14 June 2008

Prime Minister Rudd Shows His Dirty Hand

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd Shows His Dirty Hand.

Prime Minister Rudd's slight of hand keeps afloat and sponsors a fabricated, bogus carbon trading [CO²] scheme. Because Co² emissions have stuff-all connection with clumsily and incorrectly labeled "climate change", a fiasco with pretense as authentic scientific based realism. The dominant face of carbon trading is to insert an oppressive addition tax slug on every citizen.

Why do you think a carbon trading scheme is tagged as a scheme? This is scheming at its sneakiest grade, emotionally configured to take advantage of voter’s intentions of helping the climate and environment. The reality is scientific climate evidence stares Rudd in his haughty face that the goddamn fiercest burning star to Earth, a ball of flame commonly known as the SUN influences weather in a major way.

In a million years of mankind driving his wheels around the block, manufacturing useful and junk stuff in our factories, or igniting bonfire’s on Guy Fawkes, none of these pushes “climate change” … I almost puke puting down on paper lies linking Climate Change and Carbon Trading, its a sham shoved down our throats. Huge propaganda that even Goebbels could envy for cunning and manipulation of the people.

Prime Minister Rudd reveals he coverts “other interests” not Oz citizen's interest, and shows his connivance many ways. For instance his continuing hanging Australia’s military engagement in the volatile Middle East, even though he fusses like a pantomime over withdrawing troops from Iraq, shunts this around voter's heads as part of Rudd's upholding his commitment with voters. The actual shift is move pawn 1 off square A onto integer B – guess what? Pawn 1 is still in play despite a token withdrawal of troops (pawns) per Rudd’s election campaign chatter.

The policy of arm, shoot to kill and destroy remain on the Anglo/American insane sport of assault and raids on innocents blameless nations. Interpret that as Mums & Dads with kids in attire different than you sport dying, so far Afghanistan and Iraq, who’s next (Iran)? With vital resource of oil stranglehold over strategic turf. If you judge Australia has a military role way over there - as we live way down here, you are tricked to give what rationale thinking you had to irrational propaganda of Canberra miscreants, second class politician schemers and heavy lifting corporate identity.

The Petrol Price Watching sham is another calculated academy act to put down a rising noisy public, as long as possible. We are screwed paying for petrol an essential substance that aught to be a fraction of its horrendous rort price.

The good news bulletin is we are openly clued-up as a spanking new shine of Canberra’s rulers looses its lustre to reveal a same old Canberra pack. Prime Minister Rudd with a malevolent, smug diminutive cabinet are paid up betrayers of their national responsibility.

An aide memoire to the swindlers in Canberra, embrace State Government in that group - your accountability for the common good of the people of Australia, so far the general public of Australia have been sold out. Embryonic fascist policies are implemented and single-mindedly pushed over our heads - later the general public will loose its head as the penny drops. In time the citizens of Australia will loose patience of the deceit of the Prime Minister and any Cabinet member and opportune near to hand State Legislature will all be seen as guilty of abandoning your accountability.

With whom can you imagine a rising tide of public provocation and lost financial opportunity will be settled with when the tide raises all boats looking to settle scores that need never have occurred in the first place?

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