporations and the power of Anglo/American defence industry monoliths. Extremely profitable hegemony of its supreme globalisation members as government issue contracts to enrich corporations in security and privatisation of public assets. Essential utilities transmutate as cash cows under ultra wealthy ownership, the path continues with Telstra now targeted for run-down and sell-off. A fresh imported CEO will undoubtedly share crop Telstra’s values to basement level for buttoning up by the globalisation club members?
Self-enriching indulgence obscured by government propaganda justified by hack mantras of past inefficiencies, drummed-up security threats from terrorism supplant social welfare and general good to the back burner for corporate everything! The public well being is forfeitured for hegemony to a select few crooks. Public medical services are cut; infrastructure handed over by the swollen mastication trough of incestuous membership living hansomely off the fake war on terrorism. Millions of dollars enrich defence corporations, international financiers and earlier identified industry in perpetuatuation of the crooked status quo, to hold fascist incumbency in political office.
Power over the people by the nation destroyers of the New World order punishes Australia’s citizens to consign us towards a menacing third world standing – only we don’t see it just yet!
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