21 June 2008

ISRAEL - Part of the solution or the problem?

Are you part of the solution or part of the problem?

The never ending trouble in the Middle East of threatened warfare between Iran and Israel, at the behest and unquestionable provocation of Israel, agitated by the US White House and motivated by claimed threat to Israel from a potential nuclear capable Iran has two significant characteristics. The first character of Iran as a threat to Israel is deceptive. How can Iran be a threat when Israel has more nuclear capability than any neighbor, aside from the major powers of USA, Russia, UK and France there is no nation posing a higher nuclear military capability than Israel. An awesome capability it holds in spite of abject failure to conform remotely to abide by international nuclear controls applicable to the majority of the globe possessing nuclear technology.

We can scratch from reality a claimed potential preemptive threat militarily Iran poses against Israel for the reason the Jewish State possesses a capable military machine. A military that to date has displayed willingness to provoke, ignite and murder mostly in aggressive preemptive mode. Israel's claiming of a threat by Iran fails dismally to match the conflict and regional antagonism by any measure launched by Israel and its White House backer. The Israeli military is substantially enriched by USA billions of dollars sucked out of American citizen’s taxes, a direct funnel of weapons supply and hi-tech military technology transfer from a USA Congress linked arm in arm with Jewish influence. The majority of Congress receives sustained steerage money from the Jewish lobby, a lobby that is the thief in the night owning representatives of a foreign nation the USA, for the advantage of Israel to the disadvantage of America, indeed disadvantage of the globe.

It’s painfully clear members of the Israeli Knesset are not part of any solution. Possessing authoritative supremacy within its sole legislative chamber the Israeli parliament is driven by a sacrificial agenda. That sacrifice is everyone else for the benefit of the absurd idea of an Israeli State perpetuated by the irrational exuberance of people that exhibit inhuman policies and an antagonistic Zionist agenda of a Greater Israel that places Israel as part of the problem and not part of the solution.

Consider if we dismantle the present absolute cannibalism manifest in the character of the Israeli Government against the world of its disregard for life, its disregard of the rights of Arabs. Its direct affront on the property rights of Palestinians by seizure of their land, destruction of Palestinian’s homes, assets and liberty. If we dismantle Israel from the region, shut the USA finance pipeline that props up this rogue nation and its cannibalism how much of a problem could we imagine remaining in the Middle East?

Israel is part of the problem by its own cruel and prehistoric behaviour. If it were indeed part of the solution then the upset, death and character of perpetual confrontation with its neighbours and the Palestinians whose land has been stolen by Israel would not exist.

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