How much evidence do we need to see that Australia's government and military in Iraq is not part of the solution, it is part of the problem?
Painted in simple terms - Canberra's support of war criminals in the Bush/Cheney Administration leads to make Australia's political leaders guilty as accessories in war crimes, no different as if they had murdered innocent Iraqis, terrorised and destabilised Iraqis personally - and risk exploding the whole damned Middle East. The support by Howard's corrupt administration, the equally pathetic connivance of the ALP [Rudd same as Beasley opposition party) with support and assistance in Iraq [and Afghanistan], the greater is Prime Minister Howard, Foreign Minister Downer, the Howard Cabinet and Shadow Cabinet of Australia's leaders tied to the reality of their ultimate sentence of guilt of horredous war crimes against innocent people of a sovereign Iraq.
Canberra's rough ride of immorality as member in the posse of America's Sheriff of the world coalition blood bath, government manufactured Orwellian "War on Terror" is corporate branding of an arrogant geopolitical agenda. Its a Clever Dick theme (War on Terror, War on Extremism, whatever fits today) and it profiles Canberra's arrogance, its shoving and manipulation of an electorate grown weary and now angry at the very worst lies.
AUSTRALIA'S MILITARY DOES NOT HAVE A ROLE IN IRAQ. Australia's military and capital is being misapropriated in a criminal spendup to pursue population reduction and strategic objectives over the Middle East through murdering innocent Iraqis. Canberra is base to the most pathetic representatives this nation has ever been subjected to live under. Through our great [past] friend the USA Administration launched a horrendous miscarriage of justice, but true justice has a way to ultimately level out those who follow the illegal path. We should all look forward to such a period of public lynching.
Canberra - Labour and Liberal A crooked axis of bankers, oil merchants, tainted media and puerile think tanks. Today its Madam Gillard undermining sovereignty, destructive "free-trade" the bogus War on Terror and fraudulent climate change.
15 Dec 2006
8 Oct 2006
Attorney General Ruddock - A slippery eel or fruitcake?
Caught an ABC radio interview of the Attorney General in August. My reaction after listening? The guy is a slippery eel or a full blown fruitcake.
The Attorney General responds to questions shot his way with a "duck and weave" formula, Blind Freddie would discern unmistakably this official is plainly not an authentic article? You can judge Ruddock is more a Lilliputian; a consequential government employee so he should be an important public servant? But his behaviour is more hired hand! Bet my bottom dollar this fruit cake is a puppet to hegemony seekers outside official public recognition?
The Attorney General’s language is chock a bloc full of distortion, little honesty is injected on the job. An indispensable characteristic of a real attorney general embodies accuracy and honesty; examination of this fruit cake's gazette is such judicious traits have cut class.
Moral and fair defence of the Australian citizen’s rights is abandoned for pathetic fallacious public relations, and a model of arrogance hidden within intimidation and coercian of the citizen whilst prosecuting the pampered darling, an endless war against terror. Ruddock rapes the citizen whilst he pretends to uphold the law - as he interprets its revision for Australia’s constituent police state.
The Attorney General confers sleeze and manipulation; he is a master of sophistry, responds to inquiry with bluster delivered inside non-answers. His public face is tedious and flat; misrepresentation through a string of laborious clarification, mingled with enough legalese to fool most. His is a bluster technique holding authoritative ground with interviewers and listener alike, by autocratic officious puffiness he restrains reality and truth from sight.
A listener grows tired fishing for a cohesive and authentic response. Half expect interviewers to wrap up interviews with Ruddock. Waiting and anticipating Ruddock will eventually reply with at least one straight answer about David Hicks is tiring. With a basic question, “When is Hicks being returned to Australia and what is the Government doing to help the situation?” Its a run around the bush Ruddock adopts to [not] answer the question. The top justice man in Canberra is a slippery eel or a fruitcake.
Asked about the return of David Hicks to Australia from Guantanamo military base after Hicks has been in the lock-up for 5 years? Croaked with nervousness, quivering with deceit Ruddock unhesitatingly clouded Canberra’s position with his I’m not my own man reply. Saying, “…such matters take a long time”. Talk about failure to demonstrate one iota of concern about Hicks case.
I conclude [with legion of others] Ruddock takes inaction to ensure Hicks stays far from Australia for the longest possible time. To the interviewer’s credit she reminded Ruddock of the five years already Hicks has been in Guantanamo and still detained in USA custody, still in jail. By asking, “How much time does it take for Hicks to be returned?”
Judging by Ruddock’s vacuity our Attorney General answers questions in a fashion that betrays him working to a nefarious agenda, a contrived opposing agenda of Australia. He is a puppet, a voice of subservience in obsequiousness to the Bush administration and its liberty killing focus?
The Attorney General responds to questions shot his way with a "duck and weave" formula, Blind Freddie would discern unmistakably this official is plainly not an authentic article? You can judge Ruddock is more a Lilliputian; a consequential government employee so he should be an important public servant? But his behaviour is more hired hand! Bet my bottom dollar this fruit cake is a puppet to hegemony seekers outside official public recognition?
The Attorney General’s language is chock a bloc full of distortion, little honesty is injected on the job. An indispensable characteristic of a real attorney general embodies accuracy and honesty; examination of this fruit cake's gazette is such judicious traits have cut class.
Moral and fair defence of the Australian citizen’s rights is abandoned for pathetic fallacious public relations, and a model of arrogance hidden within intimidation and coercian of the citizen whilst prosecuting the pampered darling, an endless war against terror. Ruddock rapes the citizen whilst he pretends to uphold the law - as he interprets its revision for Australia’s constituent police state.
The Attorney General confers sleeze and manipulation; he is a master of sophistry, responds to inquiry with bluster delivered inside non-answers. His public face is tedious and flat; misrepresentation through a string of laborious clarification, mingled with enough legalese to fool most. His is a bluster technique holding authoritative ground with interviewers and listener alike, by autocratic officious puffiness he restrains reality and truth from sight.
A listener grows tired fishing for a cohesive and authentic response. Half expect interviewers to wrap up interviews with Ruddock. Waiting and anticipating Ruddock will eventually reply with at least one straight answer about David Hicks is tiring. With a basic question, “When is Hicks being returned to Australia and what is the Government doing to help the situation?” Its a run around the bush Ruddock adopts to [not] answer the question. The top justice man in Canberra is a slippery eel or a fruitcake.
Asked about the return of David Hicks to Australia from Guantanamo military base after Hicks has been in the lock-up for 5 years? Croaked with nervousness, quivering with deceit Ruddock unhesitatingly clouded Canberra’s position with his I’m not my own man reply. Saying, “…such matters take a long time”. Talk about failure to demonstrate one iota of concern about Hicks case.
I conclude [with legion of others] Ruddock takes inaction to ensure Hicks stays far from Australia for the longest possible time. To the interviewer’s credit she reminded Ruddock of the five years already Hicks has been in Guantanamo and still detained in USA custody, still in jail. By asking, “How much time does it take for Hicks to be returned?”
Judging by Ruddock’s vacuity our Attorney General answers questions in a fashion that betrays him working to a nefarious agenda, a contrived opposing agenda of Australia. He is a puppet, a voice of subservience in obsequiousness to the Bush administration and its liberty killing focus?
24 Sept 2006
Howard government to launch Australia into illegal war
It has become conceivable the Howard government is going to senselessly embroil Australia in an undeclared criminal war against Iran and Syria. Undeclared by Canberra who intends to throw our military - whose responsibility is Australia’s defence - to go to war in a country half way around the globe against Iran in war initiated by mentally short changed idiots occupying the White House. This country still ranks as a cheap colonial boy, at heal to Anglo/American dogs, when will we break the shackles that control Canberra?
The Australian flag will be bloodied and spoiled by innocent victims as our troops obey orders they should not obey. This nation will be remembered in history as nothing less than duplicitious bastards wearing the yoke of cheap mercenary sharp shooter. There is not a single politician in Canberra in the Liberal party or the ALP who will excape being branded as a war criminal and accomplice to preemptive war.
God almighty Canberra is going to launch an attack against a sovereign nation, against innocent people, Iran presents no threat whatsoever to Australian interests or US interest for that matter.
Australia’s military is already deployed in the southern Iraq province of Al Muthanna, from here they will redeploy to attack Iran’s sovereign territory. Their mission is to seize the assets of that country’s oil fields located in the province of Khuzestan, where most of Iran’s oil fields are located.
The United States will use a crushing aerial bombardment of Iran [and Syria]; Canberra will launch military assets to be sacrificed as a faithful slavish partner to murder innocent Iranians all to steal that nation’s oil fields. That Australia’s criminals in government are in readiness to throw this nation into warfare behind a pack of screwball mumbo-jumbo exposes the immoral and corrupt politicians in office.
Punching above his significance Foreign Minister Downer is now priming the populace with sophistry and blathering of sanctions against Tehran if it doesn’t stop its so called rebel nuclear program. Get one thing straight Downer, the Iranians have every right to a nuclear program. No rules of any kind are broken; Iran has not betrayed any protocol and exhibits no threat. Downer is striving to whitewash the verity with indoctrination to set a path of propaganda. If anything this only demonstrates that any suspending should be Downer’s idiocy, the man is unfit to hold the post of foreign minister, his blabbing neck is overdue for suspending from the public arena.
