6 July 2007

Corrupt Australian Government prepares ground for massive increase in theft of personal liberty

Linkage between Australia and the dud UK toy bomb Mercedes' and Glasgow Stansted Airport attackers is maximised and portrayed as major terror investigation event. Mick Keelty Oz Federal Police Commissioner conducts witch hunt with WA hospital system to uncover potential accomplices. It is engineered propaganda designed to intimidate and portray secret plots, subterfuge and domestic warfare danger in the search for concrete clues that do not exist.

Keep your eyes and ears open as the linkage to identity issues and rising monitoring of Jo citizen movements is next merged into the above to justify acceleration of the National Identity Card - pushed by Canberra as part of a total social control program of Australians.

Events in Aborigional North Australia are tied in to the extent that strategic methodology is behind wearning down the Australian people to accept draconian use of troops and government intrusion into social fabric. The ground is being shifted with the end being control over the liberty, property and economic energy of citizens. The child molestation front is nothing but a public acceptance for the unmistakable interference in everyday life.

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