22 June 2008

Israeli Transport Minister needs to "Get A Life"

More Brain Dead Israeli Government Dribble

Israeli Transport Minister Shaul Mofaz told an Israeli newspaper in early June that an attack on Iran looked "unavoidable" if it continues its nuclear program.

What the hell is this idiot talking about? “Unavoidable!” The Deputy Prime Minister proclaims himself irresponsible. Such madness and cavalier arrogance from the Minister of Transportation and Road Safety, Mofaz can do Israel a favour and sit his ass at his transport desk, refocus and consider the portfolio of Transport.

The stuff of buses, roads and road safety, assets and systems connected with transport is much more important than playing the fools game of threatening to bomb Iran behind the usual Israeli invalid claims of a nuclear Iran as a threat.

It is obvious Deputy Prime Minister Mofaz is still wearing the Minister of defense portfolio and needs to do his job, grow up and think of his kids and the innocent Iranians he proposes blowing to kingdom come. What’s that expression, “Get a Life” – I would say that fits as useful advice to Bomber Mofaz.

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