The Australian flag will be bloodied and spoiled by innocent victims as our troops obey orders they should not obey. This nation will be remembered in history as nothing less than duplicitious bastards wearing the yoke of cheap mercenary sharp shooter. There is not a single politician in Canberra in the Liberal party or the ALP who will excape being branded as a war criminal and accomplice to preemptive war.
God almighty Canberra is going to launch an attack against a sovereign nation, against innocent people, Iran presents no threat whatsoever to Australian interests or US interest for that matter.
Australia’s military is already deployed in the southern Iraq province of Al Muthanna, from here they will redeploy to attack Iran’s sovereign territory. Their mission is to seize the assets of that country’s oil fields located in the province of Khuzestan, where most of Iran’s oil fields are located.
The United States will use a crushing aerial bombardment of Iran [and Syria]; Canberra will launch military assets to be sacrificed as a faithful slavish partner to murder innocent Iranians all to steal that nation’s oil fields. That Australia’s criminals in government are in readiness to throw this nation into warfare behind a pack of screwball mumbo-jumbo exposes the immoral and corrupt politicians in office.
Punching above his significance Foreign Minister Downer is now priming the populace with sophistry and blathering of sanctions against Tehran if it doesn’t stop its so called rebel nuclear program. Get one thing straight Downer, the Iranians have every right to a nuclear program. No rules of any kind are broken; Iran has not betrayed any protocol and exhibits no threat. Downer is striving to whitewash the verity with indoctrination to set a path of propaganda. If anything this only demonstrates that any suspending should be Downer’s idiocy, the man is unfit to hold the post of foreign minister, his blabbing neck is overdue for suspending from the public arena.
25 July 2006
Attorney General Ruddock is Oddball over anti-terrorist laws
Consider for a second Attorney General Ruddock’s failed logic, his peremptory pain-in-the-ass hogwash. His conclusion from his tit tat with the ACT’s Jon Stanhope highlights a view that terrorists across this land hold a common thread? That common thread is their convergance of evil… a need to commit terror unleashed by annihilative minds only at sites where “weak” anti-terroism law enforcement exists?
Ruddock believes anti-terrorist fun and games will be handicaped by dissimilar laws between Canberra and Bondi Junction. This might be a display of paltry faith in law enforcement and the intelligence community? With different anti-terrorism thinking for officers to grapple with in the face of fighting the war on terror it could send some over the mental enforcement edge.
The Attorney General’s oddball sapience edifies an abstract, perhaps eerie rendition of anti-terrorism policing. Ruddock’s argument is hammered in noisy leaps against the sovereignty of others judgments, especially officials such as the qualified Jon Stanhope - who don’t play the anti-terrorism card Ruddock’s way.
Ruddock operates a peculiar “doctrine of inference” - it’s folklore, but it fundamentally believes terrorists unleash horror and sabotage in territories and places where laws are pithy – [compared to Ruddock’s version of enforcement]. If it’s a frail anti-terrorist law it fails Ruddock's acid test, that is not being equal to his expert appraisal. The result is substitution of the whole ball of anti-terrorist wax for a resize to suit Ruddock. Canberra cogitates that conformity across Australia equals we’re all safer?
By extrapolation of Ruddock’s thesis… we can form a loose clarity able to breathe security from the threat of frightening [government inflamed?] terrorism. The many strategic cool targets across this real estate can take advantage of Ruddock’s thinking - we will detour terrorists to hit only designated sitting ducks by location.
The plan is renounce anti-terrorism laws in remote areas of Australia. In isolated pockets such as King Island in Bass Strait; we will abandon anti-terrorist laws for designated special low-law intensity sites. Any indecent terrorist stunt or planned terrorist event would be unleashed under this policy away from the rest of the country. Isolated places in Bass Strait are the perfect terrorist sitting duck. By preserving terrorists under the easy-go low-law anti-terrorist program we are miles safer in this war on terrorism game.
We’ll designate the site a low-law terrorist heaven, it will attract the menace, [terrorism I mean, not Ruddock]. It can work, install make believe cardboard fuel dumps, fake ammo dumps and a couple of military HQ like buildings with visiting politicians lolly gagging around, hands behind their backs! Erect mock cardboard cutouts of tourists for a full “bring em on” effect. [Don’t you just love these cool Bush team rallying slogans courtesy Ruddock and Howard’s administration’s White House pals]?
Its common knowledge terrorists make beelines at targets exposed inside territory with go-easy interrogation and special sentencing. If we erect signs in airports to inform visiting terrorists of where the pithy anti-terrorist enforcement exists, we’ll garner our fair share of terrorists like flies to a jam jar. A King Island terrorist jam jar. This measure could protect a terrified citizenry from the threat Ruddock stresses is ready to chew our asses to shreds.
A bold move would be to advertise our go-easy anti-terrorist law regions around the global - reflective of the globalisation policy adopted in Canberra. Signs for inbound terrorists at our gateway airports and in our neighbour’s airport terminals, sea-lanes and wherever entry points for terrorists to walk in exist will be integral to direct the traffic.
Identifying where terrorists enter Australia is simple… Ruddock is a freaking whiz bang on the terrorism argument. He’s the official to pinpoint terrorist gateways, wherever he says, that’s where we sit signs.
The signs advice would also tell terrorists if they are caught detonating a terrorist event on King Island - we’ll go easy on them. What’s the loss in a few milkers, windy fields and noisy sea birds in exchange for the nation’s security? Sacrifice King Island for the safety of the nation.
Any protest by King Island citizens? The Attorney General can introduce penalties against disruption. A five-year jail sentence for non-conformity with Canberra’s neo-con fascist kings sounds about right. Ruddocks “Across Oz Same Same Easy Grasp Terrorism Laws” are the way to fly if you want to stay out of harm. Ruddock will avoid disquiet by imposing a prison term on all citizens who talk about what’s happening to them at King Island. Blab and publicise what happened to you at Ruddock’s hands… you would be sentenced under anti-terrorism provisions. Although it won’t matter for heaven’s sake if apprehended citizens want to blab anyway. Who will know where King Island is? Ruddock and Howard can be matriarchs of Australia’s King Island Guantanamo. Such a turn-on, an oddball like Ruddock would wet his pants over such an idea? Troublemakers could be locked up Guantanamo style without explanation.
As for this nonsense with Jon Stanhope “stuffing up the Ruddock way.” Stanhope’s strife means his time to learn to fall in line with the other sheepish premiers and state chiefs? The time is ripe for Ruddock to adopt another Bushite rallying cry winner, ‘Your either with us or against us!” Runing with this biggie of the New World Order, he can shove it down the throats of tremulous Aussies, it might turn the people against tall poppies like Stanhope and any others thinking out of line.
All in the name of heading off danger the Oddball says is ahead!
Ruddock believes anti-terrorist fun and games will be handicaped by dissimilar laws between Canberra and Bondi Junction. This might be a display of paltry faith in law enforcement and the intelligence community? With different anti-terrorism thinking for officers to grapple with in the face of fighting the war on terror it could send some over the mental enforcement edge.
The Attorney General’s oddball sapience edifies an abstract, perhaps eerie rendition of anti-terrorism policing. Ruddock’s argument is hammered in noisy leaps against the sovereignty of others judgments, especially officials such as the qualified Jon Stanhope - who don’t play the anti-terrorism card Ruddock’s way.
Ruddock operates a peculiar “doctrine of inference” - it’s folklore, but it fundamentally believes terrorists unleash horror and sabotage in territories and places where laws are pithy – [compared to Ruddock’s version of enforcement]. If it’s a frail anti-terrorist law it fails Ruddock's acid test, that is not being equal to his expert appraisal. The result is substitution of the whole ball of anti-terrorist wax for a resize to suit Ruddock. Canberra cogitates that conformity across Australia equals we’re all safer?
By extrapolation of Ruddock’s thesis… we can form a loose clarity able to breathe security from the threat of frightening [government inflamed?] terrorism. The many strategic cool targets across this real estate can take advantage of Ruddock’s thinking - we will detour terrorists to hit only designated sitting ducks by location.
The plan is renounce anti-terrorism laws in remote areas of Australia. In isolated pockets such as King Island in Bass Strait; we will abandon anti-terrorist laws for designated special low-law intensity sites. Any indecent terrorist stunt or planned terrorist event would be unleashed under this policy away from the rest of the country. Isolated places in Bass Strait are the perfect terrorist sitting duck. By preserving terrorists under the easy-go low-law anti-terrorist program we are miles safer in this war on terrorism game.
We’ll designate the site a low-law terrorist heaven, it will attract the menace, [terrorism I mean, not Ruddock]. It can work, install make believe cardboard fuel dumps, fake ammo dumps and a couple of military HQ like buildings with visiting politicians lolly gagging around, hands behind their backs! Erect mock cardboard cutouts of tourists for a full “bring em on” effect. [Don’t you just love these cool Bush team rallying slogans courtesy Ruddock and Howard’s administration’s White House pals]?
Its common knowledge terrorists make beelines at targets exposed inside territory with go-easy interrogation and special sentencing. If we erect signs in airports to inform visiting terrorists of where the pithy anti-terrorist enforcement exists, we’ll garner our fair share of terrorists like flies to a jam jar. A King Island terrorist jam jar. This measure could protect a terrified citizenry from the threat Ruddock stresses is ready to chew our asses to shreds.
