How much evidence do we need to see that Australia's government and military in Iraq is not part of the solution, it is part of the problem?
Painted in simple terms - Canberra's support of war criminals in the Bush/Cheney Administration leads to make Australia's political leaders guilty as accessories in war crimes, no different as if they had murdered innocent Iraqis, terrorised and destabilised Iraqis personally - and risk exploding the whole damned Middle East. The support by Howard's corrupt administration, the equally pathetic connivance of the ALP [Rudd same as Beasley opposition party) with support and assistance in Iraq [and Afghanistan], the greater is Prime Minister Howard, Foreign Minister Downer, the Howard Cabinet and Shadow Cabinet of Australia's leaders tied to the reality of their ultimate sentence of guilt of horredous war crimes against innocent people of a sovereign Iraq.
Canberra's rough ride of immorality as member in the posse of America's Sheriff of the world coalition blood bath, government manufactured Orwellian "War on Terror" is corporate branding of an arrogant geopolitical agenda. Its a Clever Dick theme (War on Terror, War on Extremism, whatever fits today) and it profiles Canberra's arrogance, its shoving and manipulation of an electorate grown weary and now angry at the very worst lies.
AUSTRALIA'S MILITARY DOES NOT HAVE A ROLE IN IRAQ. Australia's military and capital is being misapropriated in a criminal spendup to pursue population reduction and strategic objectives over the Middle East through murdering innocent Iraqis. Canberra is base to the most pathetic representatives this nation has ever been subjected to live under. Through our great [past] friend the USA Administration launched a horrendous miscarriage of justice, but true justice has a way to ultimately level out those who follow the illegal path. We should all look forward to such a period of public lynching.