25 Feb 2005

Deception Down Under?

The Howard government's corrupt human rights record, from detention centre prisoner abuse at home, citizens held and abused by USA military of terrorism charges with zero evidence. Canberra's loathing to respond adequately to calls by detainees for consular assistance. It's an easy leap to depreciate Howard's reason of security for Japanese engineers, or anyone's safety for that matter as authentic to justify more troops in Iraq. That role paints an acceptable facade to the public.

Australia will boost its military force in Iraq by 450 troops to protect Japanese engineers in the south of Iraq. Contrary to the Howard government's public front for why these troops are necessary, a more sinister reason might drive this deployment?

A crumbling coalition of countries pulls forces out of Iraq. Country after country sees the writing on the wall of escalation into civil war. An attempt to forestall the departure of foreign forces to "get the hell out of Iraq" - is integral to the Australian deployment. Despite attempts to hold the "coalition" - the larger coincidence with Australian troop deployment is Japan's confirmation of acceptance to pay fist fulls more dollars to fuel hefty iron ore earnings increases and target prices for giant Rio Tinto. The mining cartel will haul in a 71.5% price increase for iron ore and 63% price rise of manganese ore to Japanese steel mills.

The effect from Japan's cooperation to escalate prices pushes Rio Tinto profit for fiscal 2005 to projected $4.2 billion - up 25%. An identical profit forecast of $4.2 billion in fiscal 2006 is also projected. Is this money trail the quid pro quo for sending troops?

According to a report in the Sydney Morning Herald Britains defence Minister, Geoff Hoon discussed in mid-January with Australia's defence minister, Robert Hill about the possible deployment of more Australian troops. The request from the Blair Government raises suspicion Canberra acts as paid mercenary? With payoffs through raw materials wealth sold to Japan. Rape the market place, and costs paid by a taxpayer funded military at A$350 million for one year's deployment.

The deployment is considered "all the more essential" in light of the "very successful" election held on January 30 in Iraq," says Howard. The standard platitudes of a "significant contribution to the coalition effort" and "contribution to the rebuilding of Iraq" were offered up for good measure to mollify the public.

Significantly the interests of Her Majesty the Queen of England will receive an incredible boost in prosperity from Rio Tinto's windfall price increases for iron ore. A private investment fund of Elizabeth II, the Queen's Trust as the major dominant political and financial power in Rio Tinto, is guaranteed a healthy percentage of Rio Tinto's boosted iron ore sales. The Queen of England has through the Australian Governor General political power, and via British banking and significant British ownership of Australian corporate power a capacity to wage advantageous moves of the economic tools over Australia.

Her Majesty's U.K. government and request by the Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, pushes Australian troops to an act of resource profiteering paid by taxpayers and potential military fatalities. Consider the above argument with announcements between Rio Tinto and Nippon Steel [the major Japanese corporation agreeing to higher iron ore prices] to work closely together to benefit each other?

If this isn't a hot bed of profitable collusion of incredible manipulation of controls over global hegemony? Of corporate interests motivations over resources, and government complicity of imperialist interests, then I don't what else will qualify?

24 Feb 2005

Who will contain Australia - China?

As Australia under Prime Minister John Howard expands its interventionist role, justified by the war on terrorism - to remedy issues in various parts of the globe. From failed nation states of the Solomons, Papua New Guinea and resource robbing of East Timor oil. Now we will protect Japanese engineers in Iraq with 450 Australian troops to replace a departing Dutch contingent.

Australian military personnel already stationed in Iraq were our total contingent, so it was rattled off the ice cool lips of John Howard. The Prime Minister tears up yet another electoral promise. The troops go to Iraq for a minimum of one year.

Has Howard's cabinet thought about other nation's response to our colonial extensions? Its possible we are seen negatively owing to our military enforcements, at the least with frustration and resentment for our intervention outside our border. Do we know if Australia is seen by Asian neighbours, Middle Eastern States and other nations as overstepping ourselves?

Canberra offers reasons of goodwill, humanitarian objectives, justifications real or contrived such as the rescue of failed states - in spite of Canberra's prior actions that contribute to failed nation status in the Pacific. Official explanations for our military engagement in some regions could not by any stretch hold water with the locals. Initial acceptance of Australian intervention in some regions will veer off course. A changed strategic blunder, economic disparity between the colonials and the locals drives locals to erect buffers that upset Canberra's imperialism at any opportunity.

Dispatching additional military units to extend Canberra's authority at gunpoint, disposes this nation to rising flashpoints outside our influence. Explosive events mostly in the Middle East will be powerful. The escalation will be to rapid to avoid, then we will be drawn into military engagements bigger than our miniscule military resources.

If the United States (or Israel) kicks off engagment in multiple warfare fronts, under the rubrick of perceived threats by Iran or Syria, or North Korea in the case of the USA. A possibility of escalation with China's interests [or Russia] in that region will engage all of America's military forces, there will be little protection either political or economic to protect Australia and its resources prize.

Canberra absent its American military shield would display Australian Imperialism as a pretty pathetic hand. Flashpoints for broad conflict exists across multiple fronts in multilpe hemispheres. Such an erruption would be this nation's Achilles heel as an aggrieved China settled scores for our antagonistic military side show adventures alongside the Anglo/American stooges. The risk of being the third stooge is comprehensible from what I can judge. We have nothing to gain by siding with the current crazies in the White House.

22 Feb 2005

Melbourne Airport mystery leak?

The mystery chemical leak at Melbourne Airport, Virgin Blue domestic terminal might not be a mystery as claimed at all. The evidence of a gas leak with the force to overwhelm some 45 people, that necessitated evacuation of the terminal for a day points towards a significant toxic mixture.

