A deployment of 500 Australian troops to protect the backsides of Land of the Rising Sun engineers in their imperial oil stakeout in Iraq. Darn shame our military corporate protectors don't see the economic and geopolitical storm stewing at home. If our troops did their job to protect against this nation enemies, deployment at home in a rescue operation from the political prostitutes that have sold the people short would be their finest moment.
Regrettably military grunts aren't trained to silence political hubris from Canberra's cuckoo land and pals in cahoots in some impressive boardrooms. The internationalism vogue of Howard's globalisation should be shot to pieces. Our mercenary military would be highly admired in a redeployment to save the asses of Australians. Ignore the Iraqi deployment we don't need to be part of the illegal triage occupying Iraq as the Imperial collective Axis with the USA and UK.
Spare this nation's from the worst of the emergency about to spin out of control. Releasing the safety catch's to play colonial resource thief in Iraq is absurd. Skip our military as sacrificial lambs. No need for a bloody stimulant to stoke revenge from a disinterested electorate. Its propaganda propeling Australia' climbing on aboard the intelligence and special ops war on terrorism.
A clear thinking individual cannot back the cancer mutating Down Under. Consider the manipulation of John Howard's cabal, the so called Opposition Leader Beazley, and big money power of international banking. You find engineered cancer by State control pushing us into financial no mans land and social monitoring and over regulation. This nation is a seeding ground of New World Order crazies working to dump the treasured freedoms we grew up with. A joint mega corporate governance kills nation building and eats at independance of thinking. Instead we are indoctrinated to wave the good fight. A sort of sick patriotism western jihad. Our civilised struggle for freedom from terrorism, a terrible joke being played on us! Once more Australia is a pathetic colonial dog, a repeat of the Vietnam War of wasted lives as mute testimony to mirror con jobs 30 years back.
The Useless Eaters are in Canberra, then there are brain-washed despots in State government, these cheats should brace themselves, as their shame will not be enough to save them from a push from their ivory towers. Australia is on a soul destroying path of an Orwellian nightmare of fascism.
Petty laws regulate segments of our past freedom loving living. Clever Dick Free Trade agreements undermine industrial strength for criminal third world idiocy of perpetual debt and clouded future, unless you rub shoulders with the ruling elite. With little more than phantom job choices, serve hamburgers, retail Chinese made goods to the indebted middle class. Signing on for military adventure of preemptive war alongside US hegemony! Membership in the Imperial Axis of evil - USA, UK & Australia - in a theft of resources. We are part of the New World Order policeman. thats no choice for decent Australians!
Federal government, State and local offialdom burns and slashes individual rights, dismantles property rights and trunkates personal liberty for the rubbish heap. All supposedly justified by security and social adhesion by a government arrogance of self importance. Economic strength is a joke for the masses under a monetary system designed to strangle possibility. Corporate chiefs in banking, energy, pharmaceuticals and health, and armaments in the cartel hydrocarbon based economy enrich themselves poaching deeper into your pocket as we pay more for all through a debased currency.
A mountain of politically correct idiocy regulates diminishing choice, a social wave we ride but most can't spot it as contemporary slavery. Unless you think what DVD or rented movie to view this week, or which over publicized sports team to be distracted by, this is not living it up, its isolation of your mind. Forget the sold out shadow called the Opposition as it goose steps behind Beazley in his alternate Liberal Party. The reach and wasteful costs of government is horrendous, its encroachment suffocating this nation with bypassed potential under a mass of .
At a municipal level over regulation, such as trivial laws of restricting pet cats from roaming, or State governments turning roads into a frustrating task with faceless justice. Speed camera's, insane low speed limits, and a police force at odds with mainstream society dish out intolerable penalties for minor infractions. Penalties and demerit points unfairly target over 50% of law abiding motorists in a great social engineering project of citizen obedience. All camouflaged with dubious road safety programs turning deceit of officials into nothing less than a sell out of the people. Elected representatives mostly are unworthy to stand in public office, weak minded duplicity fails the citizen they swore to represent. Big money backed committees, flawed studies and fraudulent think tanks rachet up the intolerable shift of burden on the elector's back as the globalisation one world noose is tightened.
The new penal colony is rebuilding Down Under.
Canberra - Labour and Liberal A crooked axis of bankers, oil merchants, tainted media and puerile think tanks. Today its Madam Gillard undermining sovereignty, destructive "free-trade" the bogus War on Terror and fraudulent climate change.
25 Apr 2005
16 Apr 2005
Chipped Citizen With That?
Good sense should alert caution of the media assailment aimed at the public of child abuse and identity fraud crime. So many stories of real and imagined physical threat to children, sexual abuse, and loss of children. The social disruption and economic costs of identity theft, identity fraud issues and for good measure the bogey man of "You just don't know who's a terrorist suspect nowadays?" These stories get a ton of exposure across major media. To a level where psychological abuse of a weary public from relentless bombardment of these issues is probably the real abuse issue? All are subjugated to a flood of stories on these issues and associated threats, so much that many tune out.
