More Brain Dead Israeli Government Dribble
Israeli Transport Minister Shaul Mofaz told an Israeli newspaper in early June that an attack on Iran looked "unavoidable" if it continues its nuclear program.
What the hell is this idiot talking about? “Unavoidable!” The Deputy Prime Minister proclaims himself irresponsible. Such madness and cavalier arrogance from the Minister of Transportation and Road Safety, Mofaz can do Israel a favour and sit his ass at his transport desk, refocus and consider the portfolio of Transport.
The stuff of buses, roads and road safety, assets and systems connected with transport is much more important than playing the fools game of threatening to bomb Iran behind the usual Israeli invalid claims of a nuclear Iran as a threat.
It is obvious Deputy Prime Minister Mofaz is still wearing the Minister of defense portfolio and needs to do his job, grow up and think of his kids and the innocent Iranians he proposes blowing to kingdom come. What’s that expression, “Get a Life” – I would say that fits as useful advice to Bomber Mofaz.
Canberra - Labour and Liberal A crooked axis of bankers, oil merchants, tainted media and puerile think tanks. Today its Madam Gillard undermining sovereignty, destructive "free-trade" the bogus War on Terror and fraudulent climate change.
22 June 2008
21 June 2008
ISRAEL - Part of the solution or the problem?
Are you part of the solution or part of the problem?
The never ending trouble in the Middle East of threatened warfare between Iran and Israel, at the behest and unquestionable provocation of Israel, agitated by the US White House and motivated by claimed threat to Israel from a potential nuclear capable Iran has two significant characteristics. The first character of Iran as a threat to Israel is deceptive. How can Iran be a threat when Israel has more nuclear capability than any neighbor, aside from the major powers of USA, Russia, UK and France there is no nation posing a higher nuclear military capability than Israel. An awesome capability it holds in spite of abject failure to conform remotely to abide by international nuclear controls applicable to the majority of the globe possessing nuclear technology.
We can scratch from reality a claimed potential preemptive threat militarily Iran poses against Israel for the reason the Jewish State possesses a capable military machine. A military that to date has displayed willingness to provoke, ignite and murder mostly in aggressive preemptive mode. Israel's claiming of a threat by Iran fails dismally to match the conflict and regional antagonism by any measure launched by Israel and its White House backer. The Israeli military is substantially enriched by USA billions of dollars sucked out of American citizen’s taxes, a direct funnel of weapons supply and hi-tech military technology transfer from a USA Congress linked arm in arm with Jewish influence. The majority of Congress receives sustained steerage money from the Jewish lobby, a lobby that is the thief in the night owning representatives of a foreign nation the USA, for the advantage of Israel to the disadvantage of America, indeed disadvantage of the globe.
It’s painfully clear members of the Israeli Knesset are not part of any solution. Possessing authoritative supremacy within its sole legislative chamber the Israeli parliament is driven by a sacrificial agenda. That sacrifice is everyone else for the benefit of the absurd idea of an Israeli State perpetuated by the irrational exuberance of people that exhibit inhuman policies and an antagonistic Zionist agenda of a Greater Israel that places Israel as part of the problem and not part of the solution.
Consider if we dismantle the present absolute cannibalism manifest in the character of the Israeli Government against the world of its disregard for life, its disregard of the rights of Arabs. Its direct affront on the property rights of Palestinians by seizure of their land, destruction of Palestinian’s homes, assets and liberty. If we dismantle Israel from the region, shut the USA finance pipeline that props up this rogue nation and its cannibalism how much of a problem could we imagine remaining in the Middle East?
Israel is part of the problem by its own cruel and prehistoric behaviour. If it were indeed part of the solution then the upset, death and character of perpetual confrontation with its neighbours and the Palestinians whose land has been stolen by Israel would not exist.
The never ending trouble in the Middle East of threatened warfare between Iran and Israel, at the behest and unquestionable provocation of Israel, agitated by the US White House and motivated by claimed threat to Israel from a potential nuclear capable Iran has two significant characteristics. The first character of Iran as a threat to Israel is deceptive. How can Iran be a threat when Israel has more nuclear capability than any neighbor, aside from the major powers of USA, Russia, UK and France there is no nation posing a higher nuclear military capability than Israel. An awesome capability it holds in spite of abject failure to conform remotely to abide by international nuclear controls applicable to the majority of the globe possessing nuclear technology.
We can scratch from reality a claimed potential preemptive threat militarily Iran poses against Israel for the reason the Jewish State possesses a capable military machine. A military that to date has displayed willingness to provoke, ignite and murder mostly in aggressive preemptive mode. Israel's claiming of a threat by Iran fails dismally to match the conflict and regional antagonism by any measure launched by Israel and its White House backer. The Israeli military is substantially enriched by USA billions of dollars sucked out of American citizen’s taxes, a direct funnel of weapons supply and hi-tech military technology transfer from a USA Congress linked arm in arm with Jewish influence. The majority of Congress receives sustained steerage money from the Jewish lobby, a lobby that is the thief in the night owning representatives of a foreign nation the USA, for the advantage of Israel to the disadvantage of America, indeed disadvantage of the globe.
