The continuing chemical contamination of Melbourne's air under way. Relentless spraying from high altitude aircraft with chemicals permeat the atmosphere, harming our lungs, the soil and entering the water supply. Deadly particulate matter day after day turn bright blue skies into a sickening chemical sludge. The accumulation of the toxins being sprayed on people is weakening everyone.
The unpalatable conclusion is that we might not know what this aerosol spraying is, or why it is being done? But we do know that chemtrails are sprayed across the sky in broad daylight. Millions do not notice what is happening above their heads, either simply unaware, or perhaps resistant to the very idea of their government's deliberate clandestine program that harms the people they are charged to protect.
Let me tell you what is a known fact... Part of what is happening involves Australia' signing on to the Pentagon's secret space weapons program. Designed for strategic, operational and tactical levels of war. At least part of the aerosol project has been dubbed Operation Cloverleaf, likely due to its multi-faceted operations, which include: weather modification, military communications, space weapons development, ozone and global warming research plus biological weaponry and detection testing.
Dumping tons of particulate matter from aircraft has geoengineered our atmosphere into a highly charged, electrically-conductive plasma useful for military projects. The air we breathe is laden with asbestos sized synthetic fibers and toxic metals, including barium salts, aluminium, and reportedly radioactive thorium. These materials are poisonous on par with arsenic and a proven suppressant of the human immune system. Barium weakens muscle, including the heart, inhaled aluminium goes directly to the brain, medical specialists confirm it causes oxidative stress within brain tissue, leading to formation of Alzheimer's like neurofibrillary tangles.
The education of the community of the ongoing chemical alteration of our sky and toxic harm is so far word of mouth. Certain individuals inside Australia's defense establishment, the Howard Cabinet and responsible managers and workers attached to the civil aviation industry know what is going on. Its time whistleblowers had the guts to come forward and point the finger at the culprits behind this massive chemtrail geoengineering experiment.
Canberra - Labour and Liberal A crooked axis of bankers, oil merchants, tainted media and puerile think tanks. Today its Madam Gillard undermining sovereignty, destructive "free-trade" the bogus War on Terror and fraudulent climate change.
31 Dec 2004
16 Dec 2004
Aircraft Spraying Chemicals On Residents of SE Corridor of Hallam & Dandenong

Chemtrail over Hallam Dec 16 04 - 2.30 p.m.
Image of aerosol spraying of chemicals directly across the corridor of Cranbourne, Hallam, Dandenong, Narre Warren and Pakenham. This aircraft appeared at an altitude of aprox. 8000 metres, laying a thick trail of chemicals. This chemical cocktail after an hour spread out to give a fake whispy cloud appearance, it remained airborne all afternoon. Only a mixture containing particulate matter will persist in the atmoshere for hours. This is not a normal contrail- which is water vapour and will disperse after minutes.
What is in this chemical cocktail that is sprayed onto unsuspecting Australians? Using the observations from the USA where daily spraying of these aerosol trails is occurring, with increased incidence of respiratory disease and continuous cold like symptoms. The harmful chemical cocktail at the very least is aluminium oxide particulate and barium salts, with whatever other pathogen is included.. If you felt lousy this evening, really tired, muscle fatigue? Likely copped a massive dose of immune system damaging chemical, courtesy the Australian Government.
11 Dec 2004
USA Napalms Iraqis - Howard should withdraw Australian troops from Iraq
US troops have used internationally banned incendiary weapon of napalm on Iraq. Napalm is a horrible weapon, it turns victims into human fireballs as the gel bonds to the flesh in a flaming agony. It essentially melts the victim with an agonizing death.
In August the USA admitted to using napalm in Iraq. Dozens of napalm bombs were used in March and April 2003.
Napalm is a horrifying weapon, a mixture of jet fuel and polystyrene that sticks to skin as it burns. A U.N. convention banned the use against civilian targets in 1980. The U.S. did not sign the treaty. "Napalm creates horrible wounds," Robert Musil, director of the organization Physicians for Social Responsibility, told the British paper the Independent.
It is uncertain just how often napalm is deployed by U.S. forces against innocent Iraqi citizens. The fact evidence of napalm use exists is sufficient cause for Prime Minister John Howard to withdraw Australian troops from Iraq.
In August the USA admitted to using napalm in Iraq. Dozens of napalm bombs were used in March and April 2003.
Napalm is a horrifying weapon, a mixture of jet fuel and polystyrene that sticks to skin as it burns. A U.N. convention banned the use against civilian targets in 1980. The U.S. did not sign the treaty. "Napalm creates horrible wounds," Robert Musil, director of the organization Physicians for Social Responsibility, told the British paper the Independent.
