It has become conceivable the Howard government is going to senselessly embroil Australia in an undeclared criminal war against Iran and Syria. Undeclared by Canberra who intends to throw our military - whose responsibility is Australia’s defence - to go to war in a country half way around the globe against Iran in war initiated by mentally short changed idiots occupying the White House. This country still ranks as a cheap colonial boy, at heal to Anglo/American dogs, when will we break the shackles that control Canberra?
The Australian flag will be bloodied and spoiled by innocent victims as our troops obey orders they should not obey. This nation will be remembered in history as nothing less than duplicitious bastards wearing the yoke of cheap mercenary sharp shooter. There is not a single politician in Canberra in the Liberal party or the ALP who will excape being branded as a war criminal and accomplice to preemptive war.
God almighty Canberra is going to launch an attack against a sovereign nation, against innocent people, Iran presents no threat whatsoever to Australian interests or US interest for that matter.
Australia’s military is already deployed in the southern Iraq province of Al Muthanna, from here they will redeploy to attack Iran’s sovereign territory. Their mission is to seize the assets of that country’s oil fields located in the province of Khuzestan, where most of Iran’s oil fields are located.
The United States will use a crushing aerial bombardment of Iran [and Syria]; Canberra will launch military assets to be sacrificed as a faithful slavish partner to murder innocent Iranians all to steal that nation’s oil fields. That Australia’s criminals in government are in readiness to throw this nation into warfare behind a pack of screwball mumbo-jumbo exposes the immoral and corrupt politicians in office.
Punching above his significance Foreign Minister Downer is now priming the populace with sophistry and blathering of sanctions against Tehran if it doesn’t stop its so called rebel nuclear program. Get one thing straight Downer, the Iranians have every right to a nuclear program. No rules of any kind are broken; Iran has not betrayed any protocol and exhibits no threat. Downer is striving to whitewash the verity with indoctrination to set a path of propaganda. If anything this only demonstrates that any suspending should be Downer’s idiocy, the man is unfit to hold the post of foreign minister, his blabbing neck is overdue for suspending from the public arena.