24 Dec 2009

Asst Sec State for public Affairs Philip Crowley is ignorant, manipulative asshole.

Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs Philip Crowley must be one hell of an ignorant manipulative asshole. Crowley opens his mouth in Kuwait accusing Iran’s Government of stamping out the aspirations of the Iranian people. Heavens above how long ago since Crowley set foot on US soil. The USA is killing its citizen’s rights, murdering its citizen’s future economic health, destroying American’s health care system thus ending lives - whilst bankrupting thousands as they go down the tubes paying medical bills. Companies and jobs disappear from the USA; the bankruptcy of the US is evident at the hands of a crooked government in a pact with banks, insurance companies, energy and weapons manufacturers, and that for starters.

Ignorant manipulative asshole Crowley has the audacity to state that the Iranian people “…want a government that’s working on their behalf, that’s serving their interest.” Well poke me in the eye can you believe what this carpetbagger is broadcasting? The madmen of the (dis)United States couldn’t work against their people any harder if they tried.

Someone urgently give Crowley a job where he can keep his big lying mouth closed.  

8 Dec 2009

Nick Economou - Is Monash Politics Professor Brainwashed?

Copy of email message sent to Monash Professor Nick Economou on the release of his statement of the Opposition and bogus "Climate Change".  

Dear Mr. Economou,

I read a statement attributed to you concerning the recent events over the climate change bill...

“The public are absolutely appalled at the way in which the Liberals have conducted themselves,” said Nick Economou, a politics professor at Monash University in Melbourne. “They now have a leader who really polarizes the community. I cannot see how the coalition will win the next federal election.”
Mr. Economou I conclude you talk with a pretty narrow segment of "the public" that is minus capacity for enquiry of information. My daily observations suggest there exists a large percentage of the public able to correlate political and scientific data. Especially data concerning a program "pushed" hard onto the public to swallow of a climate change program conflicting with views of scientific and meteorological professionals and involves a economic cost dearly to be extracted from the public pocket.

The public is contrary to what you claim far from appalled at the Liberals recent actions. You can have confidence in this as reality - my work puts me in frequent contact with executives of some of Australia's iconic corporations, I talk with a large cross section of people. They are shop floor employees, administration workers, blue collar employees and of course friends - It is gratifying to meet the percentage of people who recognise something doesn't smell right with climate change.

What I hear is delight of a sense that someone is finally starting to get "it" that their job inside politics is at risk of vanishing beneath their feet over climate change manipulation. The public backlash has grown and political futures are turning shaky over the deception attached with climate change and carbon trading. The apparent obfuscation of the truth felt by the public over climate change and Cap and Trade's agenda is rejected for its high "corn" content as it is full of far to many gaping holes.

The public far from being appalled at the Liberals - is more frustrated from being led up a garden path repeatedly over climate change. The garden path takes us nowhere and appears where you are manoeuvring opinion by your poorly judged statement.

John Stoker