A bold move would be to advertise our go-easy anti-terrorist law regions around the global - reflective of the globalisation policy adopted in Canberra. Signs for inbound terrorists at our gateway airports and in our neighbour’s airport terminals, sea-lanes and wherever entry points for terrorists to walk in exist will be integral to direct the traffic.
Identifying where terrorists enter Australia is simple… Ruddock is a freaking whiz bang on the terrorism argument. He’s the official to pinpoint terrorist gateways, wherever he says, that’s where we sit signs.
The signs advice would also tell terrorists if they are caught detonating a terrorist event on King Island - we’ll go easy on them. What’s the loss in a few milkers, windy fields and noisy sea birds in exchange for the nation’s security? Sacrifice King Island for the safety of the nation.
Any protest by King Island citizens? The Attorney General can introduce penalties against disruption. A five-year jail sentence for non-conformity with Canberra’s neo-con fascist kings sounds about right. Ruddocks “Across Oz Same Same Easy Grasp Terrorism Laws” are the way to fly if you want to stay out of harm. Ruddock will avoid disquiet by imposing a prison term on all citizens who talk about what’s happening to them at King Island. Blab and publicise what happened to you at Ruddock’s hands… you would be sentenced under anti-terrorism provisions. Although it won’t matter for heaven’s sake if apprehended citizens want to blab anyway. Who will know where King Island is? Ruddock and Howard can be matriarchs of Australia’s King Island Guantanamo. Such a turn-on, an oddball like Ruddock would wet his pants over such an idea? Troublemakers could be locked up Guantanamo style without explanation.
As for this nonsense with Jon Stanhope “stuffing up the Ruddock way.” Stanhope’s strife means his time to learn to fall in line with the other sheepish premiers and state chiefs? The time is ripe for Ruddock to adopt another Bushite rallying cry winner, ‘Your either with us or against us!” Runing with this biggie of the New World Order, he can shove it down the throats of tremulous Aussies, it might turn the people against tall poppies like Stanhope and any others thinking out of line.
All in the name of heading off danger the Oddball says is ahead!
23 July 2006
Obvious if Lebanon Had Nuclear Deterrence Israeli Government Could Go Screw Itself
If Lebanon possessed the same shielding miltary hardware of North Korea would the murdering swines of Israel’s Devil Government still launch their pre-planned offensive against [claimed Hezbollah] targets on Lebanese territory?
A crushing bombing “strike and awe” execrable mayhem on Lebanon, an offensive calculated to inflict intense casualties on innocent humanity and destroy noncombatant infrastructure. Irrefutable evidence IDF devastation targeted against innocent civilians including children, foreign tourists and massive deliberate destruction of homes, commerce and basic utilities. The blowing up of power generation, water plants and road infrastructure severs any possibilty for survival of daily life for the Labanese people.
So extensive is the reckless squandering of life and ruin perpetrated on Lebanese territory it raises the shocking examination of what the hell is Israel’s intent? My conclusion is Israel’s reason is a premeditated aim to ignite, enrage and engage the widest and deepest potential angered Arab response. It is to provoke Arab counteraction for the magnitude of slaying and mayhem in Lebanon? In particular the targets are Iran and Syria, to pull them into war against Israel, thereby triggering a seemingly defensive USA military response in retaliation.
It may seem effortless for Israel to pour destruction on Southern Lebanon, whilst the IDF only need worry itself from a modest capability of small misiles and small arms fire from Hezbollah. The copiously armed IDF would be subservient in rank were its bullheaded onslaught faced with a fully armed nuclear Lebanon.
The cruelty of Israel against civilians by its lunatic military cocksureness can only be checked, only be repeled when the target nation readies in its armourery the tactical authority of nuclear deterrance. This is the power that can deter - the force to shield by mutal assured destruction [MAD] that weapons of mass destruction could enforce. Technically superior weaponry to Israel gives the same protection. If Lebanon could stare the Israeli bully in the face and counter their aggression with a nuclear weapon it would instil a little more respect before unleashing the Zionist dogs of war.
Clearly an overwhelming case supports the responsibility of Arab states that share a border with the Devil state of Israel to have the same deterrence power as North Korea. It is found a necessity for protection.
A nuclear-armed Lebanon would have detered the beligerant Nazi brute of Zionist Israel from attacking. The feral attack in subsidy of neo-fascist warmongers of the Bush/Cheney Washington would be checkmated.
How could the Israeli Government perpetrate egregious war crimes with imunity on their insane road of igniting a "clash of civilization’s" Armageddon - if faced by the reprisal of nuclear deterrence?
This is why Iran and Syria must have nuclear weapons.
A crushing bombing “strike and awe” execrable mayhem on Lebanon, an offensive calculated to inflict intense casualties on innocent humanity and destroy noncombatant infrastructure. Irrefutable evidence IDF devastation targeted against innocent civilians including children, foreign tourists and massive deliberate destruction of homes, commerce and basic utilities. The blowing up of power generation, water plants and road infrastructure severs any possibilty for survival of daily life for the Labanese people.
So extensive is the reckless squandering of life and ruin perpetrated on Lebanese territory it raises the shocking examination of what the hell is Israel’s intent? My conclusion is Israel’s reason is a premeditated aim to ignite, enrage and engage the widest and deepest potential angered Arab response. It is to provoke Arab counteraction for the magnitude of slaying and mayhem in Lebanon? In particular the targets are Iran and Syria, to pull them into war against Israel, thereby triggering a seemingly defensive USA military response in retaliation.
It may seem effortless for Israel to pour destruction on Southern Lebanon, whilst the IDF only need worry itself from a modest capability of small misiles and small arms fire from Hezbollah. The copiously armed IDF would be subservient in rank were its bullheaded onslaught faced with a fully armed nuclear Lebanon.
The cruelty of Israel against civilians by its lunatic military cocksureness can only be checked, only be repeled when the target nation readies in its armourery the tactical authority of nuclear deterrance. This is the power that can deter - the force to shield by mutal assured destruction [MAD] that weapons of mass destruction could enforce. Technically superior weaponry to Israel gives the same protection. If Lebanon could stare the Israeli bully in the face and counter their aggression with a nuclear weapon it would instil a little more respect before unleashing the Zionist dogs of war.
Clearly an overwhelming case supports the responsibility of Arab states that share a border with the Devil state of Israel to have the same deterrence power as North Korea. It is found a necessity for protection.
A nuclear-armed Lebanon would have detered the beligerant Nazi brute of Zionist Israel from attacking. The feral attack in subsidy of neo-fascist warmongers of the Bush/Cheney Washington would be checkmated.
How could the Israeli Government perpetrate egregious war crimes with imunity on their insane road of igniting a "clash of civilization’s" Armageddon - if faced by the reprisal of nuclear deterrence?
This is why Iran and Syria must have nuclear weapons.
3 June 2006
Is Saudi Arabia the Intended US Military Target - Not the Iranian Noise?
There is a tangible volume of speculation and inside intelligence washing across Internet sites and some print media the White House will launch a military attack on Iran as early as June or July.
The sabre rattling and hissy fits between Iran and the USA over Iran’s alledged peace-destroying program of nuclear electric power generation, with the US administration accusing Iran of building nuclear bombs – in spite of contrary evidence that such is not the case.
Provocative agitation from Israel’s Zionist government warns of Armageddon and oblivion of the state of Israel if the US does nothing to stop Iran. Even though Iran has an international legal abiding right and unequivocal freedom to persue a peaceful nuclear program. The verbal exchange of pointed and provocative statements between the Bush administration, Israel and Iran is just too notably visible, provocative and widely seen on public radar to my liking. The threat of US build up of attack on Iran is clearly attaining a saturated profile. I pause to now consider suspecting a diversionary smokescreen is being spawned. The Iran issue may be a diversion from the genuine event proposed by the White House and Pentagon planners. A devious and more judicious use of military hardware could be pointing to an attack directed against another claimed global threat to the world’s oil supplies. Government manufactured terrorist incidents could in fact be on the drawing board to produce conflict inside another Middle East State, resulting in American imperialist interference to once again protect the global peace.
Direct open conflict may not be on the cards today with Iran. The big game in the US gunsight I suspect is simpler toast of Saudi Arabian oil. Lay aside momentarily any design or demented intent of the White House to deliberately precipitate and destroy totally a shaky world politic and doomed global economics. Any indefinable rationale the Bush administration adopts to justify its push for total global conflict and economic collapse will truly be the stuff of madmen. I’ll conclude US hegemony is still the game in town and total world conflict at the hands of madmen has not yet reached fever point? Likely America’s grave economic sinking sand its failing dollar hegemony to turn the globe upside down is the event to curtail right now. How can this best be achieved?
Why would the USA attack Iran after so much advance ground shaking has given the Iranians a heads up to militarily prepare for a US offensive? The negative effect of restricted global oil suppy to the West if Iran withdraws supply, either by political intent or infrastructure destruction doesn’t make a lot of sense no matter which way I try to imagine events? The only winners will be profit in the hands of oil companies from sky rocketing oil price, but even this would be short lived as demand plummets to make mince meat of any long term gain to oil majors.
We know what a weakling the USA military in on the ground performance is; electing to attack small and substantially inferior equipped oponents to confrontation with well-armed and prepared forces. Now that Iran has installed sophisticated weaponry mentally prepared its forces and people for possible attack from the Great White Satan and categorically stated it will defend to the last man and ensure major military upset of conditions for US forces in Iraq. How the dickens can the USA make inroads on Iranian regime change or grab Iranian territory given the above influences that to me all appear as impediments to USA hegemony?
