Fake clouds over Melbourne suburbs.
Fake clouds deliberately sprayed by high altitude aircraft. From independent research it appears to be based on a Hughes patent calling for seeding of the upper atmosphere. There is little doubt in my mind the Australian Government has signed on with the same hideous aerosol spraying as is occuring in the USA. A clandestine project which is putting very fine aluminium oxide particulates - not refined aluminium, but the oxide like sand, through the engines of jet aircraft.
There is a lot of aluminium up there, the resultant effect on humans is impairment of the blood/brain barrier, memory loss, long-term toxic neurological damage. Many people are in a brain fog, people who are sprayed heavily are listless, suffer from sinus problems, congestion and headaches.
Tests in the USA are also finding very high levels of barium in the atmosphere, barium is not friendly to human health. These fake chemical clouds are hazardous in other ways. One of the big things that's going to happen with dessicants like barium is that they will dry up the available moisture in air. Instead of triggering rainfall, we get intense periods of dryness and drought. Its not difficult to notice the days we get dark cloud cover, like a consistent dark blanket over the sky - with little to no precipitation or extremely heavy localised rain when the barium attains maximum absorbtion. Barium is also a superb sunlight reflector, it is a radioactive material that will magnify the effects of other ingredients, such as designer fungus and pathogenic materials. A strong biological component also exists to these chemical trails. Barium suppresses human T-cell production, making the immune system susceptible to infectious agents.
What we suffer from with aerosol manufactured clouds is injurious to health, in additiin to theft of blue sky by chemicals. Air pollution of Melbourne sanctioned by a covert program, paid for with our own taxes to harm ordinary Australians.
For more information look up chemtrails on the internet - In the early 90's the USA Congress authorised a monumental in-depth study by the National Academy of Sciences to study global warming and possible mitigation measures. Under the same secrecy as the Manhattan Project, it was concluded that aerial seeding of the atmosphere with gigantic spraying operations utilizing military and commercial aircraft would be a solution.
It is certain our leaders have embarked on an immense geoengineering project; one in which they expect millions of human fatalities, and consider these acceptable losses.
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