23 July 2006

Obvious if Lebanon Had Nuclear Deterrence Israeli Government Could Go Screw Itself

If Lebanon possessed the same shielding miltary hardware of North Korea would the murdering swines of Israel’s Devil Government still launch their pre-planned offensive against [claimed Hezbollah] targets on Lebanese territory?

A crushing bombing “strike and awe” execrable mayhem on Lebanon, an offensive calculated to inflict intense casualties on innocent humanity and destroy noncombatant infrastructure. Irrefutable evidence IDF devastation targeted against innocent civilians including children, foreign tourists and massive deliberate destruction of homes, commerce and basic utilities. The blowing up of power generation, water plants and road infrastructure severs any possibilty for survival of daily life for the Labanese people.

So extensive is the reckless squandering of life and ruin perpetrated on Lebanese territory it raises the shocking examination of what the hell is Israel’s intent? My conclusion is Israel’s reason is a premeditated aim to ignite, enrage and engage the widest and deepest potential angered Arab response. It is to provoke Arab counteraction for the magnitude of slaying and mayhem in Lebanon? In particular the targets are Iran and Syria, to pull them into war against Israel, thereby triggering a seemingly defensive USA military response in retaliation.

It may seem effortless for Israel to pour destruction on Southern Lebanon, whilst the IDF only need worry itself from a modest capability of small misiles and small arms fire from Hezbollah. The copiously armed IDF would be subservient in rank were its bullheaded onslaught faced with a fully armed nuclear Lebanon.

The cruelty of Israel against civilians by its lunatic military cocksureness can only be checked, only be repeled when the target nation readies in its armourery the tactical authority of nuclear deterrance. This is the power that can deter - the force to shield by mutal assured destruction [MAD] that weapons of mass destruction could enforce. Technically superior weaponry to Israel gives the same protection. If Lebanon could stare the Israeli bully in the face and counter their aggression with a nuclear weapon it would instil a little more respect before unleashing the Zionist dogs of war.

Clearly an overwhelming case supports the responsibility of Arab states that share a border with the Devil state of Israel to have the same deterrence power as North Korea. It is found a necessity for protection.

A nuclear-armed Lebanon would have detered the beligerant Nazi brute of Zionist Israel from attacking. The feral attack in subsidy of neo-fascist warmongers of the Bush/Cheney Washington would be checkmated.

How could the Israeli Government perpetrate egregious war crimes with imunity on their insane road of igniting a "clash of civilization’s" Armageddon - if faced by the reprisal of nuclear deterrence?

This is why Iran and Syria must have nuclear weapons.

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