It’s a colossal assumption, but if the Bush administration is not yet inclined to completely throw the globe into utter confusion and potential global conflict – but instead seeks to enhance US hegemony over global affairs. Another simpler and powerful inroad into control over the Muslim world and control of vital oil resources points to a different target. Saudi Arabia makes more military and economic sense to invade - if minimal US casualties, propping up the petro dollar and maximum global influence is the objective?
The level of increasing media reporting welling up of Saudi Arabian terrorist links, of unsettled conditions in the Kingdom, the recent death of King Fahd and subsequent dissent within Saudi Arabia’s ranks, this alerts me to conclude Saudi Arabia may be propagandised as the bogey man and intended takeover target. The victim in America’s sights could very well be a surprise attack on the biggest oil pearl of them all. A successful takeover of the House of Saud carries great economic influence and broad predominance of geopolitical shaping if hegemony is the Bush administration’s prominent design. Saudi Arabia is an easier and weaker target than Iran to subjugate to the USA military machine. It is probably internally more divided than the political and religious establishments of Iran.
Consider Saudi Arabia is the plum oil exporter in the Middle East, the US intelligence communities possess substantial knowledge of Saudi military and physical assets than it has of Iran’s full preparation to defend itself. A huge volume of development in Saudi Arabia was constucted by US contractors and managed by American expatriates.
Any takeover of Saudi Arabia by USA forces will make it hazardous for Iran to justify a military response by its own forces. An attack in reprisal by Iran against USA naval assets or other ships to block the passage of oil through the Strait of Hormus - if the US does not attack Iran herself is a virtual guarantee Iran will not risk to expose herself to subsequent US attack. Potential global sanctions against Iran through interpretation of Iran as a culpable party in escalating wider Middle East conflict when USA forces have not bombed Iran herself. Furthermore European powers will be loath to side with Iran if the USA is holding immediate Saudi territorial advantage, contained oil resources and holding economic strings of physical authority over who gets Saudi oil.
The Pentagon spin-doctors and White House black propaganda units will unwaveringly link the next major government sponsored terrorist attack and accompanying massive loss of life to rogue units inside Saudi Arabian instability. Accusing the House of Saud directly as the guilty party as responsible for the terrorist attacks would be a stretch.
But a direct link with rogue al-Qa’eda infiltration of Saudi security forces and wide tensions spilling over into terrorist elements inside Saudi territory that is destabilising the Kingdom and therefore security of global oil supplies is quite achievable and believable to Americans. If Iran were seen to conspicuously hinder the USA war on terrorism during a “friendly” USA takeover [invasion] of Saudi Arabia that is claimed to protect peace, protect life, establish stability in the region, whatever reason. Iran's actions would be depicted as preposterous retaliation against USA friendly action in Saudi Arabia. Iran would be unlikely to risk global exposure of herself to accusations from the Bush administration or Israel as an accomplice to the terrible terrorism that has just ocurred - under a fashioned spotlight of US propaganda backed by main street media complicity.
The sabre rattling and hissy fits between Iran and the USA over Iran’s alledged peace-destroying program of nuclear electric power generation, with the US administration accusing Iran of building nuclear bombs – in spite of contrary evidence that such is not the case.
Provocative agitation from Israel’s Zionist government warns of Armageddon and oblivion of the state of Israel if the US does nothing to stop Iran. Even though Iran has an international legal abiding right and unequivocal freedom to persue a peaceful nuclear program. The verbal exchange of pointed and provocative statements between the Bush administration, Israel and Iran is just too notably visible, provocative and widely seen on public radar to my liking. The threat of US build up of attack on Iran is clearly attaining a saturated profile. I pause to now consider suspecting a diversionary smokescreen is being spawned. The Iran issue may be a diversion from the genuine event proposed by the White House and Pentagon planners. A devious and more judicious use of military hardware could be pointing to an attack directed against another claimed global threat to the world’s oil supplies. Government manufactured terrorist incidents could in fact be on the drawing board to produce conflict inside another Middle East State, resulting in American imperialist interference to once again protect the global peace.
Direct open conflict may not be on the cards today with Iran. The big game in the US gunsight I suspect is simpler toast of Saudi Arabian oil. Lay aside momentarily any design or demented intent of the White House to deliberately precipitate and destroy totally a shaky world politic and doomed global economics. Any indefinable rationale the Bush administration adopts to justify its push for total global conflict and economic collapse will truly be the stuff of madmen. I’ll conclude US hegemony is still the game in town and total world conflict at the hands of madmen has not yet reached fever point? Likely America’s grave economic sinking sand its failing dollar hegemony to turn the globe upside down is the event to curtail right now. How can this best be achieved?
Why would the USA attack Iran after so much advance ground shaking has given the Iranians a heads up to militarily prepare for a US offensive? The negative effect of restricted global oil suppy to the West if Iran withdraws supply, either by political intent or infrastructure destruction doesn’t make a lot of sense no matter which way I try to imagine events? The only winners will be profit in the hands of oil companies from sky rocketing oil price, but even this would be short lived as demand plummets to make mince meat of any long term gain to oil majors.
We know what a weakling the USA military in on the ground performance is; electing to attack small and substantially inferior equipped oponents to confrontation with well-armed and prepared forces. Now that Iran has installed sophisticated weaponry mentally prepared its forces and people for possible attack from the Great White Satan and categorically stated it will defend to the last man and ensure major military upset of conditions for US forces in Iraq. How the dickens can the USA make inroads on Iranian regime change or grab Iranian territory given the above influences that to me all appear as impediments to USA hegemony?
It’s a colossal assumption, but if the Bush administration is not yet inclined to completely throw the globe into utter confusion and potential global conflict – but instead seeks to enhance US hegemony over global affairs. Another simpler and powerful inroad into control over the Muslim world and control of vital oil resources points to a different target. Saudi Arabia makes more military and economic sense to invade - if minimal US casualties, propping up the petro dollar and maximum global influence is the objective?
The level of increasing media reporting welling up of Saudi Arabian terrorist links, of unsettled conditions in the Kingdom, the recent death of King Fahd and subsequent dissent within Saudi Arabia’s ranks, this alerts me to conclude Saudi Arabia may be propagandised as the bogey man and intended takeover target. The victim in America’s sights could very well be a surprise attack on the biggest oil pearl of them all. A successful takeover of the House of Saud carries great economic influence and broad predominance of geopolitical shaping if hegemony is the Bush administration’s prominent design. Saudi Arabia is an easier and weaker target than Iran to subjugate to the USA military machine. It is probably internally more divided than the political and religious establishments of Iran.
Consider Saudi Arabia is the plum oil exporter in the Middle East, the US intelligence communities possess substantial knowledge of Saudi military and physical assets than it has of Iran’s full preparation to defend itself. A huge volume of development in Saudi Arabia was constucted by US contractors and managed by American expatriates.
Any takeover of Saudi Arabia by USA forces will make it hazardous for Iran to justify a military response by its own forces. An attack in reprisal by Iran against USA naval assets or other ships to block the passage of oil through the Strait of Hormus - if the US does not attack Iran herself is a virtual guarantee Iran will not risk to expose herself to subsequent US attack. Potential global sanctions against Iran through interpretation of Iran as a culpable party in escalating wider Middle East conflict when USA forces have not bombed Iran herself. Furthermore European powers will be loath to side with Iran if the USA is holding immediate Saudi territorial advantage, contained oil resources and holding economic strings of physical authority over who gets Saudi oil.
The Pentagon spin-doctors and White House black propaganda units will unwaveringly link the next major government sponsored terrorist attack and accompanying massive loss of life to rogue units inside Saudi Arabian instability. Accusing the House of Saud directly as the guilty party as responsible for the terrorist attacks would be a stretch.
But a direct link with rogue al-Qa’eda infiltration of Saudi security forces and wide tensions spilling over into terrorist elements inside Saudi territory that is destabilising the Kingdom and therefore security of global oil supplies is quite achievable and believable to Americans. If Iran were seen to conspicuously hinder the USA war on terrorism during a “friendly” USA takeover [invasion] of Saudi Arabia that is claimed to protect peace, protect life, establish stability in the region, whatever reason. Iran's actions would be depicted as preposterous retaliation against USA friendly action in Saudi Arabia. Iran would be unlikely to risk global exposure of herself to accusations from the Bush administration or Israel as an accomplice to the terrible terrorism that has just ocurred - under a fashioned spotlight of US propaganda backed by main street media complicity.
19 May 2006
Multiculturalism served only to dilute our sovereignty and national identity.
Three Cheers for Australia
Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law have been told to get out of Australia, as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.
A day after a group of mainstream Muslim leaders pledged loyalty to Australia at a special meeting with Prime Minister John Howard, he and his ministers made it clear that extremists would face a crackdown.
Treasurer Peter Costello, seen as heir apparent to Howard, hinted that some radical clerics could be asked to leave the country if they did not accept that Australia was a secular state and its laws were made by parliament.
"If those are not your values, if you want a country, which has Sharia law, or a theocratic state, then Australia is not for you," he said on national television.
"I'd be saying to clerics who are teaching that there are two laws governing people in Australia, one the Australian law and another the Islamic law, that is false. If you can't agree with parliamentary law, independent courts, democracy, and would prefer Sharia law and have the opportunity to go to another country, which practices it, perhaps, then, that's a better option," Costello said.
