31 May 2005

Mayhem in Iraq continues

** Dahr Jamail's Iraq Dispatches **
** http://dahrjamailiraq.com **

May 30, 2005
“Things are getting worse by the day.”

The mayhem continues in Iraq, with today at least 40 people dead, including five US soldiers in Diyala province as the meltdown of the failed US-led occupation continues.

Two suicide bombers detonated themselves after walking into a crowd of police officers in Hilla, south of Baghdad. The policemen were demonstrating outside the mayor’s office to protest a government decision to disband their Special Forces unit.

In yet another horrible PR move (or attempt to raise sectarian tensions?) by the US military the head of Iraq’s largest Sunni political party, Mohsen Abdul Hamid was detained from his home early this morning in western Baghdad. Of course his head was promptly bagged and his hands tied before he was taken away to be interrogated. His three sons were also detained with him. Stun bombs and bullets were said to be used during the raid, according to his wife.

It just so happens that his party, the Islamic Party, opposes the new US-backed security operation now engulfing Baghdad because they believe the security forces will disregard the rights of innocent Iraqis.

Later today he was released and the military admitted it made a mistake.
The military statement concerning the matter said, “Coalition forces regret any inconvenience and acknowledge (Abdul-Hamid’s) cooperation in resolving this matter.”

Abdul Hamid refused their apology in the Arab media, and stated that he was humiliated when US soldiers held their boots on his head for 20 minutes. It was also stated that he accused American soldiers of removing items from his home, including a computer. This is standard operating procedure with home raids-I can’t tell you how many Iraqis I’ve interviewed after their homes were raided who complained of money, jewelry and other belongings being looted by American soldiers.

The Islamic Party released a statement after the release of Abdul Hamid which said, “The U.S. administration claims it is interested in drawing Sunnis into the political process but it seems that their way of doing so is by raids, arrests and violating human rights.”

At least 740 Iraqis have been killed since the new “government” took power in late April, and with the ongoing operations sparking more attacks each day, it doesn’t look like there is an end in sight. Keep in mind, the vast majority of the Iraqi security forces are either Shia or Kurdish battling against a primarily Sunni resistance (for now). It can easily be argued that we are witnessing a US-backed Iraqi government who is deliberating using its power to wage a civil war.

On that note, today Major General Ahmed al-Barazanchi, a Kurdish man who was the director of internal affairs of Kirkuk province died this morning after being shot yesterday.

My sources in Baghdad also said there have been fierce clashes today in the al-Amiriya district of Baghdad between resistance fighters and Iraqi and US soldiers. “Open gun battles in the streets,” as one friend told me, “And as soon as the Iraqi and US soldiers leave the area, the resistance takes it back over.”

Keep in mind that all of this is against the backdrop of well over 50% unemployment, horrendous traffic jams, and an infrastructure in shambles that continues to degrade with next to no reconstruction occurring in Baghdad.

“Electricity shut offs drive us crazy in this hot summer,” one of my friends wrote me recently, “Even we can’t read at night because of long hours of electricity cuts and because the outside generators can’t withstand running these long hours and we have to turn these generators off for some time to cool them!”

He continues, “Two years of occupation…for God sake where is the rebuilding, where the hell are these billions donated to Iraq? Even not 1% improvement in services and electricity! They say again and again the terrorists are to blame and I would accept this, but why they do not protect these facilities?
Do the American camps have cuts of electricity? No, no, and nobody will allow this to happen...but poor Iraqis, nobody would be sorry for them if they burn with the hell of summer, small kids and old men they get dehydrated because no electricity, no cold water, etc.
Have you heard about the tea that is mixed with iron particles? It is real in our life. People have to make sure their tea is not mixed with iron by use of magnets.”

He concluded his email with, “Things are getting worse day by day. Iraq has become a country not for its people, every day thoughts jump into the mind that sooner or later we have to leave this country, searching for another. And there is a saying, “your home is where you sleep safe,” but this is not true in Iraq anymore.”

