There is a tangible volume of speculation and inside intelligence washing across Internet sites and some print media the White House will launch a military attack on Iran as early as June or July.
The sabre rattling and hissy fits between Iran and the USA over Iran’s alledged peace-destroying program of nuclear electric power generation, with the US administration accusing Iran of building nuclear bombs – in spite of contrary evidence that such is not the case.
Provocative agitation from Israel’s Zionist government warns of Armageddon and oblivion of the state of Israel if the US does nothing to stop Iran. Even though Iran has an international legal abiding right and unequivocal freedom to persue a peaceful nuclear program. The verbal exchange of pointed and provocative statements between the Bush administration, Israel and Iran is just too notably visible, provocative and widely seen on public radar to my liking. The threat of US build up of attack on Iran is clearly attaining a saturated profile. I pause to now consider suspecting a diversionary smokescreen is being spawned. The Iran issue may be a diversion from the genuine event proposed by the White House and Pentagon planners. A devious and more judicious use of military hardware could be pointing to an attack directed against another claimed global threat to the world’s oil supplies. Government manufactured terrorist incidents could in fact be on the drawing board to produce conflict inside another Middle East State, resulting in American imperialist interference to once again protect the global peace.
Direct open conflict may not be on the cards today with Iran. The big game in the US gunsight I suspect is simpler toast of Saudi Arabian oil. Lay aside momentarily any design or demented intent of the White House to deliberately precipitate and destroy totally a shaky world politic and doomed global economics. Any indefinable rationale the Bush administration adopts to justify its push for total global conflict and economic collapse will truly be the stuff of madmen. I’ll conclude US hegemony is still the game in town and total world conflict at the hands of madmen has not yet reached fever point? Likely America’s grave economic sinking sand its failing dollar hegemony to turn the globe upside down is the event to curtail right now. How can this best be achieved?
Why would the USA attack Iran after so much advance ground shaking has given the Iranians a heads up to militarily prepare for a US offensive? The negative effect of restricted global oil suppy to the West if Iran withdraws supply, either by political intent or infrastructure destruction doesn’t make a lot of sense no matter which way I try to imagine events? The only winners will be profit in the hands of oil companies from sky rocketing oil price, but even this would be short lived as demand plummets to make mince meat of any long term gain to oil majors.
We know what a weakling the USA military in on the ground performance is; electing to attack small and substantially inferior equipped oponents to confrontation with well-armed and prepared forces. Now that Iran has installed sophisticated weaponry mentally prepared its forces and people for possible attack from the Great White Satan and categorically stated it will defend to the last man and ensure major military upset of conditions for US forces in Iraq. How the dickens can the USA make inroads on Iranian regime change or grab Iranian territory given the above influences that to me all appear as impediments to USA hegemony?
It’s a colossal assumption, but if the Bush administration is not yet inclined to completely throw the globe into utter confusion and potential global conflict – but instead seeks to enhance US hegemony over global affairs. Another simpler and powerful inroad into control over the Muslim world and control of vital oil resources points to a different target. Saudi Arabia makes more military and economic sense to invade - if minimal US casualties, propping up the petro dollar and maximum global influence is the objective?
The level of increasing media reporting welling up of Saudi Arabian terrorist links, of unsettled conditions in the Kingdom, the recent death of King Fahd and subsequent dissent within Saudi Arabia’s ranks, this alerts me to conclude Saudi Arabia may be propagandised as the bogey man and intended takeover target. The victim in America’s sights could very well be a surprise attack on the biggest oil pearl of them all. A successful takeover of the House of Saud carries great economic influence and broad predominance of geopolitical shaping if hegemony is the Bush administration’s prominent design. Saudi Arabia is an easier and weaker target than Iran to subjugate to the USA military machine. It is probably internally more divided than the political and religious establishments of Iran.
Consider Saudi Arabia is the plum oil exporter in the Middle East, the US intelligence communities possess substantial knowledge of Saudi military and physical assets than it has of Iran’s full preparation to defend itself. A huge volume of development in Saudi Arabia was constucted by US contractors and managed by American expatriates.
Any takeover of Saudi Arabia by USA forces will make it hazardous for Iran to justify a military response by its own forces. An attack in reprisal by Iran against USA naval assets or other ships to block the passage of oil through the Strait of Hormus - if the US does not attack Iran herself is a virtual guarantee Iran will not risk to expose herself to subsequent US attack. Potential global sanctions against Iran through interpretation of Iran as a culpable party in escalating wider Middle East conflict when USA forces have not bombed Iran herself. Furthermore European powers will be loath to side with Iran if the USA is holding immediate Saudi territorial advantage, contained oil resources and holding economic strings of physical authority over who gets Saudi oil.
The Pentagon spin-doctors and White House black propaganda units will unwaveringly link the next major government sponsored terrorist attack and accompanying massive loss of life to rogue units inside Saudi Arabian instability. Accusing the House of Saud directly as the guilty party as responsible for the terrorist attacks would be a stretch.
But a direct link with rogue al-Qa’eda infiltration of Saudi security forces and wide tensions spilling over into terrorist elements inside Saudi territory that is destabilising the Kingdom and therefore security of global oil supplies is quite achievable and believable to Americans. If Iran were seen to conspicuously hinder the USA war on terrorism during a “friendly” USA takeover [invasion] of Saudi Arabia that is claimed to protect peace, protect life, establish stability in the region, whatever reason. Iran's actions would be depicted as preposterous retaliation against USA friendly action in Saudi Arabia. Iran would be unlikely to risk global exposure of herself to accusations from the Bush administration or Israel as an accomplice to the terrible terrorism that has just ocurred - under a fashioned spotlight of US propaganda backed by main street media complicity.