27 Jan 2005

Kim Beazley as Leader is strange sense - Unless?

If you were a political party, would your bag of tricks include a leader with two lost elections behind him?

What the hell sense is there to make a big fat slob, a man who gives long winded answers, waffles on and has an uncanny inability to define what he really stands for as leader of the ALP? When Kim Beazley lost his last election race there was no one in the ALP Caucus trying to persuade Beazley to stay on as leader, so why the hell is there support today?

Backing a horse to win or loose you bet two bob each way, win or place you pocket something. In this race Beazley isn't running any different than Howard. The Howard Government is heading into a horrendous crash. Steering the ship of State during a global economic decline, an unpopular escalation of our military involvement, or climbing interest rates after Liberal finger pointing that pocket hitting mortgage rates are limited to Labor weakness only? A defining event that hurts voters pockets or erodes standards of Australian fair play will shift Howards popularist floor plan. "No reason to worry today" will quickly backfire to "Throw the bastards out!" Even a Beazley drovers dog could default to claim the top dog seat! Whatever harsh economic reality or brutal military absuridity emerges, the agenda behind political smoke and mirrors will expose more harsh herding of the sheeple to our economic and social slaughter.

An ALP government again in Canberra will relive their unprecedented social engineering, financial deregulation and union smashing days of Hawke and Keating, to salivate screwing of Australians harder next time. Like a pack of backroom conniving snakes, the Beazley's ALP hold a grand vision no less asinine than Howard's cabinet - as deputy hit men of the South Pacific... inside a doctrine of corporate primacy. Integrated alongside America's industrious wet dream of global overlords there's a vision for Australia that forgets the electorate. A vision that would be rejected out of hand by voters if only the men behind the curtain were recognised for what they are? Australia's political leaders and heavy duty corporate chieftains ride easily manipulating the electoral stage and it's agenda of who is voted for and what issues become public.

The new [old] Beazley Labor party will go-for-broke in nation destroying globalisation. Of equal concern should be what projected path a Beazley ALP will steer our military? Ankle deep engagement in military misadventure is probable, as social engineering predetermines this country into even more imperial warfare from our questionable uneven alliance benefiting the United States. A push for global hegemony by an Anglo-American command over worldwide resources, especially oil - whilst a global economy falters towards "Depression Two" will open stress cracks of explosive confrontation with other countries intentions.

The future probable enemy Australia will fight against is already spoken of amongst US administration circles, the growing power from a rising China is sleighted to be curtailed? Believe the Neo-cons of the Bush administration and in Australian politics. Before a China conflict this country will become embroiled in support of war against other rogue "terror" nations in the "axis of evil". Iran and Syria loom up close on their hit list. Leader Beazley will argue for "all the way with USA" in Australia's involvement in this threatening global overreach.

Beazley will slipstream the ALP deeper as a fascist Liberal Party clone, more than Howard's current Australia wrecking policies. The truth of the matter is Australia lacks a viable political opposition. The Punch & Judy puppet show of Beazley once more in leadership foretells further plundering of the electorate, no matter what you might want to believe or read - its all smoke and mirrors!

21 Jan 2005

Victoria's Speed Camera Scam - [2% safety & 98% tax ].

Speed cameras - Punishing safe motorists for Brack's Government cash grab
The Victorian government ducks honest appraisal of a flawed road safety practice. Deceit and abuse of motorists through misuse of speed camera's as a major revenue tool is a money grab that targets law abiding drivers. Most drivers are not guilty of dangerous driving at the insane low speed tolerance where hefty fines and demerit points kick in. The Victoria Police are also guilty of abuse of public respect through their complicity with the speed camera scam. A failure to hold ethical and fair practice in their job to protect the community, not harass law abiding motorists.

"Road regulations should not be enforced to ensure that every driver receives an infringement notice - but to protect the community against the actions of a minority of reckless drivers".
The Australian Motorists Association.

The State government's argument that most accidents are caused from excessive speed can be proven to be inaccurate. Evidence from the United States points to the proportion is likely as low as 2%. It is appropriate to note Victoria has become notorious worldwide for unbridled abuse of speed camera technology.

For years road speed limits were determined under the 85th percentile formula. Speed limits were calculated from monitoring average speeds on a road section. The speed limit would be set at 85% of the recorded average speed. A speed variance from the speed limit by 10 mph would find a majority of drivers observe these speed limits. It is proven that compliance with speed limits doubles with correctly posted speed limits, that safety does not benefit from punishing people going slightly over the current limits.

The Victorian Government cannot be believed in its messages about the dangers of "speeding", often followed by comments that government doesn't want the money they just want to promote safety. An absolute misrepresentation of the actual facts identifies a clear motive for not addressing the safety issue - whilst tens of millions of dollars flow into State coffers. Official propaganda is clearly wrong. Speed limits and their enforcement should be set in such a way that road crashes are minimised. Authorities know better that low speed limit posting with minimum over-limit speed infringement is not only unfair, but the truth of the matter is you are not a road safety hazard when you safely exceed incorrect speed limits. Driving with the traffic flow as road conditions permit is the safest way to avoid fatalities, instead of constant micro speedometer monitoring to unrealistic speed checks.

"Cameras encourage drivers to stick rigidly and unthinkingly to speed limits. In so doing we run the risk of creating a nation of speedometer watchers who drive according to the diktat of the camera rather than according to prevailing road conditions"
Alan Buckingham, Senior Lecturer Sociology, Bath Spa University College, England.