Considering these issues no one argues there exists abuse, monsters who commit heinous crimes against youngsters. But a thread links these issues is a theme of manipulation of public opinion. Canberra is Big Brother - it builds groundwork of a perception to justify raising security to track everyone for a safer society. Necessary and justified for our own security, the security of our vulnerable, our children portrayed "at risk". Its a suspicious agenda by Canberra to implement massive enforced micro-chipping of Australians.
The media cover is overwhelming to the point it can be perceived that threat levels are excess to the actual threat. Media reporting and the political debate of an imperative to protect our children, potential killer viruses could wipe us out, and identity fraud issues all point to the direction measures are heading to supposedly mitigate the threats. These threats induce communities to think safety. Lets harness identity recognition measures and accept social controls if that is what government says is the solution. The propaganda leads to control by authority and loss of freedom - a solution behind the security and control issue is recognition of anyone, anywhere at anytime.
Canberra will present a security solution to warm up the public by suggestions from a policy think tank. Thus more easily justifying implementing recommendations. A need to implement security and tracking measures of the populace is manufactured, its a hoax. We hear how bad, how costly, how traumatic, whatever crushing malady for the month, make your pick to paint the seriousness and social burden - the threat is rising. Intolerable financial costs on society are a winner, likewise the threat of pedophiles, circulated like so much free beer at a ripper barbecue to substantiate the solution to micro-chip the populace.
You will be perceived a blight on society if you object to micro-chipping. There will be assurances of, "Nothing to fear if you've nothing to hide." Great line! Sacrifice liberty, your privacy and right of freedom of movement in exhange for total government intrusion and control - Are you crazy?
Micro-chipping technology to track and identify, give your history, legal run-ins and probably overdue credit card balances will be visible on a mobile reader or satellite when your chip is scanned. This will be sold as the solution to protect children, thawt sexual abuse of children, to control sex slavery, regulate identity issues and stop terrorism threats. All managed by Big Brother monitoring your embedded chip. So simple!
A classic trap by a bunch of political crazies with alternate harmful agendas. A bunch of New World Order politicos has fortress Canberra in their dirty hands, created a security threat and over blown the consequence. They will present their conjured a solution for all to be grateful? Tossing us the solution as electronic numbered citizens is on its way.
Reject George Orwell's Canberra of a fully regulated society. Your whereabouts is nobodys business than your own. The walking threats that should be micro-chipped are mostly major party politicians. Track the two faced monkeys to identify them when we beat the crap out them, eventually the populace will awaken to deception by elected representatives.
Considering these issues no one argues there exists abuse, monsters who commit heinous crimes against youngsters. But a thread links these issues is a theme of manipulation of public opinion. Canberra is Big Brother - it builds groundwork of a perception to justify raising security to track everyone for a safer society. Necessary and justified for our own security, the security of our vulnerable, our children portrayed "at risk". Its a suspicious agenda by Canberra to implement massive enforced micro-chipping of Australians.
The media cover is overwhelming to the point it can be perceived that threat levels are excess to the actual threat. Media reporting and the political debate of an imperative to protect our children, potential killer viruses could wipe us out, and identity fraud issues all point to the direction measures are heading to supposedly mitigate the threats. These threats induce communities to think safety. Lets harness identity recognition measures and accept social controls if that is what government says is the solution. The propaganda leads to control by authority and loss of freedom - a solution behind the security and control issue is recognition of anyone, anywhere at anytime.
Canberra will present a security solution to warm up the public by suggestions from a policy think tank. Thus more easily justifying implementing recommendations. A need to implement security and tracking measures of the populace is manufactured, its a hoax. We hear how bad, how costly, how traumatic, whatever crushing malady for the month, make your pick to paint the seriousness and social burden - the threat is rising. Intolerable financial costs on society are a winner, likewise the threat of pedophiles, circulated like so much free beer at a ripper barbecue to substantiate the solution to micro-chip the populace.
You will be perceived a blight on society if you object to micro-chipping. There will be assurances of, "Nothing to fear if you've nothing to hide." Great line! Sacrifice liberty, your privacy and right of freedom of movement in exhange for total government intrusion and control - Are you crazy?
Micro-chipping technology to track and identify, give your history, legal run-ins and probably overdue credit card balances will be visible on a mobile reader or satellite when your chip is scanned. This will be sold as the solution to protect children, thawt sexual abuse of children, to control sex slavery, regulate identity issues and stop terrorism threats. All managed by Big Brother monitoring your embedded chip. So simple!
A classic trap by a bunch of political crazies with alternate harmful agendas. A bunch of New World Order politicos has fortress Canberra in their dirty hands, created a security threat and over blown the consequence. They will present their conjured a solution for all to be grateful? Tossing us the solution as electronic numbered citizens is on its way.
Reject George Orwell's Canberra of a fully regulated society. Your whereabouts is nobodys business than your own. The walking threats that should be micro-chipped are mostly major party politicians. Track the two faced monkeys to identify them when we beat the crap out them, eventually the populace will awaken to deception by elected representatives.
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