He sent me that email three days ago.

Yesterday the Iraqi government announced that it may decrease subsidies for fuel and electricity, despite a severe shortage of both in the country, according to the electricity minister who warned Iraqis to prepare for more blackouts this summer. Ongoing fuel, electricity and drinking water shortages persist, and only 37% of Iraqis have a working sewage system.

As so many of my Iraqi friends continue to say, “This is the freedom and democracy that America has brought us.”
More writing, photos and commentary at http://dahrjamailiraq.com
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(c)2004, 2005 Dahr Jamail.
All images and text are protected by United States and international copyright law. If you would like to reprint Dahr's Dispatches on the web, you need to include this copyright notice and a prominent link to the DahrJamailIraq.com website. Any other use of images and text including, but not limited to, reproduction, use on another website, copying and printing requires the permission of Dahr Jamail. Of course, feel free to forward Dahr's dispatches via email.

26 May 2005

Australia[n] judged one of the Bad Guys!

The Canberra Crazies have flushed Australia's standing down the toilet. Deep around the bend where our global standing now pathetic, translates into ex foreign minister Gareth Evans, getting a cold shoulder instead of an appointment with the United Nations.

Evans looked good for appointment as UN High Commissioner for Refugees but was denied his chance for the job. His application shunted off not by his credentials which are commendable. Evans was bushwhacked by Canberra's blood on its hands as puppet government that echoes Washington's explosive foreign policy. The rejection starts with linguistic showman Prime Minister John Howard, it includes his mentally challenged crazies in the cabinet. A joke to expect these officials to be responsible - how can we trust these whackos with this nation's best interest? What's behind the curtain sure isn't what is expected for our nation by the majority - The government's policies strike severely at this nation's core principles.

Canberra's crazies masquarade with the pretence of sound governance, but send our standing in the eyes of other nations down a foul smelling creek. How was this shameful loss of nation status achieved? By Australia siding up with war mongering, democracy choking Nazi's in Bush's White House and with the psychotic Butcher of Israel, Prime Minister Sharon. Our nation has become a sorry spectacle. Australia was one of five nations which voted against an International Court of Justice decision calling for the dismantling of the wall separating Israel from the Occupied Territories. Canberra sided with the US, Israel and two tiny Pacific Island states [whose votes were purchased]. In addition our deplorable record in poor treatment, abuse and disrespect of refugees and asylum seekers was a stumbling block to the UN body.

Our fascist inhumane policies earned Australia the undesirable tag for disqualification from an Australian being appointed to a UN pivotal role.
Can you believe Australia has slid so far in morality, plummeted so badly to fail to act as an independent honorable nation? The High Commissioner job went to Portugal's Antonio Guterres.

How ashamed Australians must be over downgrading this country to virtual unworthy nation status. The Howard government must be shown the door from its abuse of political power - it really is time to kick the bastards out. Neither can the ALP be seen an alternative government, its complicity runs too deep, its hands bloody and dirty. Vote to get the Greens in office, a semblance of rationale policy to restore our nation from crucifixion from tyrants. Support independents, study the strategic analysis and objectives of the Citizens Electoral Council of Australia.

The Federal government's tyrants debauch Australia's international reputation, act cavalier with the electorate's general welfare, substitute future infrastructure with radioactive globalisation, a real weapon of mass destruction. Howard's crazies act as ignominious fugitives dispensing propaganda, fudging conventional wisdom for a neo-conservative doctrine that makes no sense to anyone but themselves.

19 May 2005

Beefing up security at Hastings - booga! booga!

The Brack's Government is to spend $16 million on a counter-terrorism package towards fighting terrorism threats in and around Victorian ports, shipping lanes and coastal waters. (Frankston/Hastings Leader newspaper -reporter Donna Kelly). Five x 7.3 metre rapid response coastguard vessels are coming on stream to fight the claimed terrorism scourge. A single vessel will deploy out of Western Port, personnel including frogmen with night vision goggles and other equipment is included in the package.