Asked whether he meant radical clerics would be forced to leave, he said those with dual citizenship could possibly be asked to move to the other country.
Education Minister Brendan Nelson later told reporters that Muslims who did not want to accept local values should "clear off".
"Basically, people who don't want to be Australians, and they don't want to live by Australian values and understand them, well then they can basically clear off," he said. Separately, Howard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques.
America and Canada... ARE YOU LISTENING?
IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take it or Leave It I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali, we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.
However, the dust from the attacks had barely settled when the "politically correct" crowd began complaining about the possibility that our patriotism was offending others. I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by coming to Australia.
However, there are a few things that those who have recently come to our country, and apparently some born here, need to understand.
This idea of Australia being a multicultural community has served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As Australians, we have our own culture, our own society, our own language and our own lifestyle.
This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom. We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, learn the language!
Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push but a fact because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, Because God is part of our culture.
We will accept your beliefs and will not question why, all we ask is that you accept ours and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.
If the Southern Cross offends you, or you don't like " A Fair Go", then you should seriously consider a move to another part of this planet.
We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, and we really don't care how you did things where you came from. By all means keep your culture but do not force it on others.
This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this.
But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, "THE RIGHT TO LEAVE".
If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here.
You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.
Pretty easy really, when you think about it. I figure if we all keep passing this to our friends (and enemies) it will also, sooner or later get back to the complainers, lets all try, please.
Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law have been told to get out of Australia, as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.
A day after a group of mainstream Muslim leaders pledged loyalty to Australia at a special meeting with Prime Minister John Howard, he and his ministers made it clear that extremists would face a crackdown.
Treasurer Peter Costello, seen as heir apparent to Howard, hinted that some radical clerics could be asked to leave the country if they did not accept that Australia was a secular state and its laws were made by parliament.
"If those are not your values, if you want a country, which has Sharia law, or a theocratic state, then Australia is not for you," he said on national television.
"I'd be saying to clerics who are teaching that there are two laws governing people in Australia, one the Australian law and another the Islamic law, that is false. If you can't agree with parliamentary law, independent courts, democracy, and would prefer Sharia law and have the opportunity to go to another country, which practices it, perhaps, then, that's a better option," Costello said.
Asked whether he meant radical clerics would be forced to leave, he said those with dual citizenship could possibly be asked to move to the other country.
Education Minister Brendan Nelson later told reporters that Muslims who did not want to accept local values should "clear off".
"Basically, people who don't want to be Australians, and they don't want to live by Australian values and understand them, well then they can basically clear off," he said. Separately, Howard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques.
America and Canada... ARE YOU LISTENING?
IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take it or Leave It I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali, we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.
However, the dust from the attacks had barely settled when the "politically correct" crowd began complaining about the possibility that our patriotism was offending others. I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by coming to Australia.
However, there are a few things that those who have recently come to our country, and apparently some born here, need to understand.
This idea of Australia being a multicultural community has served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As Australians, we have our own culture, our own society, our own language and our own lifestyle.
This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom. We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, learn the language!
Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push but a fact because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, Because God is part of our culture.
We will accept your beliefs and will not question why, all we ask is that you accept ours and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.
If the Southern Cross offends you, or you don't like " A Fair Go", then you should seriously consider a move to another part of this planet.
We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, and we really don't care how you did things where you came from. By all means keep your culture but do not force it on others.
This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this.
But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, "THE RIGHT TO LEAVE".
If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here.
You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.
Pretty easy really, when you think about it. I figure if we all keep passing this to our friends (and enemies) it will also, sooner or later get back to the complainers, lets all try, please.
5 Mar 2006
Anachronistic Authoritarianism of NSW Government
Anachronistic authoritarianism of NSW Government Health Minister John Hatzistergos and Christian Democrat MP Fred Nile who urge sledge hammering down our throats misguided initiatives. Their prevailing meddling legislation is further elimination of responsible choice and altering the degree of responsibility in raising your family.
This time it’s the apparent irresponsibility to light up a cigarette on your property, namely your private vehicle - behind a health implication of child welfare. As though this might be the god given right of government to barge its way into a field that is a parent’s obligation. Our children are our responsibility, my child is my charge, we are accountable for our children, and it is NOT a State responsibility. Government is attempting meddling behind a do-gooder facade as it attempts vexatious interfering in private lives!
It appears to be a bid to drive an official nail deep into destroying individual sovereignty – liken it to a tender to rob personal accountability for the smart and dumb choices in life and our family’s welfare. This is about simple-mindedness of a State decree of how we live and safeguard our children; it is an ongoing impulse of bureaucracy to invade personal boundaries. This issue is propaganda deploying child welfare and health issues with a singular aim, to abolish the concept of individual citizen aptitude for reasonable judgment for appropriate choices about your family and children. The design is to alienate your behaviour to be seen as irresponsible or incompetent, to apply regulation over our autonomy in an attempt to transfer and invade a citizen’s private reasoning to the onslaught of statutory power.
The nutcases with this swagger and bullying are State interventionists looking for ways to control what they think is the worst effects of your democratic distortions. A once free and democratic Australia is chipped away for public health, or other “public benefit.” The swelling process of State control over private lives is irreversible if permitted to entrench itself in a politically correct society that Australia is being patterned.
It is an illustration of politicians who emphasise the role of the State and “wise”government – in this instance protection of children’s health from passive smoking - their attitude is pernicious arrogance. It is not singuarly the issue of the subject of anti-smoking that represents inroads on society to integrate with invasive policies of State mandates. It’s the fact that our rights suffer again to State decree by manoeuvring bureaucratic elites who want jurisdiction to reject how you live. The options and decisions you make for your children according to the control afflicted minds of these politicians, are decisions you are assumed unable to appropriately fulfill, therefore the State must step in.
The State will exercise an argument of a child’s right to unpolluted air absent passive smoke. Warnings are raised for the child’s health essentially for State justification to examine or detect fault in your creditability as a proper parent. Errosion of personal freedom by State interference over us includes restraints seemingly justified by child health.
It is a hostile intrusion from a meddling supreme authority. It is nothing less than denunciation of contemporary natural sanctity of the family unit - via social regulation and manipulation to vindicate the State supremacy.
The NSW government has launched into villifying behaviour against a segment of the public it thinks should change - in this case citizens smoking in their car with children in the vehicle. Smoking is stupid, the habit is likely harmful to youngsters and passengers. I concede some potential negative effects of smoke, but no matter this reality it fails to confer consent for State authority to set on passive smoke pollution with mandates of when smoking is permitted in cars. The State in seizure of my judgment, be that as adroit adult or not so smart individual through takeover of my conduct with my children, infiltrates and suspends my accountability by more regulation over my existence.
This latest undertaking to indoctrinate the public by the NSW Government’s design to eliminate sovereign democratic choice is obnoxious propaganda. The role of these politicians’s undermining personal democracy, to initiate laws that delineate the circumstance of when and where you smoke whilst using your own property, the private car is authoritarian. Through promotion of public sensibility to contest a pronounced question of adults and children’s health, and the risks from passive smoke, the NSW Government will expand laws to regulate us by intrusion and disdain of ordinary Australians. There is little to halt the Orwellian nightmare of a State gone mad making demands on citizens once the pollution of State interference has set course. This trenchant trend of the NSW Government must be protested and dumped in the garbage before its cancer takes over every detail of our existence.
This time it’s the apparent irresponsibility to light up a cigarette on your property, namely your private vehicle - behind a health implication of child welfare. As though this might be the god given right of government to barge its way into a field that is a parent’s obligation. Our children are our responsibility, my child is my charge, we are accountable for our children, and it is NOT a State responsibility. Government is attempting meddling behind a do-gooder facade as it attempts vexatious interfering in private lives!
It appears to be a bid to drive an official nail deep into destroying individual sovereignty – liken it to a tender to rob personal accountability for the smart and dumb choices in life and our family’s welfare. This is about simple-mindedness of a State decree of how we live and safeguard our children; it is an ongoing impulse of bureaucracy to invade personal boundaries. This issue is propaganda deploying child welfare and health issues with a singular aim, to abolish the concept of individual citizen aptitude for reasonable judgment for appropriate choices about your family and children. The design is to alienate your behaviour to be seen as irresponsible or incompetent, to apply regulation over our autonomy in an attempt to transfer and invade a citizen’s private reasoning to the onslaught of statutory power.
The nutcases with this swagger and bullying are State interventionists looking for ways to control what they think is the worst effects of your democratic distortions. A once free and democratic Australia is chipped away for public health, or other “public benefit.” The swelling process of State control over private lives is irreversible if permitted to entrench itself in a politically correct society that Australia is being patterned.
It is an illustration of politicians who emphasise the role of the State and “wise”government – in this instance protection of children’s health from passive smoking - their attitude is pernicious arrogance. It is not singuarly the issue of the subject of anti-smoking that represents inroads on society to integrate with invasive policies of State mandates. It’s the fact that our rights suffer again to State decree by manoeuvring bureaucratic elites who want jurisdiction to reject how you live. The options and decisions you make for your children according to the control afflicted minds of these politicians, are decisions you are assumed unable to appropriately fulfill, therefore the State must step in.
