If the high priests of Canberra and their ultra top heavy corporate shifty pals are looking for bucket loads of cash, and who isn't? You've heard of "Where the bloody hell are you?" Now its found, the Mother Lode is on Australia’s bloody doorstep
The truly aspiring globalisers of Howards crooked fascist cabinet will be beside themselves wondering how much they can syphon off for their offshore banking accounts. These crooks have to own some secret cash stacked away from profiting corporate friends. Hell how could you screw more than 80% of the Australian population just for a politician’s wage?
Two wicked Presidents, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are ready to spend billions of dollars (or euros more likely) financing projects in other countries if you have the right credentials.
These oil rich nations have cash available to be used for projects in friendly third countries. Hell Australia is friendly… my mistake, we used to be friendly until we signed on with the preemptive warfare idiocy of the Anglo-American nuts we foolishly align our sorry Canberra butts with. At the cost to our self esteem, our free thinking, our international standing, our low morale standing and chicken shit manipulation from Canberra of the Australian population.
We know how easily Australia’s Federal Government is bought off by any influence other than the general Australian populace. So a tidy project to underpin investment in countries whose governments are making efforts to liberate themselves from the (US) imperialist yoke is sure to be a winner with our internationalists. Face it! If Canberra can be brought off once by the Anglo-American money circle it can be brought off twice when the stakes and cash are high enough by the Persian-South American oil circle boys?
We seem to be running light on cash for major infrastructure these days. Obviously the available money for our public health system is running low, given as a levy is going to be needed to run the medical system. Then there is the need for capital to build electricity generation, plainly nothing for this as we have a shaky electric supply making Australia look more like a developing country each summer. Also if my memory serves me right quite a few of the schools could do with some cash for repairs and long overdue for teaching equipment to match the private schools. Oh and we used to have a state funded university system, so that apparently needs some cash. Man I’m sure one or two more items would come to mind if I think about it.
Of course there is, we need some water in Australia. Given the remarkable absence of new dam construction, or pipeline delivery systems to move water around the country, like from where it is up north to where it isn’t down south. I mean we’ve got to the stage where The Age newspaper is running articles about the farmer tossing the game in, leave the land. Forgotten to protect our infrastructure to preserve our capacity to feed ourselves, or export foods have we? Because I would think with some free piles of investment cash we could spend freely to construct the water supply infrastructure we apparently can’t afford in 2007. How many years is it we’ve known of this business of residing on the driest continent on the planet? Messy how overdue stuff like selling off the country and not construcing infrastructure behind a bunch of claptrap catches up with one eventually?
Now Venezuela and Iran are probably willing to come to Australia’s rescue? Providing Canberra makes one slight adjustment to their thus far demonstrated screwy thinking! What terrific news for the lucky country that we might become the lucky country again, providing Canberra puts its hands out, head down and shares in some oil bucks courtesy messers Chavez and Ahmadinejad?
Realistically I know it’s a stretch to expect Canberra to wean itself off the US imperialist yoke for the hard cash. But the point is our puppet like stride with Bush and Cheney costs Australia’s people big time. First our global friends are falling off the boardwalk as we strutt in the shadow of a big military bully US juggernaut. Speaking of which we are chucking bucket loads of taxpayer hard earned cash down the toilet despatching our military into Iraq, Afghanistan, the South Pacific and probably Somalia if we look a harder. Given the penchant for mercenery contracts for our men and women in uniform these days our military is on stand by anywhere Bush & Cheney sends them. No matter what perception Howard tries to tell you to fall for– Canberra won’t want to miss out on the fireworks coming up when USA starts killing Iranians behind a bombing and heavy missile attack justified by a pack of fabricated terrorist nonsense and nuclear non-threat bull.
Anyway go ahead Canberra, change your stripes for some hefty oil cash. We don’t mind, hell Howard and the boys have pushed the old leopard skin and his spots trick so many times he can readily give George W. Bush a lame excuse for our preemptive economic switch to the so called destabilizing influence of Hugo and Mahmoud. Howard’s given Australia plenty of pathetic excuses of fairy tales of terrorism threats at home to why a haul of industrial relations laws had to be abonded for the forces pushing down upon this nation of dirt cheap labour by that nasty China and dirt cheap India.
Why wouldn’t Australia be the least bothered to side with a couple of nations that are actually spending money on their own nation’s infrastructure and helping their own population?
Help yourself get reelected Prime Minister Howard, Costello, Downer and the boys and liberate yourselves from the unpredictable dangerous US imperialist yoke, be a friendly third country on the receiving end of joint cooperation bid as allies in a Persian-South America-Australia pact. It even sounds cool!