It’s painfully clear members of the Israeli Knesset are not part of any solution. Possessing authoritative supremacy within its sole legislative chamber the Israeli parliament is driven by a sacrificial agenda. That sacrifice is everyone else for the benefit of the absurd idea of an Israeli State perpetuated by the irrational exuberance of people that exhibit inhuman policies and an antagonistic Zionist agenda of a Greater Israel that places Israel as part of the problem and not part of the solution.
Consider if we dismantle the present absolute cannibalism manifest in the character of the Israeli Government against the world of its disregard for life, its disregard of the rights of Arabs. Its direct affront on the property rights of Palestinians by seizure of their land, destruction of Palestinian’s homes, assets and liberty. If we dismantle Israel from the region, shut the USA finance pipeline that props up this rogue nation and its cannibalism how much of a problem could we imagine remaining in the Middle East?
Israel is part of the problem by its own cruel and prehistoric behaviour. If it were indeed part of the solution then the upset, death and character of perpetual confrontation with its neighbours and the Palestinians whose land has been stolen by Israel would not exist.
19 June 2008
UK Harvesting Organs Sustitutes State over Your Body
The UK Government intention to automatically assume right to harvest organs from the dead, those about to die and those souls not long left before dying, has zero connected with prolonging the life of organ recipients. Prolonging the life of anyone needing a body part is far from the intent of the UK Government policy. It is rather a sickening and insulting facade, its is the cruel, manipulative front to convince the populace of the harvesting policy whilst the actual stealthy reason is concealed from the public.
Its entirely to realign and reposition our belief system held by the majority of citizens, to subtly shift the axiom of self domain over my body and reconstruct those axioms as impermanent out of date thinking. The fundamental ownership of the body is with the person whose body it very well is... that in spite of the wishes of the individual who has just died or the unwillingness of next of kin to the individual that has just lost his life the State has ZERO RIGHT TO MY BODY.
No matter if altruistic reasons did drive such a policy, which it doesn't, the body that has finished life does not relinquish or transfer what happens with the expired body to other authority.
The government seeks to establish by insincere propaganda that it, the State is the owning authority over your body. Once the State gains this public acceptance in broad enough numbers it is a short step t0 implementing a eugenics madness. The justification that its for the betterment of society for a healthy environment. Just as the motivation of harvesting body parts in the first place is wrapped up in what is best for the majority.
The result from the publics non acceptance of this harvesting policy the Government can gravitate towards a mild eugenics type of program, saying the needed body parts have to come from somewhere. That the Government will not interfere with next of kin wishes in exchange for applying eugenics in society.
The UK Government is crooked to its core. Its time its body parts were replaced with healthy parts and the current organs and parts of the parliament harvested for the good of the nation.
Its entirely to realign and reposition our belief system held by the majority of citizens, to subtly shift the axiom of self domain over my body and reconstruct those axioms as impermanent out of date thinking. The fundamental ownership of the body is with the person whose body it very well is... that in spite of the wishes of the individual who has just died or the unwillingness of next of kin to the individual that has just lost his life the State has ZERO RIGHT TO MY BODY.
No matter if altruistic reasons did drive such a policy, which it doesn't, the body that has finished life does not relinquish or transfer what happens with the expired body to other authority.
The government seeks to establish by insincere propaganda that it, the State is the owning authority over your body. Once the State gains this public acceptance in broad enough numbers it is a short step t0 implementing a eugenics madness. The justification that its for the betterment of society for a healthy environment. Just as the motivation of harvesting body parts in the first place is wrapped up in what is best for the majority.
The result from the publics non acceptance of this harvesting policy the Government can gravitate towards a mild eugenics type of program, saying the needed body parts have to come from somewhere. That the Government will not interfere with next of kin wishes in exchange for applying eugenics in society.
The UK Government is crooked to its core. Its time its body parts were replaced with healthy parts and the current organs and parts of the parliament harvested for the good of the nation.
14 June 2008
Prime Minister Rudd Shows His Dirty Hand
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd Shows His Dirty Hand.
Prime Minister Rudd's slight of hand keeps afloat and sponsors a fabricated, bogus carbon trading [CO²] scheme. Because Co² emissions have stuff-all connection with clumsily and incorrectly labeled "climate change", a fiasco with pretense as authentic scientific based realism. The dominant face of carbon trading is to insert an oppressive addition tax slug on every citizen.
Why do you think a carbon trading scheme is tagged as a scheme? This is scheming at its sneakiest grade, emotionally configured to take advantage of voter’s intentions of helping the climate and environment. The reality is scientific climate evidence stares Rudd in his haughty face that the goddamn fiercest burning star to Earth, a ball of flame commonly known as the SUN influences weather in a major way.
In a million years of mankind driving his wheels around the block, manufacturing useful and junk stuff in our factories, or igniting bonfire’s on Guy Fawkes, none of these pushes “climate change” … I almost puke puting down on paper lies linking Climate Change and Carbon Trading, its a sham shoved down our throats. Huge propaganda that even Goebbels could envy for cunning and manipulation of the people.
