The Australian Government under Prime Minister John Howard has carefully crafted a perception of democratic representation, but reality distinguishes the Howard Government as having undermined a half decent future for Australians.
The pro-Bush policies swallowed like tasty chocolate by Canberra's political flyers are mirrored in Australia's draconian anti-democratic, anti-terrorism laws. These laws drive the same twisted fascist reasoning as written into the misnamed Patriot Act of the U.S.A. A wicked snake in the grass heads up the shonky Attorney General's Office, Phillip Ruddock , this man intent to implement the public burden of overseeing the biggest bucket load of anti-Australian laws he can conceive in the shortest period possible. Hidden from public scrutiny by a largely disinterested press, the majority of Australians fail to hear the solid hammering, as construction of a Hitler style suppressive social environment emerges behind Australia' main street.
A further example of unthinkable escalating attack against ordinary people by the Neo-con regime of Howard's Way, is an incessant pressure to force "cost effectiveness" as the criteria behind social policy. Lost is the criteria of what is the benefit to the broad Australian community? A commercial, virtual fascist style of process is today's rationale that underscores Canberra's goose step alignment with a cut-throat Bush administration sitting in the White House. Justification for sweeping change has witnessed the auction of public assets into privatisation. Long held social blankets are piece meal, cut open from a new Australian economy that shoves Australians head first into dim futures. It was the Hawke/Keating pandemonium which kick started this country's free market, globalization affair. Today a slippery gradient into a cancer of major economic mess accelerates, all the while Prime Minister John Howard greases the rails in harmony to corporate governance. The demand is unregulated open cut global integration.
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