John Howard is the last individual in Canberra you should believe with the current plan for 10 Billion spending on the Murray Darling River system. The agenda for taxpayer money is developing water infrastructure upgraded to appease a moaning electorate. The Government's objective is slicing public opinion off the concept of their God given right to naturally occuring resources, in this instance its water access, but it will probably be the air we breathe next, under the guise of carbon trading. To reshape public thinking into acceptance to pay exorbitant rates for water supplied from a for profit privatised corporate operation and not the State.
A deliberate intention to destroy the infrastructure and developments of past years under state funded water projects and instead attempt to live inside a minimum capital, maximum rate water supply with the poor saps of Australia paying through the nose.
Canberra - Labour and Liberal A crooked axis of bankers, oil merchants, tainted media and puerile think tanks. Today its Madam Gillard undermining sovereignty, destructive "free-trade" the bogus War on Terror and fraudulent climate change.
13 Feb 2007
3 Feb 2007
The Media Cover and Reporting of BHP alarm over PM's river plan.
The media reports of a collision course between the Prime Minister and mining giant BHP Billiton over a 1982 agreement with the South Australian Government. This concerns BHP’s Olympic Dam uranium, gold and copper mine and the neighbouring town of Roxby Downs drawing 33 million litres of water a day from the Great Artesian Basin free of charge.
On the surface the report gives the impression of a genuine dispute between John Howard and the big mining giant. But the clue to the real intent of the message is a different outcome; it is covertly inside the issue quite different from the perception the report appears about.
The report is clearly another Big Brother step towards an eventual target of total control and metering of all water flows in Australia. The implication the general public will miss is that they are being cleverly programmed and set up to accept a blanket imposition of fees and increasing rates for each litre of water – no matter what the source for that water might be.
The first priority is to realise there is no possible way for the Federal Government to impose its political will over BHP. If you believe the incredible financial muscle and political power of BHP can be hauled over the coals in a Federal Government contest over water you do not understand the manipulation and connections between the way the powers of this nation really manipulated and operates.
Recognise that the set-up of the populace is built in with an implied wrong. An unjust, unfair special arrangement that a huge recognised giant corporation as BHP Biliton uses water free of charge, at a time of sacrifice asked of the population during the drought. The report says if a household used as much water as BHP is taking for free its daily bill would be $52,000. The predictable reaction on reading this information is, “Why is a huge corporation getting for free what I must pay for, how unfair?” This is an anticipated reaction the Internationalist predicts in their fee for everything that has a flow associated with it mentality.
The fact that the Prime Minister declares “Everybody’s got to make a contribution to solving this problem.” He is manipulating and repositioning the general populace to go along with him, the reader of the report must surely agree BHP should rightfully pay for water they are not paying anyone for using.
The point of the dispute is not for BHP to pay for water they draw from the Great Artesian Basin. The target of the dispute is to build and attach in the minds of the public an unmistakable association between water and our social duty to pay for all water used by all persons in society. Through social engineering this dispute builds from its apparent straightforward single issue into an assumption of fact that asserts dominence over a natural resource by the government because of crafting of the dispute.
This dispute is a set up that condition Australia’s public to accept the imposition of meters on all sources of water across the nation. All residential tanks that collect rainwater off a home’s roof, all aquifiers that feed all business and domestic users, all bores from the smallest to the biggest draw down are targetted for billable metering of water consumption. It will not matter that the property the bore is sunk is private property, it will make a difference the rainwater falls on your home’s roof or your commercial property. The objective from the creation of the BHP Biliton dispute and the PM’s alarm is to condition your response to the permanent shifting of control and regulation over all water resources.
Whether you feel BHP Biliton should pay for the water they use is not at issue here. BHP has invested more than $100 million over the past 20 years in pipelines, bores and pumps. The export earnings from the mining activity are sure to overshadow the volume of water drawn down and the possible charges for water if it were billed by the state.
What is at work is a self-destructive intimidation of the populace.
If the response to the dispute is overwhelming nodding of agreement by the general public that the huge wealthy BHP Biliton must pay its “fair share” – something hard to argue with if you are a wage earner. Then the desired futureplay has been processed, a new-fashioned paradigm is accepted whereby the general public now agrees virtually unconsciously to dominence over water resources. The authority of the state – even when the water is drawn from a self-funded infrastructure, including the holding tank filled from the roof of your home attains dominence of a basic life giving resource. Only the reason for achieving dominence is economic not human welfare.