The State will exercise an argument of a child’s right to unpolluted air absent passive smoke. Warnings are raised for the child’s health essentially for State justification to examine or detect fault in your creditability as a proper parent. Errosion of personal freedom by State interference over us includes restraints seemingly justified by child health.
It is a hostile intrusion from a meddling supreme authority. It is nothing less than denunciation of contemporary natural sanctity of the family unit - via social regulation and manipulation to vindicate the State supremacy.
The NSW government has launched into villifying behaviour against a segment of the public it thinks should change - in this case citizens smoking in their car with children in the vehicle. Smoking is stupid, the habit is likely harmful to youngsters and passengers. I concede some potential negative effects of smoke, but no matter this reality it fails to confer consent for State authority to set on passive smoke pollution with mandates of when smoking is permitted in cars. The State in seizure of my judgment, be that as adroit adult or not so smart individual through takeover of my conduct with my children, infiltrates and suspends my accountability by more regulation over my existence.
This latest undertaking to indoctrinate the public by the NSW Government’s design to eliminate sovereign democratic choice is obnoxious propaganda. The role of these politicians’s undermining personal democracy, to initiate laws that delineate the circumstance of when and where you smoke whilst using your own property, the private car is authoritarian. Through promotion of public sensibility to contest a pronounced question of adults and children’s health, and the risks from passive smoke, the NSW Government will expand laws to regulate us by intrusion and disdain of ordinary Australians. There is little to halt the Orwellian nightmare of a State gone mad making demands on citizens once the pollution of State interference has set course. This trenchant trend of the NSW Government must be protested and dumped in the garbage before its cancer takes over every detail of our existence.
19 Feb 2006
Snowy Mountains Hydro Privatisation - Act of Public Sabotage
Here we go again! Selling off more of our primary utilities and public assets that are key drivers of keeping a lid on this nation’s cost of business. The transfer of state owned assets built by taxpayers into the grasp of private investors, where shareholder value will displace decisions of national economic benefit or public security.
The Snowy Mountains Hydroelectric scheme built with Commonwealth investment is an important contributor to reasonable cost electricity for Australia. Its ownership is sleighted to be shifted from government ownership across to private hands. This is more of the idiotic privatisation mentality that holds little future in long term national planning in considering the best infrastructure strategy. When the Snowy was visualised it would have developed inside a mission of the nation's common good. When the Snowy was built do you think its fundamental consideration was how many dollars can be extracted from this huge project? No! I would bet the driver was how to build a practical solution of affordable electricity in a growing country that needed reliable, abundant electricity.
Now the obviously corporate owned NSW premier, his Victorian State government counterpart and the Federal government intend a transfer of Australia’s biggest engineering marvel, a national asset that facilitates affordable electricity. A mamoth sell-out of a successful public asset into private interests. This transfer will produce negative repercussions as shareholder value will displace the common interests of Australia's growth. Since when has a private corporate owned for-profit entity considered national good ahead of the shareholder demand for maximum dollars per megawatt of electricity?
You can place as many wonderful pieces of controling legislation as you wish to supposedly regulate and protect the electorate’s interest in the switch to privatisation. But the truth of the matter is sneaky manipulative hands of influencial big money power always locate the path of least resistance to support screwing the customer for more bucks. Turning politician’s heads from the national interest to instead bolster bottom line big corporate power is an easy job. It would be the pinacle of ignorance to think a sell off of the Snowy Mountains Hydro Electricity isn’t about lining pockets. The transfer of power generation and influence over significant water resources from the public domain is a mamoth disgrace, its a kick in the face telling the electorate, “We do not give a stuff about you people and your future” – the electorate is something to be ignored and not respected.
There is no reason to sell off the Snowy Mountains HydroElectric scheme. If capital investment is required, then government can plan this. The contribution from state owned electricity generation is more than the sum of generating electricity and selling so many Mega Watts. Nations able to build basic untility services and operate them with the benefit to that nation uppermost stand an excellent chance of succeeding… for the downstream communtiy and broad society, the industries that use the electricity will compete with an ace up their sleeve. If basic infrastructure is sold off and water and power certainly qualify as essential services, shift these out of public ownership where concentration on a different corporate mission emerges, it sees the bottom line as the driver.
My experience of living in the United States where electricity costs are very high, driven by corporate shareholder value means customers pay through the nose, the higher mega watt rates are greater than necessary if the common interest existed. The city I lived in had built its own a public power company to service the city, believing the common good of public power beneficial as the ahead of shareholder value. Within the region we paid on average 25% to 30% less for electricity compared to neighboring communities who had to buy electricity direct from corporate owned power companies.
The governments of NSW, Victoria and the Federal government are once more selling out the citizens of Australia. These politicians are nothing less than cheap bastards with little right to continue to represent their constituents. When their policy is to sell of key utility and public assets you know these representatives represent corporate pockets not the nation of Australia and its future infrastructure interests.
I oppose the ongoing destruction of the primary assets of what contributes to make this nation a great country. We are establishing in the absence of public support an American style of cutthroat economy in this country. We are destroying our valuable state built and operated assets under the false policy that competitiveness, dismantling the sense of cooperation and cohesiveness for a singular driver of dollars is healthy? This is the same policy that drives most USA State and business decisions. I can say from first hand experience, the USA is not a cohesive society, it is a cutthroat nation where the common good is unheard of and draining the pocket of the taxpayer is standard operating procedure. Our politicians and their big corporate and banking associatesl are setting us up for the same cut throat idiocy and nation destroying policy in selling off the Snowy.
With 48 states of the USA bankrupt, the US current account and trade deficits reach to the moon and back, US manufacturing has evaporated… why should Australia adopt the identical privatisation policy. A policy that turns affordable state owned assets into rip off corporatised merchants - for an outdated share holder value policy based on unjust social shallowness and national impracticality?
The Snowy Mountains Hydroelectric scheme built with Commonwealth investment is an important contributor to reasonable cost electricity for Australia. Its ownership is sleighted to be shifted from government ownership across to private hands. This is more of the idiotic privatisation mentality that holds little future in long term national planning in considering the best infrastructure strategy. When the Snowy was visualised it would have developed inside a mission of the nation's common good. When the Snowy was built do you think its fundamental consideration was how many dollars can be extracted from this huge project? No! I would bet the driver was how to build a practical solution of affordable electricity in a growing country that needed reliable, abundant electricity.
Now the obviously corporate owned NSW premier, his Victorian State government counterpart and the Federal government intend a transfer of Australia’s biggest engineering marvel, a national asset that facilitates affordable electricity. A mamoth sell-out of a successful public asset into private interests. This transfer will produce negative repercussions as shareholder value will displace the common interests of Australia's growth. Since when has a private corporate owned for-profit entity considered national good ahead of the shareholder demand for maximum dollars per megawatt of electricity?
You can place as many wonderful pieces of controling legislation as you wish to supposedly regulate and protect the electorate’s interest in the switch to privatisation. But the truth of the matter is sneaky manipulative hands of influencial big money power always locate the path of least resistance to support screwing the customer for more bucks. Turning politician’s heads from the national interest to instead bolster bottom line big corporate power is an easy job. It would be the pinacle of ignorance to think a sell off of the Snowy Mountains Hydro Electricity isn’t about lining pockets. The transfer of power generation and influence over significant water resources from the public domain is a mamoth disgrace, its a kick in the face telling the electorate, “We do not give a stuff about you people and your future” – the electorate is something to be ignored and not respected.
There is no reason to sell off the Snowy Mountains HydroElectric scheme. If capital investment is required, then government can plan this. The contribution from state owned electricity generation is more than the sum of generating electricity and selling so many Mega Watts. Nations able to build basic untility services and operate them with the benefit to that nation uppermost stand an excellent chance of succeeding… for the downstream communtiy and broad society, the industries that use the electricity will compete with an ace up their sleeve. If basic infrastructure is sold off and water and power certainly qualify as essential services, shift these out of public ownership where concentration on a different corporate mission emerges, it sees the bottom line as the driver.
My experience of living in the United States where electricity costs are very high, driven by corporate shareholder value means customers pay through the nose, the higher mega watt rates are greater than necessary if the common interest existed. The city I lived in had built its own a public power company to service the city, believing the common good of public power beneficial as the ahead of shareholder value. Within the region we paid on average 25% to 30% less for electricity compared to neighboring communities who had to buy electricity direct from corporate owned power companies.
The governments of NSW, Victoria and the Federal government are once more selling out the citizens of Australia. These politicians are nothing less than cheap bastards with little right to continue to represent their constituents. When their policy is to sell of key utility and public assets you know these representatives represent corporate pockets not the nation of Australia and its future infrastructure interests.
I oppose the ongoing destruction of the primary assets of what contributes to make this nation a great country. We are establishing in the absence of public support an American style of cutthroat economy in this country. We are destroying our valuable state built and operated assets under the false policy that competitiveness, dismantling the sense of cooperation and cohesiveness for a singular driver of dollars is healthy? This is the same policy that drives most USA State and business decisions. I can say from first hand experience, the USA is not a cohesive society, it is a cutthroat nation where the common good is unheard of and draining the pocket of the taxpayer is standard operating procedure. Our politicians and their big corporate and banking associatesl are setting us up for the same cut throat idiocy and nation destroying policy in selling off the Snowy.
With 48 states of the USA bankrupt, the US current account and trade deficits reach to the moon and back, US manufacturing has evaporated… why should Australia adopt the identical privatisation policy. A policy that turns affordable state owned assets into rip off corporatised merchants - for an outdated share holder value policy based on unjust social shallowness and national impracticality?