It is uncertain just how often napalm is deployed by U.S. forces against innocent Iraqi citizens. The fact evidence of napalm use exists is sufficient cause for Prime Minister John Howard to withdraw Australian troops from Iraq.
8 Dec 2004
Synthetically Manufactured Chemical Laden Clouds Block Melbourne Sunlight

Fake clouds over Melbourne suburbs.
Fake clouds deliberately sprayed by high altitude aircraft. From independent research it appears to be based on a Hughes patent calling for seeding of the upper atmosphere. There is little doubt in my mind the Australian Government has signed on with the same hideous aerosol spraying as is occuring in the USA. A clandestine project which is putting very fine aluminium oxide particulates - not refined aluminium, but the oxide like sand, through the engines of jet aircraft.
There is a lot of aluminium up there, the resultant effect on humans is impairment of the blood/brain barrier, memory loss, long-term toxic neurological damage. Many people are in a brain fog, people who are sprayed heavily are listless, suffer from sinus problems, congestion and headaches.
Tests in the USA are also finding very high levels of barium in the atmosphere, barium is not friendly to human health. These fake chemical clouds are hazardous in other ways. One of the big things that's going to happen with dessicants like barium is that they will dry up the available moisture in air. Instead of triggering rainfall, we get intense periods of dryness and drought. Its not difficult to notice the days we get dark cloud cover, like a consistent dark blanket over the sky - with little to no precipitation or extremely heavy localised rain when the barium attains maximum absorbtion. Barium is also a superb sunlight reflector, it is a radioactive material that will magnify the effects of other ingredients, such as designer fungus and pathogenic materials. A strong biological component also exists to these chemical trails. Barium suppresses human T-cell production, making the immune system susceptible to infectious agents.
What we suffer from with aerosol manufactured clouds is injurious to health, in additiin to theft of blue sky by chemicals. Air pollution of Melbourne sanctioned by a covert program, paid for with our own taxes to harm ordinary Australians.
For more information look up chemtrails on the internet - In the early 90's the USA Congress authorised a monumental in-depth study by the National Academy of Sciences to study global warming and possible mitigation measures. Under the same secrecy as the Manhattan Project, it was concluded that aerial seeding of the atmosphere with gigantic spraying operations utilizing military and commercial aircraft would be a solution.
It is certain our leaders have embarked on an immense geoengineering project; one in which they expect millions of human fatalities, and consider these acceptable losses.
7 Dec 2004
Is this what Australia stands for in your eyes?
4 Dec 2004
Taser "non-lethal" device in Victorian Police Force needs examination!
The use of Taser 50,000 volt so called "non-lethal" devices need close examination before they become accepted as operational equipment in Victoria's police force.
This law enforcement device has killed people, it has been used against children and the elderly, in situations that do not merit use. Amnesty International has identified 74 people in America who died after being shocked with a Taser. The only distinguishing feature of the Taser against a bullet is that it can't kill you as quickly.
A recent article in the New York Times, citing unpublished results of an Air Force Research Laboratory tests states that Taser stun guns may be dangerous and require further testing. Shares of Taser International fell following the report about the safety concerns.
I acknowledge the importance of using non-lethal measures to combat crime and save lives. However its reasonable to question if the Taser stun gun is the appropriate equipment choice for Victoria?
This law enforcement device has killed people, it has been used against children and the elderly, in situations that do not merit use. Amnesty International has identified 74 people in America who died after being shocked with a Taser. The only distinguishing feature of the Taser against a bullet is that it can't kill you as quickly.
A recent article in the New York Times, citing unpublished results of an Air Force Research Laboratory tests states that Taser stun guns may be dangerous and require further testing. Shares of Taser International fell following the report about the safety concerns.
I acknowledge the importance of using non-lethal measures to combat crime and save lives. However its reasonable to question if the Taser stun gun is the appropriate equipment choice for Victoria?
3 Dec 2004
Australia's Economic Future At Serious Risk
Ordinary Australians are blindsided to an approaching economic storm system.
Obscured from view in part by cultural disinterest, we are distracted and disarmed by an outlook that places misplaced faith in government and partly from history of, "She'll be right mate!". The Mother of Depressions looms over the horizon, economic alarm bells alert an audible warning. How many ordinary Aussies, working at their jobs posses a clue of the financial storm to be unleashed from a great altitude, threatening their job, destroying savings and slashing asset values? Depression #2 is not going to miss Australia's standard of living. Initially an economic stall, followed by a screaming social dive as failed home values, plummeting stocks, steepening unemployment, accompanied by a shallow demand for minerals will bite into export income?
Its sad to state, today binoculars are not necessary to foresee global economic cracks. The shift from peering deep into evolving financial chasms is under way instead to only needing a glance to detect the economic geopolitical rumbling. Financial cracks two years ago readily stepped over are widening today, now we must jump to avoid falling down the growing chasms, now sections of mainstream media offer news of clues foretelling tectonic shifts, one just has to connect the economic and political dots!