The justification for the counter-terrorism package is an assessment by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation [ASIO] of Victorian ports being at risk from terrorist attacks. The State government's Police and Emergency Services Minister Tim Holding agrees with ASIO's assessment and supports heightened national security to protect our waterways. Minister Holding has decided to sign-on with the latest phase of government-sponsored terrorism booga! booga! Maybe Holding identifies a package for adulation and promotion, and how cool it will be to ride around on the rapid response ocean-going coastguard vessels? The counter-terrorism package appears to align with the ministers penchant for military history, as he is busy pushing a slice of para military history.

It would be useful to review where ASIO sits in their attitude toward terrorism threats. The prevailing perspective of ASIO's Director General underpins the view that he finds terrorism a real and actual threat. It's not a big leap to conclude a threat assessment written by an ASIO officer will harbour elements of their chief's overriding attitude.
Its fair to conclude rank and file job security will mirror the culture inside senior ranks of ASIO. The conclusion that a terrorism threat exists along Victoria's coast, ports and harbours is likely formulated with the organisation's cultural perspective integral in their assessment.

The Director-General of ASIO Dennis Richardson was recently named Australia's new ambassador to Washington. For Richardson to be offered the plum of ambassador infers a healthy dose of falling in step with the crazies in the White House - its critical towards acceptance. Richardson could not demonstrate opposition to Washington's preemptive warfare policy or intelligence collection methods - at any costs including torture as expediency - and expect his Washington appointment. The job of ambassador entails serious vetting behind the scenes. The post will be offered only with Davidson on board with the USA/Australian pre-emptive attack doctrine against all nations, he has to agree with the US strategic advantage policy and Anglo/American hegemony over global oil resources. To say nothing of an expectation of Davidson to progess the policy of the incumbent Howard government.

The Howard government has infamously distinguished itself by its subservient posture to insane White House demands. The occupants of the White House that Canberra supports act under a dangerous policy of foreign militarism and adventurism. A policy that has murdered tens of thousands of innocent victims in Afghanistan, Iraq and its own troops. This puppet like behaviour of Canberra drives this country's [mis]alignment with pre-emptive warfare. Australia has signed on to a ficticious war on terrorism, passed draconian anti-terrorism legislation that tramples civil rights, and abuses the Australian military as corporate mercenaries. The record of deceit to justify the Iraq invasion, the preselection of intelligence to encourage illegal participation with the Anglo American instigated warfare, that now threatens to grow other other hemispheres.

The insanity of the war on terrorism ruse at work is seen undercutting the psychology pushing militarism, this driver pushes justification for the counter-terrorism package for Western Port. Spin doctoring by the Howard government, a complicit Opposition and a compromised intelligence community steered in alignment with the warfare agenda. Propaganda misleads the electorate to fear the possibility of terrorism at home. How much of this deceit furthers political careers, how much is creeping fascism or misplaced lust for power over others - I don't know?

What is real is the classic use of problem-reaction-solution psychology of government-sponsored terrorism. Create a crisis, get the reaction of fear from the population and offer the solution. Behind the threat of terrorism government declares power unto itself. Beefing up of security at Hastings to fight terrorism is blinded by irrational craze.

Pushed by the perfect economic storm on the horizon, the booga! booga! of spin doctors is not appreciated by most of what is happening. The time to fight the official version by the psychopaths driving the train is at Code Red!

The evidence of failing corporations, bankrupt treasuries, asset bubbles about to pop - statistics point to a global economic depression soon to strike. Its under way - a depression has started potentially more harmful than the Great Depression of 1929. This brewing perfect economic storm is receiving a under the radar profile by officials and bankers from mainstream news cover.

Beefed up security at Hastings against terrorism threats is government-sponsored booga! booga!
That is how I see it!