12 Feb 2006
Australia's military stays, thank the AWB?
I wonder will we see the Australian Wheat Board scandal - at least so far as jeopardising Howard’s cabinet of ass licking politicians is concerned, back off from major exposure, and give a safer distance from further damage of ministers?
Howard’s cabinet would like to heave a joint sigh of relief from their heads falling further on the AWB chopping block. Can cabinet members keep their jobs whilst the scandal and corruption from the AWB fallout is contained, and hopefully by Howard shifted in alternate safer direction? I admit to no solid evidence but wonder if the AWB kickback scandal doesn't revolve around the “Long War” of the Pentagon? Inside the Fourth Reich of the Bush administration's global struggle against USA antagonised Islamic terrorism, holding Australia to her role as close ally remains a priority. Such a critical association is going to demand the ability to bring errant policies and politicians into line when matters shift in undesired directions.
The newly appointed Australian Defence Minister Brendan Nelson has given firm signals that Australia’s troop deployment in Iraq will continue. After all there was talk of Australia’s deployment in Iraq being wound up as the Japanese completed their mission. The strength and credibility of the "coalition of the willing" would look very unhelpful if Australia pulled troops back home. The public relations value to the US military global strategy for prosecuting the war on terrorism would be harmed if junior partner Australia downgraded its commitment from Iraq.
Supposedly the Bush administration has refrained from public pressure on Canberra to contribute more forces to Iraq and Afghanistan. I suspect this is a public position only, and not reality behind the scene. Blackmail strings could be deployed rigorously by the Bush administration and their New World Order forces to see Canberra remained intertwined with US military operations?
Even though Brendan Nelson says Canberra has yet to make its decision, that the option of re-deployment “remained on the table”. I have trouble believing this for one minute, his statement gives the impression of Australia’s independence in deploying our military… the reality is Australia cannot pull out of Iraq if the Howard government looses office from exposure of AWB type scandals. We will probably see Australia now raise its commitment to the government manufactured war on terrorism, now that ministers have had their pants scared off their pathetic backsides.
There is little question a useful and effective tool of state control has always been potential exposure and compromise of key politicians. Canberra will pass whatever ruthless Internationalists agenda the Anglo/American agenda et all insists upon, if ministers feel their backsides heating up.
Howard’s cabinet would like to heave a joint sigh of relief from their heads falling further on the AWB chopping block. Can cabinet members keep their jobs whilst the scandal and corruption from the AWB fallout is contained, and hopefully by Howard shifted in alternate safer direction? I admit to no solid evidence but wonder if the AWB kickback scandal doesn't revolve around the “Long War” of the Pentagon? Inside the Fourth Reich of the Bush administration's global struggle against USA antagonised Islamic terrorism, holding Australia to her role as close ally remains a priority. Such a critical association is going to demand the ability to bring errant policies and politicians into line when matters shift in undesired directions.
The newly appointed Australian Defence Minister Brendan Nelson has given firm signals that Australia’s troop deployment in Iraq will continue. After all there was talk of Australia’s deployment in Iraq being wound up as the Japanese completed their mission. The strength and credibility of the "coalition of the willing" would look very unhelpful if Australia pulled troops back home. The public relations value to the US military global strategy for prosecuting the war on terrorism would be harmed if junior partner Australia downgraded its commitment from Iraq.
Supposedly the Bush administration has refrained from public pressure on Canberra to contribute more forces to Iraq and Afghanistan. I suspect this is a public position only, and not reality behind the scene. Blackmail strings could be deployed rigorously by the Bush administration and their New World Order forces to see Canberra remained intertwined with US military operations?
Even though Brendan Nelson says Canberra has yet to make its decision, that the option of re-deployment “remained on the table”. I have trouble believing this for one minute, his statement gives the impression of Australia’s independence in deploying our military… the reality is Australia cannot pull out of Iraq if the Howard government looses office from exposure of AWB type scandals. We will probably see Australia now raise its commitment to the government manufactured war on terrorism, now that ministers have had their pants scared off their pathetic backsides.
There is little question a useful and effective tool of state control has always been potential exposure and compromise of key politicians. Canberra will pass whatever ruthless Internationalists agenda the Anglo/American agenda et all insists upon, if ministers feel their backsides heating up.
9 Feb 2006
Aust Wheat Board is not about kickbacks.
Sure tell me the Australian Wheat Board slip up emerged to the surface of earth in some incredible accidental force of coincidence. Sure the issue is about whom paid whom extra bucks when and the shock of it all? Every godamn country in the Middle East does business with under the table money…
Australia could not exist in the Middle East markets if padding of built in payoffs doled out to the layers of beauracratic takers and opportunists did not exist. More times than I can count I built in mandatory pay offs in the price of the goods when I working in export sales in the region. I recall US President Jimmy Carter oulawed American corporations from paying illegal bribes and kickbacks in the Middle East. That was the biggest joke around the expatriate circuit for several years.
The issue is not about the kickbacks or funnelled funds to non-existant trucking companies. The issue is what the hell has the Howard Government done that it wasn’t supposed to do, or failed to tow the line on that it was expected to perform on? You don’t get heavy-duty exposure on such a broad measure able to harm high profile individuals careers in government and in big Australian corporations unless some serious people behaviour corrections are going on!
The political landscape in the normal course of events is constructed from senior ministers and top dogs that someone has something on them. Howard, Downer, Costello, Beazely, none of these men are in office unless something can be dropped on them to bring them back in line whenever they fall out of line. Out of line usually refers to them backing off the globalisation agenda, failing to tow the neocon preemptive war program. The AWB exposure deal is likely a serious warning shot to get the Howard government back on schedule with the new world order project if you want to keep your cushy political seat.
Australia could not exist in the Middle East markets if padding of built in payoffs doled out to the layers of beauracratic takers and opportunists did not exist. More times than I can count I built in mandatory pay offs in the price of the goods when I working in export sales in the region. I recall US President Jimmy Carter oulawed American corporations from paying illegal bribes and kickbacks in the Middle East. That was the biggest joke around the expatriate circuit for several years.
The issue is not about the kickbacks or funnelled funds to non-existant trucking companies. The issue is what the hell has the Howard Government done that it wasn’t supposed to do, or failed to tow the line on that it was expected to perform on? You don’t get heavy-duty exposure on such a broad measure able to harm high profile individuals careers in government and in big Australian corporations unless some serious people behaviour corrections are going on!
The political landscape in the normal course of events is constructed from senior ministers and top dogs that someone has something on them. Howard, Downer, Costello, Beazely, none of these men are in office unless something can be dropped on them to bring them back in line whenever they fall out of line. Out of line usually refers to them backing off the globalisation agenda, failing to tow the neocon preemptive war program. The AWB exposure deal is likely a serious warning shot to get the Howard government back on schedule with the new world order project if you want to keep your cushy political seat.
5 Feb 2006
Assholes in Canberra
Australia! Wonderful beaches, sunny days and home to an asshole regime that any voter with half a brain wants evicted from office. Clap Trap Jaw PM John Howard with his asshole cabinet manipulates the electorate as second nature, done with the flakiest opposition on the planet - the Australian Labour Party. The jig is a self congratulatory, taxpayer abuse institution under the pretence of democracy, supposed to be representative government. I guess the Westminster parliament system still has a few hang ups in the system.
This is a cool disguise to trick the public. Comically called political choice but there isn't any choice. The Opposition Leader is a real bright spark, closest thing to an academy award winner you could ask to see. Chops Beazely is a charicature of virtual total complicity, an original Mr. Oportunism he can easily do the Prime Minister's job and his own, you wouldn't see ANY DIFFERENCE between the two - both assholes are FASCIST!
With the Howard regime and Alternate Liberal Party Aussie battlers are stuck between a rock and a hard place, what an accident? No political party seems to represent Mr & Mrs Mainstreet in parliament. Democracy in Oz is rotten, smelly joke. The big political parties have turned on mainstream Australians. We've got sneaking snakey fascism!
The Howard regime destroys Australia piecemeal. A regime of assholes is what we have, it rides an internationalist corporate war mongeroing high. The clandestine goal is integration of Australia under a supra-national world government body. These traitors are assholes that DO NOT represent the electorate.
They are guilty of crimes against Australians as well as war crimes against Afghanistan and Iraqi people. Just taking preemptive warfare and dismantling the structure and fabric of our nation - the assholes do not deserve public office ass they rape and victimise Australians every day. Howard’s cabinet is guilty of spewing anti-freedom venom, cloaked inside claimed anti-terrorism legislation. Crimes sponsored by these assholes supposedly to save our backsides is from their own dirty coniving. Paid hands might implement the mechanics but the assholes watch complicit in their traitorous agenda to conquer our economic and civil lives.
With Special Ops and a yielding compromised intelligence community, operatives hold secrets of murder and injury at the reach of Zionist tentacles and the Fourth Reich Bush Administration directly initiating global instability. Canberra's assholes have no allegiance to little of moral merit. Mercenary elements implement terrorism acts under contract to the Anglo/American and puppet Australian regime across the globe.
The manufactured security threat against the public justifies propaganda of more anti-terrorism legislation, "For our own good." Like hell it is! Deceit strangles Australia’s freedom from Howards assholes than ever witnessed in Australia creating treachery of the lowest canon.
