12 July 2005

Ready for Australian Govt to forward Citizen ID?

Have you sussed out the modus operandi of our obsequious little toady Howard yet and his cabal of dead as wood traitors? Now that the London bombings have splattered innocent victims at the hand of Zionist influenced murderer Blair... Expect a national citizen identity card to appear back on the screw freedom agenda for Australians.

The push for a national id card will of course be justified by the standard platitudes of security, protecting us from terrorism, better control of intelligence by running govt controlled data base on everything about you! The truth is the threat of terrorism are govt-sponsored. If a threat from Islamic nations and groups exist it is only a result of the idiots in the USA, U.K. & Australian govt's dropping bombs on Iraq and Afghanistan and permitting Israel to murder Palestinians and get away with this crime.

How many days or weeks will we have to wait for Canberra to drop hints of the coming "Citizen, let me see your papers?"

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