Who does Rudd think he’s fooling?
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd infers Australians as idiots. Whilst Rudd was Opposition Leader, in his audience with George W Bush Rudd justified Australia’s military operate only in Afghanistan, instead of joint patrol of Iraq and Afghanistan. His reasoning ..." it’s a different theatre of war in Afghanistan". Somehow the killing work in Afghanistan is O.K. but not in Iraq? What the hell line of irrational reasoning is Rudd passing on to the electorate about theatre of war? Like its fine to extinguish Afghani citizens, its OK for Canberra to play chief warlord over Afghanistan, its somehow a cleaner theatre of war maybe, better morally perhaps?
Iraq is preemptive war at the behest of the United States military, it kills innocent people. Afghanistan is preemptive war initiated by the identical war criminals murdering innocent lives. Where’s the difference aside from the piece of geography Prime Minister Rudd?
Australian troops no matter their deployment of twenty or one thousand relieve some of the preemptive warfare pressure off the back of the United States military machine. Canberra misrepresents its support role to the electorate of our guilt in support of crimes against humanity in the Middle East through Australia's crusade alongside the Pentagon, regardless of numbers of personnel or piece of turf they operate from. Whilst this nation operates on the absurd official policy of invasion of sovereign nations as acceptable we are a major culprit in the turmoil, death and global volatility.
Rudd is surely possessed by the same dizzy authority that dominated John Howard’s rejected alliance that retains George W. Bush on his list of friends. All Australian members of parliament are guilty of this nation's unjust and inhuman policies. In reality a hairs breadth of difference distinguishes Rudd and the new government from Howard's Administration.
Australia's Prime Minister is paid for by the big money end of town, conclude someone has something stashed away on Rudd as surely had to be the case with John Howard. The idiocy of their advocacy of military conquest over Middle East oil resources, by their actions our Prime Minister pursues a line of non-reasoned actions that betray him as perpetuating the "Oz is a dependable old boy to work as sacrificial lamb in the cause of empire" .
As far as I can see Rudd shows he's a carbon copy of discredited John Howard. Rudd will damage Australia with the ongoing theatre presentation of the government manufactured war on terror, the insistence of Australia’s preservation of the alliance with the United States is a fabrication making us cannon fodder. Australia is a cash cow for execution of enforced hegemony of global resources and strategic power. It's a sick idea serving the very powerful and harming 95% of Australians.