Anachronistic authoritarianism of NSW Government Health Minister John Hatzistergos and Christian Democrat MP Fred Nile who urge sledge hammering down our throats misguided initiatives. Their prevailing meddling legislation is further elimination of responsible choice and altering the degree of responsibility in raising your family.
This time it’s the apparent irresponsibility to light up a cigarette on your property, namely your private vehicle - behind a health implication of child welfare. As though this might be the god given right of government to barge its way into a field that is a parent’s obligation. Our children are our responsibility, my child is my charge, we are accountable for our children, and it is NOT a State responsibility. Government is attempting meddling behind a do-gooder facade as it attempts vexatious interfering in private lives!
It appears to be a bid to drive an official nail deep into destroying individual sovereignty – liken it to a tender to rob personal accountability for the smart and dumb choices in life and our family’s welfare. This is about simple-mindedness of a State decree of how we live and safeguard our children; it is an ongoing impulse of bureaucracy to invade personal boundaries. This issue is propaganda deploying child welfare and health issues with a singular aim, to abolish the concept of individual citizen aptitude for reasonable judgment for appropriate choices about your family and children. The design is to alienate your behaviour to be seen as irresponsible or incompetent, to apply regulation over our autonomy in an attempt to transfer and invade a citizen’s private reasoning to the onslaught of statutory power.
The nutcases with this swagger and bullying are State interventionists looking for ways to control what they think is the worst effects of your democratic distortions. A once free and democratic Australia is chipped away for public health, or other “public benefit.” The swelling process of State control over private lives is irreversible if permitted to entrench itself in a politically correct society that Australia is being patterned.
It is an illustration of politicians who emphasise the role of the State and “wise”government – in this instance protection of children’s health from passive smoking - their attitude is pernicious arrogance. It is not singuarly the issue of the subject of anti-smoking that represents inroads on society to integrate with invasive policies of State mandates. It’s the fact that our rights suffer again to State decree by manoeuvring bureaucratic elites who want jurisdiction to reject how you live. The options and decisions you make for your children according to the control afflicted minds of these politicians, are decisions you are assumed unable to appropriately fulfill, therefore the State must step in.
The State will exercise an argument of a child’s right to unpolluted air absent passive smoke. Warnings are raised for the child’s health essentially for State justification to examine or detect fault in your creditability as a proper parent. Errosion of personal freedom by State interference over us includes restraints seemingly justified by child health.
It is a hostile intrusion from a meddling supreme authority. It is nothing less than denunciation of contemporary natural sanctity of the family unit - via social regulation and manipulation to vindicate the State supremacy.
The NSW government has launched into villifying behaviour against a segment of the public it thinks should change - in this case citizens smoking in their car with children in the vehicle. Smoking is stupid, the habit is likely harmful to youngsters and passengers. I concede some potential negative effects of smoke, but no matter this reality it fails to confer consent for State authority to set on passive smoke pollution with mandates of when smoking is permitted in cars. The State in seizure of my judgment, be that as adroit adult or not so smart individual through takeover of my conduct with my children, infiltrates and suspends my accountability by more regulation over my existence.
This latest undertaking to indoctrinate the public by the NSW Government’s design to eliminate sovereign democratic choice is obnoxious propaganda. The role of these politicians’s undermining personal democracy, to initiate laws that delineate the circumstance of when and where you smoke whilst using your own property, the private car is authoritarian. Through promotion of public sensibility to contest a pronounced question of adults and children’s health, and the risks from passive smoke, the NSW Government will expand laws to regulate us by intrusion and disdain of ordinary Australians. There is little to halt the Orwellian nightmare of a State gone mad making demands on citizens once the pollution of State interference has set course. This trenchant trend of the NSW Government must be protested and dumped in the garbage before its cancer takes over every detail of our existence.