18 July 2005

Didn't Take Very Long!

Surprise, surprise... The Queensland Premier shows his filthy New World Order hand to suggest we will likely need identification cards soon. As I thought would happen the traitors Australia has in govt waste no time to capitalise on the govt-sponsored terrorist act in London, to further tighten the noose around the neck of dying liberty in Australia. Pretty clever move to drop the old id card plan through a State govt lackey rather than by Howard and has cabal of Bush ass licking cronies.

The national id card will have to be tackled head on and not be permitted to see the light of day. It will be wheeled out as the cure to head off terrorism, bullshit! Any politician supporting an id card plan must be targeted to publicise their duplicity of signing on with more and more controls. To run directly in the face of the freedoms this country means to its citizens is justification for removal from public office. It is a travesty of justice to dog tag citizens with identification, which as sure as god made little apples will have to be carried at all times. Probably linked to banking and the holding of a job and drivers licence.

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