19 June 2008

UK Harvesting Organs Sustitutes State over Your Body

The UK Government intention to automatically assume right to harvest organs from the dead, those about to die and those souls not long left before dying, has zero connected with prolonging the life of organ recipients. Prolonging the life of anyone needing a body part is far from the intent of the UK Government policy. It is rather a sickening and insulting facade, its is the cruel, manipulative front to convince the populace of the harvesting policy whilst the actual stealthy reason is concealed from the public.

Its entirely to realign and reposition our belief system held by the majority of citizens, to subtly shift the axiom of self domain over my body and reconstruct those axioms as impermanent out of date thinking. The fundamental ownership of the body is with the person whose body it very well is... that in spite of the wishes of the individual who has just died or the unwillingness of next of kin to the individual that has just lost his life the State has ZERO RIGHT TO MY BODY.

No matter if altruistic reasons did drive such a policy, which it doesn't, the body that has finished life does not relinquish or transfer what happens with the expired body to other authority.

The government seeks to establish by insincere propaganda that it, the State is the owning authority over your body. Once the State gains this public acceptance in broad enough numbers it is a short step t0 implementing a eugenics madness. The justification that its for the betterment of society for a healthy environment. Just as the motivation of harvesting body parts in the first place is wrapped up in what is best for the majority.

The result from the publics non acceptance of this harvesting policy the Government can gravitate towards a mild eugenics type of program, saying the needed body parts have to come from somewhere. That the Government will not interfere with next of kin wishes in exchange for applying eugenics in society.

The UK Government is crooked to its core. Its time its body parts were replaced with healthy parts and the current organs and parts of the parliament harvested for the good of the nation.

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