5 Feb 2006

Assholes in Canberra

Australia! Wonderful beaches, sunny days and home to an asshole regime that any voter with half a brain wants evicted from office. Clap Trap Jaw PM John Howard with his asshole cabinet manipulates the electorate as second nature, done with the flakiest opposition on the planet - the Australian Labour Party. The jig is a self congratulatory, taxpayer abuse institution under the pretence of democracy, supposed to be representative government. I guess the Westminster parliament system still has a few hang ups in the system.

This is a cool disguise to trick the public. Comically called political choice but there isn't any choice. The Opposition Leader is a real bright spark, closest thing to an academy award winner you could ask to see. Chops Beazely is a charicature of virtual total complicity, an original Mr. Oportunism he can easily do the Prime Minister's job and his own, you wouldn't see ANY DIFFERENCE between the two - both assholes are FASCIST!

With the Howard regime and Alternate Liberal Party Aussie battlers are stuck between a rock and a hard place, what an accident? No political party seems to represent Mr & Mrs Mainstreet in parliament. Democracy in Oz is rotten, smelly joke. The big political parties have turned on mainstream Australians. We've got sneaking snakey fascism!

The Howard regime destroys Australia piecemeal. A regime of assholes is what we have, it rides an internationalist corporate war mongeroing high. The clandestine goal is integration of Australia under a supra-national world government body. These traitors are assholes that DO NOT represent the electorate.

They are guilty of crimes against Australians as well as war crimes against Afghanistan and Iraqi people. Just taking preemptive warfare and dismantling the structure and fabric of our nation - the assholes do not deserve public office ass they rape and victimise Australians every day. Howard’s cabinet is guilty of spewing anti-freedom venom, cloaked inside claimed anti-terrorism legislation. Crimes sponsored by these assholes supposedly to save our backsides is from their own dirty coniving. Paid hands might implement the mechanics but the assholes watch complicit in their traitorous agenda to conquer our economic and civil lives.

With Special Ops and a yielding compromised intelligence community, operatives hold secrets of murder and injury at the reach of Zionist tentacles and the Fourth Reich Bush Administration directly initiating global instability. Canberra's assholes have no allegiance to little of moral merit. Mercenary elements implement terrorism acts under contract to the Anglo/American and puppet Australian regime across the globe.

The manufactured security threat against the public justifies propaganda of more anti-terrorism legislation, "For our own good." Like hell it is! Deceit strangles Australia’s freedom from Howards assholes than ever witnessed in Australia creating treachery of the lowest canon.

Decent societal common values and shared purpose of nationhood are excavated and undermined. The assholes make cut backs in social services, privatise most that is measurable from utilities, electricity, gas and water to toll roads and traffic infringements to profit big corporations balances. It’s all an income stream to bolster corporate hegemony at immense cost to middle class and blue-collar society. Your labour and life is nothing less than a mercantile data entry.

The social lubricant of responsible fair society is displaced by assholes wearing horse blinkers, driven by economic shareholder, let’s measure our profits solely, nothing else counts? Each and every quality human attainment that has been striven for is dismantled; fairness is dumped for swelling fascism. Evidence of the Howard regime asshole non-thinking is verified by idiocy in remodelled industrial relation’s legislation that elevates corporate rights superior to individual rights.

Decent standards of Australian society are sabotaged, we hurt at the greedy manipulative hands of economic globalisation, an injustice against this nation's workers and small business owners. Indecent legislation twists valid political protest into dissidence, a target for potential silencing at the reach of para military policing. This soon to be supplemented by another crime, legislation to sport the military bludgeon. The streets, the domestic battleground it will truly turn into as head butting against ordinary citizens by soldiers is planned. This inflamed fascist leap deliberately written as grit, as friction to retard society from seasoning into anything worthwhile. Unless you are on the very top of the heap.

The policies of the Howard regime drive basic survival ahead of values. Their dog eats dog of Wild West globalisation stupidly dismantles our manufacturing. Our nation is in debt to international banks. Howard’s fascistregime cuts a brutal path retarding society; Australia is a step nearer to feudalism as a hired mercenary to spot warfare, aiding the USA killing machine. Meanwhile the nation's resources, mining profits and foreign ownership of everything sucks our wealth to offshore owners.

Equal voter representation gets displaced from indifferent corporate power over the earth’s resources. Strategic military choke points include Australia in the USA military threat against our neighbours. Individual liberty and life choices are restricted further and further at each sitting of parliament.

The grab of wealth transfer from the ordinary citizen to the hands of the wealthiest family names and global corporate boardrooms is relentless. The explosive costs of war machinery, security at all cost propaganda - in a fake war on terrorism tax bite, misapropriated into non-productive croneism. We will suffer under heavy-handed state security and intelligence services linking intelligence gathering and spying on citizens under a global presence.
The assholes say it is all to protect us - what a horrendous scam. Ultimately it will be exposed to public scrutiny for lies Howard’s regime promulgates with a straight face as the knife of world government is shoved deep.

This is a theft of rights as draconiam changes that possess the character of dictators Mussolini and Hitler emerge into daylight. The difference is Howard and his regime does not wear the military uniform of the ADF in parliament.

The move by Howard’s regime has and continues to draw military units into domestic policing actions, a senseless power free to terminate citizens - behind a weak excuse to protect property. Such crap stink as the lowest of the lowest as soldiers gain immunity from state criminal law in “following orders” to blow your brains out, no liability. No soldier will show or wear name identification and can operate anonymously. Does not sound like the decent Australia I knew. The assholes need to be flushed down the toilet.

The Anglo/American ass lickers of Howard’s regime are following the steps of the mentally short changed Bush Administration. It destroys civil rights at home, murders, maim and impoverish foreign nationales offshore. All carried out by distortion of facts, the intelligence inserts fake evidence to provoke Muslim blowback to justify more premptive warfare to gain startegic and resource control. A perilous road to manipulate society of all demographics, watch this inevitably blow up in the authority’s parliamentary face with civil unrest. The communitiy resentment against government, federal and including local petty rules is building as awareness in society grows of the distortion. From seeing dismantling of fair justice replaced by imposing legislation that is aimed to create conditions for the use of “domestic violence” our government adopts to restructure society.

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