Decent societal common values and shared purpose of nationhood are excavated and undermined. The assholes make cut backs in social services, privatise most that is measurable from utilities, electricity, gas and water to toll roads and traffic infringements to profit big corporations balances. It’s all an income stream to bolster corporate hegemony at immense cost to middle class and blue-collar society. Your labour and life is nothing less than a mercantile data entry.
The social lubricant of responsible fair society is displaced by assholes wearing horse blinkers, driven by economic shareholder, let’s measure our profits solely, nothing else counts? Each and every quality human attainment that has been striven for is dismantled; fairness is dumped for swelling fascism. Evidence of the Howard regime asshole non-thinking is verified by idiocy in remodelled industrial relation’s legislation that elevates corporate rights superior to individual rights.
Decent standards of Australian society are sabotaged, we hurt at the greedy manipulative hands of economic globalisation, an injustice against this nation's workers and small business owners. Indecent legislation twists valid political protest into dissidence, a target for potential silencing at the reach of para military policing. This soon to be supplemented by another crime, legislation to sport the military bludgeon. The streets, the domestic battleground it will truly turn into as head butting against ordinary citizens by soldiers is planned. This inflamed fascist leap deliberately written as grit, as friction to retard society from seasoning into anything worthwhile. Unless you are on the very top of the heap.
The policies of the Howard regime drive basic survival ahead of values. Their dog eats dog of Wild West globalisation stupidly dismantles our manufacturing. Our nation is in debt to international banks. Howard’s fascistregime cuts a brutal path retarding society; Australia is a step nearer to feudalism as a hired mercenary to spot warfare, aiding the USA killing machine. Meanwhile the nation's resources, mining profits and foreign ownership of everything sucks our wealth to offshore owners.
Equal voter representation gets displaced from indifferent corporate power over the earth’s resources. Strategic military choke points include Australia in the USA military threat against our neighbours. Individual liberty and life choices are restricted further and further at each sitting of parliament.
The grab of wealth transfer from the ordinary citizen to the hands of the wealthiest family names and global corporate boardrooms is relentless. The explosive costs of war machinery, security at all cost propaganda - in a fake war on terrorism tax bite, misapropriated into non-productive croneism. We will suffer under heavy-handed state security and intelligence services linking intelligence gathering and spying on citizens under a global presence.
The assholes say it is all to protect us - what a horrendous scam. Ultimately it will be exposed to public scrutiny for lies Howard’s regime promulgates with a straight face as the knife of world government is shoved deep.
This is a theft of rights as draconiam changes that possess the character of dictators Mussolini and Hitler emerge into daylight. The difference is Howard and his regime does not wear the military uniform of the ADF in parliament.
The move by Howard’s regime has and continues to draw military units into domestic policing actions, a senseless power free to terminate citizens - behind a weak excuse to protect property. Such crap stink as the lowest of the lowest as soldiers gain immunity from state criminal law in “following orders” to blow your brains out, no liability. No soldier will show or wear name identification and can operate anonymously. Does not sound like the decent Australia I knew. The assholes need to be flushed down the toilet.
The Anglo/American ass lickers of Howard’s regime are following the steps of the mentally short changed Bush Administration. It destroys civil rights at home, murders, maim and impoverish foreign nationales offshore. All carried out by distortion of facts, the intelligence inserts fake evidence to provoke Muslim blowback to justify more premptive warfare to gain startegic and resource control. A perilous road to manipulate society of all demographics, watch this inevitably blow up in the authority’s parliamentary face with civil unrest. The communitiy resentment against government, federal and including local petty rules is building as awareness in society grows of the distortion. From seeing dismantling of fair justice replaced by imposing legislation that is aimed to create conditions for the use of “domestic violence” our government adopts to restructure society.
This is a cool disguise to trick the public. Comically called political choice but there isn't any choice. The Opposition Leader is a real bright spark, closest thing to an academy award winner you could ask to see. Chops Beazely is a charicature of virtual total complicity, an original Mr. Oportunism he can easily do the Prime Minister's job and his own, you wouldn't see ANY DIFFERENCE between the two - both assholes are FASCIST!
With the Howard regime and Alternate Liberal Party Aussie battlers are stuck between a rock and a hard place, what an accident? No political party seems to represent Mr & Mrs Mainstreet in parliament. Democracy in Oz is rotten, smelly joke. The big political parties have turned on mainstream Australians. We've got sneaking snakey fascism!
The Howard regime destroys Australia piecemeal. A regime of assholes is what we have, it rides an internationalist corporate war mongeroing high. The clandestine goal is integration of Australia under a supra-national world government body. These traitors are assholes that DO NOT represent the electorate.
They are guilty of crimes against Australians as well as war crimes against Afghanistan and Iraqi people. Just taking preemptive warfare and dismantling the structure and fabric of our nation - the assholes do not deserve public office ass they rape and victimise Australians every day. Howard’s cabinet is guilty of spewing anti-freedom venom, cloaked inside claimed anti-terrorism legislation. Crimes sponsored by these assholes supposedly to save our backsides is from their own dirty coniving. Paid hands might implement the mechanics but the assholes watch complicit in their traitorous agenda to conquer our economic and civil lives.
With Special Ops and a yielding compromised intelligence community, operatives hold secrets of murder and injury at the reach of Zionist tentacles and the Fourth Reich Bush Administration directly initiating global instability. Canberra's assholes have no allegiance to little of moral merit. Mercenary elements implement terrorism acts under contract to the Anglo/American and puppet Australian regime across the globe.
The manufactured security threat against the public justifies propaganda of more anti-terrorism legislation, "For our own good." Like hell it is! Deceit strangles Australia’s freedom from Howards assholes than ever witnessed in Australia creating treachery of the lowest canon.
Decent societal common values and shared purpose of nationhood are excavated and undermined. The assholes make cut backs in social services, privatise most that is measurable from utilities, electricity, gas and water to toll roads and traffic infringements to profit big corporations balances. It’s all an income stream to bolster corporate hegemony at immense cost to middle class and blue-collar society. Your labour and life is nothing less than a mercantile data entry.
The social lubricant of responsible fair society is displaced by assholes wearing horse blinkers, driven by economic shareholder, let’s measure our profits solely, nothing else counts? Each and every quality human attainment that has been striven for is dismantled; fairness is dumped for swelling fascism. Evidence of the Howard regime asshole non-thinking is verified by idiocy in remodelled industrial relation’s legislation that elevates corporate rights superior to individual rights.
Decent standards of Australian society are sabotaged, we hurt at the greedy manipulative hands of economic globalisation, an injustice against this nation's workers and small business owners. Indecent legislation twists valid political protest into dissidence, a target for potential silencing at the reach of para military policing. This soon to be supplemented by another crime, legislation to sport the military bludgeon. The streets, the domestic battleground it will truly turn into as head butting against ordinary citizens by soldiers is planned. This inflamed fascist leap deliberately written as grit, as friction to retard society from seasoning into anything worthwhile. Unless you are on the very top of the heap.
The policies of the Howard regime drive basic survival ahead of values. Their dog eats dog of Wild West globalisation stupidly dismantles our manufacturing. Our nation is in debt to international banks. Howard’s fascistregime cuts a brutal path retarding society; Australia is a step nearer to feudalism as a hired mercenary to spot warfare, aiding the USA killing machine. Meanwhile the nation's resources, mining profits and foreign ownership of everything sucks our wealth to offshore owners.
Equal voter representation gets displaced from indifferent corporate power over the earth’s resources. Strategic military choke points include Australia in the USA military threat against our neighbours. Individual liberty and life choices are restricted further and further at each sitting of parliament.
The grab of wealth transfer from the ordinary citizen to the hands of the wealthiest family names and global corporate boardrooms is relentless. The explosive costs of war machinery, security at all cost propaganda - in a fake war on terrorism tax bite, misapropriated into non-productive croneism. We will suffer under heavy-handed state security and intelligence services linking intelligence gathering and spying on citizens under a global presence.
The assholes say it is all to protect us - what a horrendous scam. Ultimately it will be exposed to public scrutiny for lies Howard’s regime promulgates with a straight face as the knife of world government is shoved deep.
This is a theft of rights as draconiam changes that possess the character of dictators Mussolini and Hitler emerge into daylight. The difference is Howard and his regime does not wear the military uniform of the ADF in parliament.
The move by Howard’s regime has and continues to draw military units into domestic policing actions, a senseless power free to terminate citizens - behind a weak excuse to protect property. Such crap stink as the lowest of the lowest as soldiers gain immunity from state criminal law in “following orders” to blow your brains out, no liability. No soldier will show or wear name identification and can operate anonymously. Does not sound like the decent Australia I knew. The assholes need to be flushed down the toilet.
The Anglo/American ass lickers of Howard’s regime are following the steps of the mentally short changed Bush Administration. It destroys civil rights at home, murders, maim and impoverish foreign nationales offshore. All carried out by distortion of facts, the intelligence inserts fake evidence to provoke Muslim blowback to justify more premptive warfare to gain startegic and resource control. A perilous road to manipulate society of all demographics, watch this inevitably blow up in the authority’s parliamentary face with civil unrest. The communitiy resentment against government, federal and including local petty rules is building as awareness in society grows of the distortion. From seeing dismantling of fair justice replaced by imposing legislation that is aimed to create conditions for the use of “domestic violence” our government adopts to restructure society.
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