Even though the fire brigade used specialist air monitoring equipment, this was no use in identifying the type of leak or its source. The fact that the gas was not located in their search on the ground, makes the source most probable to consider a gas leak was not ground based. My line of investigation would follow the relocatable equipment found at an airport. The source of the toxic leak may be tied to the malfunction of on-board covert aerosol chemical spray equipment, possibly in the Virgin fleet it is their terminal where the leak caused harm.

Observed and reported at this site in earlier posts is the aerosol spraying of harmful chemicals over Melbourne. This deliberate aerosol spraying has been reported from other cities in Australia, in fact almost worldwide. Such chemical spraying activity is ignored and given a cold shoulder response by government when information is sought. Spraying is unquestionably occurring, look up at the strange "painted" sky to identify various "clouds" that fail to conform to meteorological patterns and produce health problems to those under the flight paths. These highly dangerous toxic mixes are tabulated and monitored as the product of aerosols sprayed from aircraft. A virtual library of photographs documents these aircraft as both non-commercial [interpret as Federal Government authorised] and commercial aircraft.

The Melbourne Airport aircraft that was the culprit source for the chemical leak could have departed from the scene of the airport apron before the fire brigade arrived. Is it possible the delay before authorities searched for the leak was necessary for the culprit aircraft to clear for take off? Or to secure the leaking apparatus before an on-ground investigation started?

It will interesting to observe what gas and source the MFB, or air transport authority determines caused this massive toxic leak?

1 Feb 2005

Australia's Future Not in USA alliance! [or with current Liberal & ALP Politicians]

Is Australia headed for the international scrap heap clinging to a puppet role beneath a bellicose bully in Washington?

This country's elected officials in a strange pig headed arrogance insist, "Whatever you do, the people musn't be heard, ignore their rejecting our seedy alliance with George W. Bush!" - Look ask yourself! Does our relationship with America help the lucky country any more? What do we gain with George? Maybe "In bed with America" now means it is the most stupid way to antagonise and jeopardize Australia's security?

Our export income isn't earned out of America, mostly its China - for stuff we dig out of the ground, and with Japan, includes agricultural products, its healthy. How much does America contribute to our broad economy? Aside from corporate buy-up of Australian assets its questionable. Today a risky high percentage of American overseas board rooms have cornered our resources, leading to shifting of income offshore with attendant tax avoidance.

Most segments of the economy we must ask, "Could we soon look at a decline in business activity, higher unemployment, in spite of current rosy statistics?" I think the answer is yes! Ultimately our standard of living will be hurt if Canberra's alliance with American hegemony is not slackened. Sold behind a tag of 'free trade', globalisation... a rush to force labour in competition against low wage countries, theft of public utilities by privatisation, and a strategic oil reach by preemptive imperial warfare out of Washington?

Australian travelers overseas today are as unpopular and vulnerable as USA passports. Might Australia regain international respect and desire for alliances and trade if we subscribed to independance from Washington's influence? Our bellicose 'friend' is seen across the globe as an ugly embarrassment, Washington struts the world as a threat by its bullying. The blinkered push for USA as Number One translates into every other nation scrambling and worried if they fall out of line.

The US has turned to become despicably inhuman by its stenchful targetted abuse against human rights. The abuse of the USA government against Australian citizens and foreign nationals, without evidence of wrong doing, is justified by Bush and Howard behind their mutually admired global "War on Terrorism". Inventing "non-combatants" detained like animals,
incarcerated by a dictatorial military and insane White House, behave as the world's worse emerging dictatorship each year. Australia's complicit policy of a sub-servient relationship with Washington demonstrated in weakness that forces us to ignore support of our own citizens. The silence of Howard's cabinet must be invigorated, it thats possible, fom appeasement with Washington to asserting a right to our independence.

Bombs, killing, destruction and civilians murdered in preemptive attacks against Afghanistan and Iraq. Today Iran sits in the American cross hairs of preemptive warfare. Who draws Australia's military into acting alongside such a Nazi mirror? This is not the Australia which I stand, someone is taking this country into a frightening policy of arrogance and imperialism - behavior the White House is known for under the Bush administration.

Our economy to be shackled with a flawed USA-Aust Free Trade agreement. That benefits America and hurts Australia, ignored job opportunities and negative economic impact will strike our independence along social and cultural priorities. Its true the USA is struggling with economic and military overstretch. With an unpayable current account, rocketing trade deficits, a decimated manufacturing sector, failing employment and borrowed wealth. The public and corporate sectors of America have lost respect in accountability, a falling US dollar guarantees an economic implosion. We are seemingly stuck with the same USA/IMF whacky ideas in Canberra. The question is will the officials in office fend off the potential nation wrecking down the road - through distancing Canberra from Washington?

Could Australia gain a positive, inspired future from talking with new alliances instead of the USA model we've become so accustomed? An adjustment of our nation building focus, over empire, by a rewire to develop trade and cultural agreements with near, powerful and smaller Asian neighbours, as well as potential partners from the Eurozone - superior to our secondary alliance with the United States - it would do a great deal of good.

Australia can free itself from puppet like behaviour alongside a rogue USA administration. We inherited hanging onto this now uneasy alliance from Liberal and Labor politicians driven along party lines. It feels like time to quit the abuse of Australian voters as faithful old mutts in this outdated chirade?

The Australia/USA alliance over the long view will suffocate our growth, potential wealth and respect. Some useful thought outside of John Howards and Kim Beazley's "Old Australia ties with America" model wouldn't be a bad idea. If these leaders and their party's weren't stuck like honey to a pot, perhaps we would shake off the bad sticky feel from the past half a dozen years.
Shaken up hard enough our sticky alliance with Washington could be repealed, rehashed and replaced to consider Australia's independance. Such a direction could go some way to build pride in what this country still stands for that counts!