The continuing chemical contamination of Melbourne's air under way. Relentless spraying from high altitude aircraft with chemicals permeat the atmosphere, harming our lungs, the soil and entering the water supply. Deadly particulate matter day after day turn bright blue skies into a sickening chemical sludge. The accumulation of the toxins being sprayed on people is weakening everyone.
The unpalatable conclusion is that we might not know what this aerosol spraying is, or why it is being done? But we do know that chemtrails are sprayed across the sky in broad daylight. Millions do not notice what is happening above their heads, either simply unaware, or perhaps resistant to the very idea of their government's deliberate clandestine program that harms the people they are charged to protect.
Let me tell you what is a known fact... Part of what is happening involves Australia' signing on to the Pentagon's secret space weapons program. Designed for strategic, operational and tactical levels of war. At least part of the aerosol project has been dubbed Operation Cloverleaf, likely due to its multi-faceted operations, which include: weather modification, military communications, space weapons development, ozone and global warming research plus biological weaponry and detection testing.
Dumping tons of particulate matter from aircraft has geoengineered our atmosphere into a highly charged, electrically-conductive plasma useful for military projects. The air we breathe is laden with asbestos sized synthetic fibers and toxic metals, including barium salts, aluminium, and reportedly radioactive thorium. These materials are poisonous on par with arsenic and a proven suppressant of the human immune system. Barium weakens muscle, including the heart, inhaled aluminium goes directly to the brain, medical specialists confirm it causes oxidative stress within brain tissue, leading to formation of Alzheimer's like neurofibrillary tangles.
The education of the community of the ongoing chemical alteration of our sky and toxic harm is so far word of mouth. Certain individuals inside Australia's defense establishment, the Howard Cabinet and responsible managers and workers attached to the civil aviation industry know what is going on. Its time whistleblowers had the guts to come forward and point the finger at the culprits behind this massive chemtrail geoengineering experiment.
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