27 July 2007

Prepare for war as Shuttle Endeavour blows sky high

With the discovery of sabotage to a computer on board the shuttle Endeavour intended for the International Space Station. The coveniently timed findings of unsubstantiated and anonymous interviews claiming intoxication of astronauts on at least two previous launches. The ground has been sown in the public’s mind for risks to the shuttle scheduled for launch August 7.

The seeding of heightened potential risks to the shuttle outside of normal operational flight risks is a sign this shuttle is going to be blown. It will not be destroyed from a device on board the craft; it will emanate from external electromagnetic or laser beam that will blow the shuttle to kingdom come. The blame will be attached to either Iranian terrorism or an ultimate war opener of accusation that proof exists China is responsible for the shuttle’s destruction.

Either way get ready to prepare for war to save the ass of the miserable United States and global financial system as it collapses anytime soon.

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