Canberra fuck wits ram through workplace legislation in a humiliating sell-out of ordinary working people by WorkChoices legislation… This nasty bitch of sleight of hand confirms parliamentary government in Australia is a illusion and a bigger prank than it is already seen to be nowadays. To say nothing of the flawed science of Canberra’s numbskulls politicians who have authored a sick child. To satisfy a diseased globalisation agenda that is a cancer wasting our nation by outsourcing, outplacing, outlieing and out transferring manufacturing to China or India. Shoving Australian business ownership to offshore control and stripping decent jobs from the hands of this generation and the next generation. Don't be fooled by the massive rise in casual, casual permanent, and casual almost permanent employment that passes for a job nowadays - that is not full employment.
What we have here is more like a crooked pack of fascist stinking pigs running a corporate buddy boy coterie. The Liberal-National & tricky dicky Labor reasoning Coalition presents an industrial nirvana to the public, when all that is in store are crappier working conditions just in time for the downturn in the economy.
Get sacked for virtually any reason under the sun and a blueprint to bring to heel minimum pay that “competes” with virtual zero pay China. What kind of fuck wit thinks worse working conditions for the employees will lead to a better economy in Australia?
The Howard Government defies rationale explanation why it should wish to commute active industrial relations legislation for a raft of reforms that attack employee rights, put at risk from unfair dismissal ordinary people, and subject to penny pinching earnings of those at the bottom rungs. Australia is doing ok on the employer / employee scene, we don’t have much trouble of a magnitude to need to remedy in the IR system. The fact is workplace security in the current system contributes to employees working in harmony with employers, and that is good for Australia.
Some interesting results of a USA study by the Political Economy Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts/Amherst titled “Decent Work in America” which compares the treatment of workers with the business climate in each state. Revealing data shows states in the South where workers are divided and have little history of workers organising behind unions for better pay and working conditions are the States with the worst economic climate for business. Conversely State’s that have good work environments, higher wages; more job equality and more rights for workers have better than average job growth, higher business start-up rates and better economic growth. The correlation is plain for anyone with a brain in their head that good working conditions make for a better business climate.
Given the obvious correlation of good worker conditions improved business operating conditions and good economic growth being hand in hand. Do the Howard fuck wits believe they have a monopoly on this issue, that they can rough up the lot of the employee, but the Howard government will be able to magically whip up a better outcome for employees and employer? Who does Howard think he is trying to fool?
The reality is today in Australia, the VERY leaders we elected into office at the highest levels our undermining our way of life. There are horrifying signs around our fiat cash, punch-drunk global economy as plain as the nose on your face signalling the global economy is headed for a severe depression.
Howard’s fuck wit government is sticking it to the 90% of the electorate just in time for Joe six pack to loose the lot. Forget safety nets, its every man for themselves under the new industrial relations floor plan. To be doubly sure you will not cost Howard's globalised corporate mates a cent, to raise your chance to hit the wall hard in the next economic depression, Canberra is dismantling as much of the social security backbone as it can get away with - you will be on your own this time around! Absolute pinning your sorry ass to the floor will be achieved by the so-called anti-terrorism legislation, cleverly designed as anti-electorate legislation to silence dissent when you go looking to settle the score with the fuck wits and their globalisation chums.
Although nobody can claim when the depression will strike fully - it is probable from rising financial imbalances that mid 06 through to early late 2007 is a window you could estimate. Judging by the urgency of Howard's fuck wits to pass IR legislation the earlier timetable of a downturn is a good estimate.