2 Sept 2005

Australian Gift to USA for New Orleans - This Is What I Think!

Of all the miscalculated deeds Australia’s officials have rendered – our nation’s open-handedness through the Red Cross of US$10 million for the New Orleans hurricane disaster will rate materially as nepotism. The people in New Orleans need vital and immediate help – certainly that is apparent.

There exists an immense aberration that the American government which expends billions of dollars bombing the living hell out of Afghanis, Iraqis and numerous conflagerations since the Korean War - to many to specify. In bombing and killing thousands, maiming tens of thousands of innocent people as “collatoral damage” in its prevailing War on Terrorism, since renamed War on Extremism. That The US should earn the apperception of Canberra to gain compensation for distress within its shores, whilst it enforces international insecurity and domestic distress at the expense of the American taxpayers and citizen.

The USA is the biggest weapons tribe, the biggest exporter of weapons, the largest biological weapons developer, the biggest domestic spender in regulating and discipline its populace. Behind the Orwellian Homeland Defence Department an even more draconian security and surveilance network evolves targeted against ordinary citizens – all at a price of billions.

The Bush administration does not acknowledge its tragedy in slashing funding for disaster relief. Since 2001 the White House has shown to foment nothing less than total unpreparedness of national disasters at home. Whilst the theft of America’s treasury squandered on weaponry and sustaining its global military presence endure. It’s a betrayal of the responsibility for the nation at home replaced by preemptive warfare in Afghanistan and Iraq and whatever ‘threat’ is next in the White House cross hair?

Nothing short of capricious delinquency by the American Government led to the catastrophic outcome of human loss and physical destruction in New Orleans. Not Hurricane Katrina itself clearly - but ignorance away from disaster preparation and virtual neglicence of physical assets and human resources to mitigate disaster. All sacrificed by the Bush White House who turned its back on America in assiduity of pretense to uphold a failing international paper eagle. A deriliction of duty of the ultimate order has occured - commensurate to High Crime committed by George W. Bush as President of the United States of America. Today the Bush administration is defined as a stark profile against the white backdrop of the catastrophe of New Orleans. What superficial dysfunctional pretext of an executive branch the Bush administration sorrowfully represents. The President and Congess is appointed to maintain, uphold and protect the nations stock of infrastructure and capabilities, which includes its human beings, American citizens. As superintendant of the nation the Bush administration has failed in its responsibilities. It has instead plundered the treasury at home to perpetrate warfare and military operations abroad, on a scale not seen since possibly the Vietnam War.

I am appalled at the gross judgment of the Australian Government to support however discursively the effort of the current USA administration in a gift of US $10 million of Australian Taxpayer money to the Red Cross. The United States government in the absence of reform of its own house fails to merit Australian gifts.


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