5 Sept 2009

Reading Vehicle Plates by Camera - More Freaking Social Conditioning!

An explosion in camera surveillance of the populace, a ratcheting up behind camouflage of the tiresome saw "A life saved is worth the effort, blah, blah, blah..." to reduce Victoria's road toll.

Rightfully I posses a mountain of doubt and cynicism of any claim construed by our sick Victorian Government claimed in the public interest nowadays. This Orwellian profile of integrating cameras to identify potential unregistered and unlicensed drivers is a thickening of the painful Social Control Wedge and not an ounce to do with the road toll.

A reduction in the road toll naturally will pass public scrutiny as a good deal! I agree with that worthy goal, who wouldn't? The trouble is the fools that pass with little care for tomorrow, supposed intelligence advisers, sheepish public servants and gutless dead head politicians - who ignore worthy community outcomes to settle for shifting the community into a form of gated policed hell. The end result is to know who's there, what you are doing and restricting where you go in Victoria's over regulating pain in the ass government.  

The unwarranted intrusion of road cameras is part of softening up. Build community acceptance for later more intrusion and nanny state monitoring of every citizen, its conditioning us. How difficult is it to oppose useful public aims as cutting the road toll, its a given that opposition to camera's will be readily and soundly stomped on at its first sign of objection, opposition will be labeled intrusion, hailed as uncaring to ward off the liberty holders.

One would be naive to consider reducing the road toll by 20 fatalities as any higher from this program. My bet for assessment out of 40 fatalities claimed associated with unregistered vehicles and unlicensed drivers for the year used to measure the statistic. An assumption is registered in the public mind that because 40 fatalities out of just over 300 were associated with unlicensed drivers, somehow its 40 that will be eliminated through camera surveillance on the road.

Not recalling the specific sum of dollars for the camera surveillance program, nonetheless it likely is not an investment towards road toll reduction. Instead promising secure money down on the table to deepen the social programming and state control over Victorians lives. Forget the camera, forget corrupt speed cameras, drop idiot red light cameras and get greater police presence on the roads. You can safely conclude the goal is citizen control through suppression such as excessive installation of camera recognition. Meaningful road toll reduction from Australia's low toll when compared to other nation's vehicles, miles traveled will show this whole arena of propaganda is a Furphy and nothing less than a convenient vehicle [pun intended] by a government operating on an agenda not disclosed to the citizen.