Prime Minister Rudd reveals he coverts “other interests” not Oz citizen's interest, and shows his connivance many ways. For instance his continuing hanging Australia’s military engagement in the volatile Middle East, even though he fusses like a pantomime over withdrawing troops from Iraq, shunts this around voter's heads as part of Rudd's upholding his commitment with voters. The actual shift is move pawn 1 off square A onto integer B – guess what? Pawn 1 is still in play despite a token withdrawal of troops (pawns) per Rudd’s election campaign chatter.
The policy of arm, shoot to kill and destroy remain on the Anglo/American insane sport of assault and raids on innocents blameless nations. Interpret that as Mums & Dads with kids in attire different than you sport dying, so far Afghanistan and Iraq, who’s next (Iran)? With vital resource of oil stranglehold over strategic turf. If you judge Australia has a military role way over there - as we live way down here, you are tricked to give what rationale thinking you had to irrational propaganda of Canberra miscreants, second class politician schemers and heavy lifting corporate identity.
The Petrol Price Watching sham is another calculated academy act to put down a rising noisy public, as long as possible. We are screwed paying for petrol an essential substance that aught to be a fraction of its horrendous rort price.
The good news bulletin is we are openly clued-up as a spanking new shine of Canberra’s rulers looses its lustre to reveal a same old Canberra pack. Prime Minister Rudd with a malevolent, smug diminutive cabinet are paid up betrayers of their national responsibility.
An aide memoire to the swindlers in Canberra, embrace State Government in that group - your accountability for the common good of the people of Australia, so far the general public of Australia have been sold out. Embryonic fascist policies are implemented and single-mindedly pushed over our heads - later the general public will loose its head as the penny drops. In time the citizens of Australia will loose patience of the deceit of the Prime Minister and any Cabinet member and opportune near to hand State Legislature will all be seen as guilty of abandoning your accountability.
With whom can you imagine a rising tide of public provocation and lost financial opportunity will be settled with when the tide raises all boats looking to settle scores that need never have occurred in the first place?
Prime Minister Rudd's slight of hand keeps afloat and sponsors a fabricated, bogus carbon trading [CO²] scheme. Because Co² emissions have stuff-all connection with clumsily and incorrectly labeled "climate change", a fiasco with pretense as authentic scientific based realism. The dominant face of carbon trading is to insert an oppressive addition tax slug on every citizen.
Why do you think a carbon trading scheme is tagged as a scheme? This is scheming at its sneakiest grade, emotionally configured to take advantage of voter’s intentions of helping the climate and environment. The reality is scientific climate evidence stares Rudd in his haughty face that the goddamn fiercest burning star to Earth, a ball of flame commonly known as the SUN influences weather in a major way.
In a million years of mankind driving his wheels around the block, manufacturing useful and junk stuff in our factories, or igniting bonfire’s on Guy Fawkes, none of these pushes “climate change” … I almost puke puting down on paper lies linking Climate Change and Carbon Trading, its a sham shoved down our throats. Huge propaganda that even Goebbels could envy for cunning and manipulation of the people.
Prime Minister Rudd reveals he coverts “other interests” not Oz citizen's interest, and shows his connivance many ways. For instance his continuing hanging Australia’s military engagement in the volatile Middle East, even though he fusses like a pantomime over withdrawing troops from Iraq, shunts this around voter's heads as part of Rudd's upholding his commitment with voters. The actual shift is move pawn 1 off square A onto integer B – guess what? Pawn 1 is still in play despite a token withdrawal of troops (pawns) per Rudd’s election campaign chatter.
The policy of arm, shoot to kill and destroy remain on the Anglo/American insane sport of assault and raids on innocents blameless nations. Interpret that as Mums & Dads with kids in attire different than you sport dying, so far Afghanistan and Iraq, who’s next (Iran)? With vital resource of oil stranglehold over strategic turf. If you judge Australia has a military role way over there - as we live way down here, you are tricked to give what rationale thinking you had to irrational propaganda of Canberra miscreants, second class politician schemers and heavy lifting corporate identity.
The Petrol Price Watching sham is another calculated academy act to put down a rising noisy public, as long as possible. We are screwed paying for petrol an essential substance that aught to be a fraction of its horrendous rort price.
The good news bulletin is we are openly clued-up as a spanking new shine of Canberra’s rulers looses its lustre to reveal a same old Canberra pack. Prime Minister Rudd with a malevolent, smug diminutive cabinet are paid up betrayers of their national responsibility.
An aide memoire to the swindlers in Canberra, embrace State Government in that group - your accountability for the common good of the people of Australia, so far the general public of Australia have been sold out. Embryonic fascist policies are implemented and single-mindedly pushed over our heads - later the general public will loose its head as the penny drops. In time the citizens of Australia will loose patience of the deceit of the Prime Minister and any Cabinet member and opportune near to hand State Legislature will all be seen as guilty of abandoning your accountability.
With whom can you imagine a rising tide of public provocation and lost financial opportunity will be settled with when the tide raises all boats looking to settle scores that need never have occurred in the first place?
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