A perception filtered through society that is constructed from incorrect manipulated thought ultimately makes all of us a target of economic hit men. The time for thinking is now, understand a subterfuge for takeover of the nation’s resources including its citizens as a commodity, the basic neccessities of water, food and our future is taking place. The people through social engineering have given influence and control over the economics of their lives to an alliance between the Cabinet of the Federal Government, major corporations, central banking and the premptive war agenda of the Howard, Bush, Blair alliance.
On the surface the report gives the impression of a genuine dispute between John Howard and the big mining giant. But the clue to the real intent of the message is a different outcome; it is covertly inside the issue quite different from the perception the report appears about.
The report is clearly another Big Brother step towards an eventual target of total control and metering of all water flows in Australia. The implication the general public will miss is that they are being cleverly programmed and set up to accept a blanket imposition of fees and increasing rates for each litre of water – no matter what the source for that water might be.
The first priority is to realise there is no possible way for the Federal Government to impose its political will over BHP. If you believe the incredible financial muscle and political power of BHP can be hauled over the coals in a Federal Government contest over water you do not understand the manipulation and connections between the way the powers of this nation really manipulated and operates.
Recognise that the set-up of the populace is built in with an implied wrong. An unjust, unfair special arrangement that a huge recognised giant corporation as BHP Biliton uses water free of charge, at a time of sacrifice asked of the population during the drought. The report says if a household used as much water as BHP is taking for free its daily bill would be $52,000. The predictable reaction on reading this information is, “Why is a huge corporation getting for free what I must pay for, how unfair?” This is an anticipated reaction the Internationalist predicts in their fee for everything that has a flow associated with it mentality.
The fact that the Prime Minister declares “Everybody’s got to make a contribution to solving this problem.” He is manipulating and repositioning the general populace to go along with him, the reader of the report must surely agree BHP should rightfully pay for water they are not paying anyone for using.
The point of the dispute is not for BHP to pay for water they draw from the Great Artesian Basin. The target of the dispute is to build and attach in the minds of the public an unmistakable association between water and our social duty to pay for all water used by all persons in society. Through social engineering this dispute builds from its apparent straightforward single issue into an assumption of fact that asserts dominence over a natural resource by the government because of crafting of the dispute.
This dispute is a set up that condition Australia’s public to accept the imposition of meters on all sources of water across the nation. All residential tanks that collect rainwater off a home’s roof, all aquifiers that feed all business and domestic users, all bores from the smallest to the biggest draw down are targetted for billable metering of water consumption. It will not matter that the property the bore is sunk is private property, it will make a difference the rainwater falls on your home’s roof or your commercial property. The objective from the creation of the BHP Biliton dispute and the PM’s alarm is to condition your response to the permanent shifting of control and regulation over all water resources.
Whether you feel BHP Biliton should pay for the water they use is not at issue here. BHP has invested more than $100 million over the past 20 years in pipelines, bores and pumps. The export earnings from the mining activity are sure to overshadow the volume of water drawn down and the possible charges for water if it were billed by the state.
What is at work is a self-destructive intimidation of the populace.
If the response to the dispute is overwhelming nodding of agreement by the general public that the huge wealthy BHP Biliton must pay its “fair share” – something hard to argue with if you are a wage earner. Then the desired futureplay has been processed, a new-fashioned paradigm is accepted whereby the general public now agrees virtually unconsciously to dominence over water resources. The authority of the state – even when the water is drawn from a self-funded infrastructure, including the holding tank filled from the roof of your home attains dominence of a basic life giving resource. Only the reason for achieving dominence is economic not human welfare.
A perception filtered through society that is constructed from incorrect manipulated thought ultimately makes all of us a target of economic hit men. The time for thinking is now, understand a subterfuge for takeover of the nation’s resources including its citizens as a commodity, the basic neccessities of water, food and our future is taking place. The people through social engineering have given influence and control over the economics of their lives to an alliance between the Cabinet of the Federal Government, major corporations, central banking and the premptive war agenda of the Howard, Bush, Blair alliance.
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