The Australian Government could change course, warn and prepare us for the nearby economic depression. Regrettably dirty business as usual for the corporate owned politicians, most who are disconnected from ordinary Australians lives is the way of events. The economic storm when it hits the fan will not miss elected representatives who sit behind the protection of Parliament House - one way or another.
Obscured from view in part by cultural disinterest, we are distracted and disarmed by an outlook that places misplaced faith in government and partly from history of, "She'll be right mate!". The Mother of Depressions looms over the horizon, economic alarm bells alert an audible warning. How many ordinary Aussies, working at their jobs posses a clue of the financial storm to be unleashed from a great altitude, threatening their job, destroying savings and slashing asset values? Depression #2 is not going to miss Australia's standard of living. Initially an economic stall, followed by a screaming social dive as failed home values, plummeting stocks, steepening unemployment, accompanied by a shallow demand for minerals will bite into export income?
Its sad to state, today binoculars are not necessary to foresee global economic cracks. The shift from peering deep into evolving financial chasms is under way instead to only needing a glance to detect the economic geopolitical rumbling. Financial cracks two years ago readily stepped over are widening today, now we must jump to avoid falling down the growing chasms, now sections of mainstream media offer news of clues foretelling tectonic shifts, one just has to connect the economic and political dots!
The Australian Government could change course, warn and prepare us for the nearby economic depression. Regrettably dirty business as usual for the corporate owned politicians, most who are disconnected from ordinary Australians lives is the way of events. The economic storm when it hits the fan will not miss elected representatives who sit behind the protection of Parliament House - one way or another.
2 Dec 2004
Australian Government Is A Huge Disconnect
The Australian Government under Prime Minister John Howard has carefully crafted a perception of democratic representation, but reality distinguishes the Howard Government as having undermined a half decent future for Australians.
The pro-Bush policies swallowed like tasty chocolate by Canberra's political flyers are mirrored in Australia's draconian anti-democratic, anti-terrorism laws. These laws drive the same twisted fascist reasoning as written into the misnamed Patriot Act of the U.S.A. A wicked snake in the grass heads up the shonky Attorney General's Office, Phillip Ruddock , this man intent to implement the public burden of overseeing the biggest bucket load of anti-Australian laws he can conceive in the shortest period possible. Hidden from public scrutiny by a largely disinterested press, the majority of Australians fail to hear the solid hammering, as construction of a Hitler style suppressive social environment emerges behind Australia' main street.
A further example of unthinkable escalating attack against ordinary people by the Neo-con regime of Howard's Way, is an incessant pressure to force "cost effectiveness" as the criteria behind social policy. Lost is the criteria of what is the benefit to the broad Australian community? A commercial, virtual fascist style of process is today's rationale that underscores Canberra's goose step alignment with a cut-throat Bush administration sitting in the White House. Justification for sweeping change has witnessed the auction of public assets into privatisation. Long held social blankets are piece meal, cut open from a new Australian economy that shoves Australians head first into dim futures. It was the Hawke/Keating pandemonium which kick started this country's free market, globalization affair. Today a slippery gradient into a cancer of major economic mess accelerates, all the while Prime Minister John Howard greases the rails in harmony to corporate governance. The demand is unregulated open cut global integration.
The pro-Bush policies swallowed like tasty chocolate by Canberra's political flyers are mirrored in Australia's draconian anti-democratic, anti-terrorism laws. These laws drive the same twisted fascist reasoning as written into the misnamed Patriot Act of the U.S.A. A wicked snake in the grass heads up the shonky Attorney General's Office, Phillip Ruddock , this man intent to implement the public burden of overseeing the biggest bucket load of anti-Australian laws he can conceive in the shortest period possible. Hidden from public scrutiny by a largely disinterested press, the majority of Australians fail to hear the solid hammering, as construction of a Hitler style suppressive social environment emerges behind Australia' main street.
A further example of unthinkable escalating attack against ordinary people by the Neo-con regime of Howard's Way, is an incessant pressure to force "cost effectiveness" as the criteria behind social policy. Lost is the criteria of what is the benefit to the broad Australian community? A commercial, virtual fascist style of process is today's rationale that underscores Canberra's goose step alignment with a cut-throat Bush administration sitting in the White House. Justification for sweeping change has witnessed the auction of public assets into privatisation. Long held social blankets are piece meal, cut open from a new Australian economy that shoves Australians head first into dim futures. It was the Hawke/Keating pandemonium which kick started this country's free market, globalization affair. Today a slippery gradient into a cancer of major economic mess accelerates, all the while Prime Minister John Howard greases the rails in harmony to corporate governance. The demand is unregulated open cut global integration.
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